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SACANLE, Sean Charles T.

Last Sunday, February 7, 2021, Mr. Franz Guintao facilitated the meeting of ECE Top
Scholars-Manila. He is the first one to present among the batch 3 scholars for the year 2021.
His topic was all about maintaining a good physical health amidst the pandemic, which is an
extremely relevant point of discussion considering the current conditions that we are facing.

The meeting commenced at exactly 8:10 pm. The facilitation started late since scholars
waited for Ms. Diosalie Gaudiano, who is facing technical difficulties with regards to her internet
connection on that time. After 10 minutes of waiting in the video conference call, Mr. Guintao
initiated to start the facilitation. I commend Mr. Guintao’s assertiveness with regards to this kind
of matter. He knows his responsibility as a facilitator and wisely took the initiative to lead the
activity. The first activity that we had was a simple warm-up and a high intensity interval training
for the main exercise. After a set of basic joint stretches, the scholars executed the following
physical activities: jumping jacks, squats, torso twists, and high knees. In high intensity interval
training, selected sets of exercise are performed continuously with a short resting time. It was a
simple yet efficient way of increasing your heart rate, burning calories, and keeping yourself
active and physically fit despite your hectic schedule. After the main exercise, Mr. Guintao had a
brief lecture highlighting the following: definition of pertinent concepts related to the topic, simple
exercises that the scholars can do for a short period of time, and the benefits of HIIT (high
intensity interval training) and physical activities in the general sense. For the synthesis,
different scholars shared their knowledge apropos health-related discussions.

Exercising is one of the rudimentary elements in maintaining physical fitness, but it is

also one of the activities that we often neglect or forget to do every day. Indubitably, proper and
regular exercise is proven to be beneficial for the human health; having the proper discipline
and motivation are the ingredients for being consistent in this kind of activity. The world is
currently facing a pandemic and staying healthy through regular exercise and balanced diet are
some of the best defense mechanisms to secure ourselves from the threat of pathogenic

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