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Workout From Home as a Student Activity to Maintain Physical


Nama : Hertri wahyu apdilla

Tingkat : 1B Promkes

MK : Bahasa Inggris

Nim : P05170021066

Asssalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu

Thank you for coming today.I’m Hertri wahyu apdilla I’m a student from
poltekkes kemenkes bengkulu from the health promotion departement and I’m
looking forward to talking with you today about wrokout from home as a
student activity to maintain physical fitness.

Workout Physical exercise in the form of activities that a person does to improve or maintain
body fitness. Workout activities are now becoming a new style for most people, especially
millennials. The current millennial generation is interested in healthy lifestyles such as
exercising and consuming healthy food. get a healthy and ideal body. This sport is arguably
the easiest and most effective way to maintain fitness in the midst of a hectic activity. This
sport is done in a short time of 7 minutes, this sport has benefits for the body if done
regularly. Workout as a combination of 12 kinds of exercises that are done for 30 seconds,
with a 10 second rest between one exercise and another in a 7 minute workout, there are at
least 12 kinds of physical exercise that can be done with 30 seconds of each movement.
Wrokout or physical exercise during this pandemic is carried out by almost everyone inside
and outside the home. Wrokout was first introduced in 1861 by F. Gustav Ernst, an
orthopedic mechanic in London, England, then followed by fitness teacher Jack Lalanne who
began to get rid of the event. Fitness TV for housewives in 1951. This activity is known as
physical exercise aimed at maintaining fitness. In 2020 this activity is mostly done at home or
workout from home. This situation occurred following the COVID-19 pandemic, so the
government limited activities With a healthy lifestyle, it is hoped that the body's immunity
will be better so that immune stability can prevent COVID-19. This study aims to determine
the benefits of Workout From Home activities as an exercise to maintain physical fitness in
maintaining immunity against the COVID-19 pandemic. The technique of collecting data is
using triangulation techniques. As for the movements that can be done, such as the basic
movements of Workout from home, namely jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, crunches,
Russian twists, back ups, bicep cruls, barbell curls, squats, step ups, front lunges, calf raises,
reverses. , raise, wall seat, zigzag lunges, tricep exetention, tricep deep, tricep kick back,
barbell srug, plank, and jogging. get recreation, avoid stress, want to increase immunity with
exercise and want to avoid the corona virus. Workout from home is a sport activity that
maintains a healthy body and can minimize stress which is useful for revitalizing the body
and mind to stay healthy.

Did you know that.

exercising from home can be healthy too, especially during this pandemic, most
people exercise at home is an effective step to make it easier for us to exercise
and can also nourish our bodies. The movements are not difficult for us to do,
for example push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks and so on. Etc

My goal today is to help you understand.

What is wrokout from home, can it help nourish the body, from my explanation
about wrokout from home, it can help the body to be healthy, it is done twice a
week.or thrice a week.

If you have any questions,plase don’t hestitate to interrupt me?

Mybe you ask me question,and I will answer the questions you ask about my
material wrokout from home.

I can see that our times is just about up so to finish I’d like to say thank you.

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