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SACANLE, Sean Charles T.

ECE ACTIVITY: November 8, 2020



Behavior Control
Regulate Learned behavior
Norms Motivated
Action Influence
Imposed Circumstances


Discipline is an IMPOSED BEHAVIOR which REGULATES an individual’s ACTION

based on generally accepted NORMS.


Self – discipline is a LEARNED BEHAVIOR that involves the ability to have complete
CONTROL of one’s self and staying MOTIVATED to successfully accomplish a task
despite the INFLUENCE of certain CIRCUMSTANCES.
SACANLE, Sean Charles T.


Last November 08, 2020, Mr. Santeco facilitated the ECE Top Scholars biweekly
meeting. His topic for the facilitation was about enriching self – discipline. Self –
discipline is an indispensible element in a progressive society. It is an essential behavior
that all individuals must possess whatever the situation is. Albeit it is not inherent when
we were born, it can be developed depending on the influence of certain factors and our
volition to continuously learn and improve.

The strong points of Mr. Santeco’s presentation are the following: relevance of
proposed activities to the topic, the activities per se, flow of presentation, and length of
presentation time. The activities that we have done during Mr. Santeco’s facilitation
were simple yet relevant to the essence of his presentation. The time allotted for every
activity was appropriately allocated, thereby resulting to a short yet effective facilitation.

On the other hand, the only downside of Mr. Santeco’s presentation was the
delivery of his intended message. On a personal note, I noticed that he was uttering
words on a fast pace. This kind of message delivery is prone to misunderstanding or
misinterpretation of the intended message. Fortunately, he was able to improve and
regulate his delivery as the presentation continues.

Discipline and self – discipline must coexist at all times. It is very important
especially in this time of global crisis (obeying quarantine protocols, maintaining social
distancing, etc.). Stringent and proper enforcement of discipline is rubbish without the
willingness of individuals to obey and conform.

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