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2020년 10월 19일 월요일 제 1 학년 선택형 18 60

영 동 일 고 등 학 교
영어 10 3 50분
서술형 10 40

※ 문항에 따라 배점이 다르니, 문항 끝에 표시된 배점을 참고하시오. 5. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로
가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.(3.1점)
1번부터 5번까지는 듣고 답하는 문제입니다. 1번부터 5번까지 Woman: ____________________________________________________.
한 번만 들려줍니다. 방송을 잘 듣고 답을 하시기 바랍니다.
① Ooops! It’s not my fault.
② No problem. You can be there then.
1. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 ③ I’m sorry. I can’t also go to the party.
가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.(2.8점) ④ Okay. I’ll make her understand your situation.
Woman: ___________________________________________________ ⑤ No worries. I know you’ve already given the present.

① Thanks. You’ll get better.

② Really? But, my throat still feels bad. 이제 듣기 문제가 끝났습니다. 6번부터는 문제지의 지시에 따라
③ No problem. Your voice sounds great. 답을 하시기 바랍니다.
④ Okay. I want to check it out at the hospital.
⑤ Good. We don’t have to take the medicine any more.

6. 다음 글의 밑줄 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은

2. 대화를 듣고, 그림에서 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것
을 고르시오.(2.8점) René Magritte, a Belgian painter, understood one thing better
than anyone else―that common, ① everyday objects can be
painted in surprising ways. His paintings represent objects in
great detail, but at the same time they ② differ from how we
see reality. For example, look at the lady in the picture.
Where is she riding? Is she in front, behind, or among the
trees? The image feels ③ real, but we cannot explain exactly
what we see, just as if it were a ④ dream. Magritte belonged
to an art movement called Surrealism. Surrealist painters tried
to capture the workings of the human ⑤ consciousness through
fantastic images.

7. 다음 글의 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?(3.0점)

Have you heard someone say, “He has no one to blame but
himself” for some problem? In everyday life we often blame
people for “creating” their own problems. ① Although individual
3. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 지불할 금액을 고르시오.(3.1점)
behavior can contribute to social problems, our individual
experiences are often largely beyond our own control. ② The
① $27 ② $36 ③ $40 ④ $54 ⑤ $60 ability to control ourselves largely depends on our innate
learning ability. ③ They are determined by society as a whole
― by its historical development and its organization. ④ If a
person sinks into debt because of overspending or credit card
4. 다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 여자가 주문할 블루투스 키보드 abuse, other people often consider the problem to be the result
를 고르시오.(3.2점) of the individual’s personal failings. ⑤ However, thinking about
it this way overlooks debt among people in low-income
Bluetooth Keyboards brackets who have no other way than debt to acquire basic
Model Price Weight Battery Life Foldable necessities of life.
① A $ 45 160g 100 hours ×
② B $ 38 250g 82 hours ×
③ C $ 30 270g 48 hours ○
④ D $ 26 350g 10 hours ○
⑤ E $ 15 420g 24 hours ×

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8. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?(4.0점) digestive systems and help us digest our food, and some live
in the environment and produce oxygen so that we can breathe
No one likes to think they’re average, least of all and live on Earth. But unfortunately, a few of these wonderful
below average. When asked by psychologists, most people creatures can sometimes make us sick. This is when we need
rate themselves above average on all manner of measures to see a doctor, who may prescribe medicines to control the
① including intelligence, looks, health, and so on. Self-control infection.
is no different: people consistently overestimate their ability to
control ② them. This over-confidence in self-control can lead ① effect of antibiotics on bacteria
people to assume they’ll be able to control themselves in ② kinds of things that bacteria feed on
situations ③ in which, it turns out, they can’t. This is why ③ ways to cope with bacterial infection
④ trying to stop an unwanted habit can be an extremely
④ close relationship between bacteria and environment
frustrating task. Over the days and weeks from our
resolution to change, we start to notice it ⑤ popping up ⑤ advantages and disadvantages that bacteria bring to us
again and again. The old habit’s well-practiced
performance is beating our conscious desire for change 11. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?(3.5점)
into submission.
When meeting someone in person, body language experts say
9. 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?(3.0점) that smiling can portray confidence and warmth. Online,
however, smiley faces could be doing some serious damage to
After seeing Cusco, we moved to Huyro, the site where we your career. In a new study, researchers found that using
would be working. My heart beat at the beautiful surroundings. smiley faces makes you look incompetent. The study says,
I was excited about the work I would be doing. All the staff “contrary to actual smiles, smileys do not increase perceptions
and other volunteers who had arrived in Huyro earlier of warmth and actually decrease perceptions of competence.”
welcomed us with warm hearts. The next morning we began The report also explains, “Perceptions of low competence, in
working at the site. To arrive at the site, we had to walk up a turn, lessened information sharing.” Chances are, if you are
mountain for thirty minutes. I imagined that we were in an including a smiley face in an email for work, the last thing you
Indiana Jones movie, making a path through the forest to find want is for your co­workers to think that you are so
evidence of the ancient Inca civilization. inadequate that they chose not to share information with you.
At the archaeological site, we pulled out weeds and cut
down trees that had grown to cover the site. Then, while ① negative effects of using emoticon at work
digging at the site, we found some pieces of ancient pottery. ② reasons for being confident in one’s career
The head archaeologist, a Peruvian, discovered a large pottery ③ ways to show warmth in the email for work
piece. He said it might have been the side of a pot that was ④ importance of smiling both online and offline
used to store beans. By early afternoon, working in the heat
⑤ necessity of body language in communication
and the thin air, I was exhausted. After days of hard work,
however, I was pleased that I had been part of such a worthy
project as preserving the remains of the ancient Inca
12. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
① Huyro에 가니 먼저 도착한 직원과 자원봉사 단원들이 있
었다. Today, you can do that easily with your smartphone.
② 발굴 장소에 도착하기 위해 30분을 산을 올라가야 했다.
③ 발굴 장소에서 잡초는 제거하고, 높이 자란 나무들은 보존 How funny are you? While some people are natural
humorists, being funny is a set of skills that can be learned.
Exceptionally funny people don’t depend upon their memory to
④ 페루인인 수석 고고학자는 큰 도자기 조각을 발견했다.
keep track of everything they find funny. In the olden days,
⑤ 고대 잉카 문명을 보존하는 프로젝트의 일원이었다는 점
great comedians carried notebooks to write down funny
에 대해 기뻤다. thoughts or observations and scrapbooks for news clippings
that struck them as funny. ( ① ) If you have a funny thought,
record it as an audio note. ( ② ) If you read a funny article,
10. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?(3.7점) save the link in your bookmarks. ( ③ ) The world is a funny
place and your existence within it is probably funnier. ( ④ )
We always have a lot of bacteria around us, as they live Accepting that fact is a blessing that gives you everything you
almost everywhere — in air, soil, in different parts of our need to see humor and craft stories on a daily basis. ( ⑤ ) All
bodies, and even in some of the foods we eat. But do not you have to do is document them and then tell someone.
worry! Most bacteria are good for us. Some live in our

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13. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?(3.0점) 15. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?(3.3점)
Here is a picture of two men. Between them are many Have you ever thought about how you can tell what
ordinary objects that look so real that even the smallest somebody else is feeling?
detail can be detected. If you look at the picture closely,
however, you will see a strange form at the bottom center. (A) You might get a clue from the tone of voice that they
Can you tell what it is? use. For example, they may raise their voice if they are angry
or talk in a shaky way if they are scared.
(A) The artist, however, may not have wanted to frighten the
viewers with too direct an image and hid the message. The (B) Sometimes, friends might tell you that they are feeling
painting probably hung on a wall right beside the stairs, so happy or sad but, even if they do not tell you, I am sure that
that the viewers, while coming down, could see the skull in its you would be able to make a good guess about what kind of
original shape. mood they are in.

(B) Then, view the picture from that angle with your nose (C) The other main clue you might use to tell what a friend is
directly against the paper, and the secret message will appear. feeling would be to look at his or her facial expression. We
It is a skull, spread out! The skull was a reminder of death, a have lots of muscles in our faces which enable us to move our
common theme in Renaissance art. It stands for the short, face into lots of different positions. This happens
meaningless nature of life, and the artist must have painted the spontaneously when we feel a particular emotion.
skull to remind us that we will, one day, die.

(C) It is, in fact, a secret message that the artist hid in the
① (A) — (B) — (C) ② (B) — (A) — (C)
picture. He distorted the shape of a common object to make it
harder to recognize. It can be identified only when it is viewed ③ (B) — (C) — (A) ④ (C) — (A) — (B)
from a specific angle. To catch the message, look for the ⑤ (C) — (B) — (A)
arrow on the right of the picture.

① (A) — (C) — (B) ② (B) — (A) — (C)

③ (B) — (C) — (A) ④ (C) — (A) — (B) 16. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
⑤ (C) — (B) — (A) 곳은?(3.7점)
Yet the physicist will point out that the friction on the
14. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?(3.0점) marble is so small that its effect is negligible.
Last summer I learned about the Inca Project in Peru while
I was researching how I could spend my summer vacation If you ask a physicist how long it would take a marble to
in a meaningful way. fall from the top of a ten-story building, he will likely
answer the question by assuming that the marble falls in
(A) Even though I was excited about the project, I was also a vacuum. ( ① ) In reality, the building is surrounded by
nervous because I had never before traveled alone to such a air, which applies friction to the falling marble and slows it
distant place. The site of the dig was near Cusco, a city that down. ( ② ) Assuming the marble falls in a vacuum simplifies
was once the capital of the Inca empire, high in the Andes the problem without substantially affecting the answer. ( ③ )
mountains. Traveling to Cusco was not easy. Economists make assumptions for the same reason:
Assumptions can simplify the complex world and make it
(B) The goal of the project is to preserve an Inca easier to understand. ( ④ ) To study the effects of
archaeological site in Peru. I decided to participate in the international trade, for example, we might assume that the
project since it would give me an opportunity to both travel world consists of only two countries and that each country
and take part in a real archaeological dig. produces only two goods. ( ⑤ ) By doing so, we can focus our
thinking on the essence of the problem.
(C) I had to change flights twice, once in Los Angeles,
California, and again in Lima, Peru, before finally arriving in
Cusco, 32 hours after I left Korea. In Cusco, the local staff
welcomed me with a warm “Buenos dias, Yena.”

① (A) — (B) — (C) ② (B) — (A) — (C)

③ (B) — (C) — (A) ④ (C) — (A) — (B)
⑤ (C) — (B) — (A)

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17. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?(4.0점) [서술형 1] 글의 문맥상 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말을 주어진 철
자로 시작하여 각각 1단어의 영어로 쓰시오.(4.0점)
Technological development often forces change, and change is (글자 수에 맞추어 답하시오.)
uncomfortable. This is one of the main reasons why technology
is often resisted and why some perceive it as a threat. It is In the past, the main goal of many painters was to
important to understand our natural hate of being uncomfortable (A) reality. One popular story from ancient Greece tells
when we consider the impact of technology on our lives. As a of two famous painters. They wanted to prove their skills in a
matter of fact, most of us prefer the path of least resistance. competition. One of them painted grapes that looked so real
This tendency means that the true potential of new that birds actually tried to eat them. The other artist, however,
technologies may remain unrealized because, for many, starting won the competition, when his picture of a curtain fooled not
something new is just too much of a struggle. Even our ideas animals, but his competitor, who tried to pull the painted
about how new technology can enhance our lives may be curtain aside to see the picture behind it. This kind of realistic
limited __________________. art was popular during the ancient Greek and Roman times and
then again during the Renaissance. Its purpose was to capture
① by this radical idea a (B) in time and hold it forever.
② by this craving for ease
③ by this desire for change
④ by this kind of collectivism 1 (A) i _ _ _ _ _ _ (B) m _ _ _ _ _
⑤ by this pursuit of improvement

18. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것

을 모두 고르시오.(4.0점)
[서술형 2] 글의 문맥상 단어의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것을 모두
It’s reasonable to assume that every adult alive today has, at 골라 바르게 고치시오.(4.0점) (오답시 감점)
some point in their life, expressed or heard from someone else (반드시 1단어씩만 골라 바르게 고칠 것
a variation of the following: “Where did all the time go?” “I not, never 사용하여 고치지 말 것)
can’t believe it’s the New Year. Time flies!” “Enjoy it. One day
you’ll wake up and you’ll be 50.” While different on the Vision is like shooting at a moving target. Plenty of things
surface, ① the sentiment behind these phrases is the same: can go wrong in the future and plenty more can change in
time feels like it moves faster as we get older. But why does predictable ways. When such things happen, you should be
this happen? According to psychologist Robert Ornstein, the prepared to make your vision conform to the old reality. For
speed of time and our perception of it is heavily influenced by example, a businessman’s optimistic forecast can be blown
how much new information is available for our minds to absorb away by a cruel recession or by aggressive competition in
and process. In essence, the more new information we take in, ways he could not have foreseen. Or in another scenario, his
② the faster time feels. This theory could explain in part why sales can skyrocket and his numbers can get even better. In
time feels slower for children. Assigned the enormous task of any event, he will be wise to stick to his old vision in the
absorbing and processing all this new perceptual and sensory face of new data. There is nothing wrong in modifying your
information around them, their brains are continuously alert and vision or even abandoning it, as necessary.
attentive. Why? Because ③ everything is unfamiliar. Consider
the mind of a child: having experienced so little, the world is a
mysterious and fascinating place. Adults and children may live
in the same world, but reality for a child is vastly different ―
④ lacking in wonders and curiosities and miraculous little
events that most adults ignore. Perhaps this is why we think 2 ➜
so fondly about the joy of childhood, that freedom of mind and
body before ⑤ the world becomes unfamiliar and unpredictable.

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[서술형 3] 다음 글의 주제를 완성할 때 빈칸 (A), (B)에 적절한 great square with three big walls. I was amazed that the huge
말을 본문에서 찾아 각각 1단어의 영어로 쓰시오. (4.0 stones for these walls were placed very tightly together.
점) The next day, we went to Pisac, a historic site located on
a mountain slope of the Sacred Valley. On our way to the site,
There are many methods for finding answers to the mysteries there was a town where the main square and market were
of the universe, and science is only one of these. However, crowded with local people. At the market, I bought a cute doll
science is unique. Instead of making guesses, scientists follow a from a woman who had made it herself. For dinner that
system designed to prove if their ideas are true or false. They evening we had ceviche, a dish of fish soaked in lime juice.
constantly reexamine and test their theories and conclusions. Old This sweet and sour local food was served with sweet
ideas are replaced when scientists find new information that potatoes and corn. I had not eaten any Peruvian food before.
they cannot explain. Once somebody makes a discovery, others All the dishes that we ordered were delicious.
review it carefully before using the information in their own
research. This way of building new knowledge on older ➜ On the first day, Yena visited Sacsayhuaman, the huge Inca
discoveries ensures that scientists correct their mistakes. Armed (A) construction. The next day, she went to Pisac,
with scientific knowledge, people build tools and machines that where she bought a cute doll at the market and ate ceviche
transform the way we live, making our lives much easier and for (B) .
5 (A) s (B) d
➜ the way that (A) find(s) answers to (B)

[서술형 4] 다음 글의 주제를 완성할 때 빈칸 (A), (B)에 적절한 [서술형 6] 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 말을 주어진 철
말을 주어진 철자로 시작하여 각각 1단어의 영어로 쓰 자로 시작하여 각각 1단어의 영어로 쓰시오.(4.0점)
시오.(4.0점) (글자 수에 맞추어 답하시오.)
Mobility provides a change to the environment for journalists.
Fast fashion refers to trendy clothes designed, created, and Newspaper stories, television reports, and even early online
sold to consumers as quickly as possible at extremely low reporting (prior to communication technology such as tablets
prices. Fast fashion items may not cost you much at the cash and smartphones) required one (A) place to which a
register, but they come with a serious price: tens of millions reporter would submit his or her news story for printing,
of people in developing countries, some just children, work long broadcast, or posting. Now, though, a reporter can shoot video,
hours in dangerous conditions to make them, in the kinds of record audio, and type directly on their smartphones or tablets
factories often labeled sweatshops. Most garment workers are and post a news story (B) . Journalists do not need to
paid barely enough to survive. Fast fashion also hurts the report to a main location where they all contact sources, type,
environment. Garments are manufactured using toxic chemicals or edit video. A story can be written, shot, and made available
and then transported around the globe, making the fashion to the entire world at once. The news cycle, and thus the job
industry the world’s second-largest polluter, after the oil of the journalist, never takes a break. Thus the “24-hour”
industry. And millions of tons of discarded clothing piles up in news cycle that emerged from the rise of cable TV is now a
landfills each year. thing of the past. The news “cycle” is really a constant.

➜ (A) (B) from the fast fashion industry 6 (A) c (B) i

4 (A) p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (B) r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[서술형 7] 빈 칸에 ‘이것은 필요의 이중적 일치라고 불린다.’의 뜻이

[서술형 5] 다음 글을 읽고, 빈칸 (A), (B)에 적절한 말을 주어 되도록 주어진 단어를 모두 배열하여 영작하시오.(4.0점)
진 철자로 시작하여 각각 1단어의 영어로 본문에서 찾
아 쓰시오.(4.0점) coincidence, to, of, this, wants, double, referred, as, is, the
Cusco is a beautiful city with old constructions. We stayed
in Cusco for two days, recovering from the long hours of flight Trade will not occur unless both parties want what the other
and adjusting to the high mountain area. We took advantage of party has to offer. _________________________________________.
the time to tour the city and to see something of the Suppose a farmer wants to trade eggs with a baker for a loaf
surrounding area. On the first day, we visited Sacsayhuaman, a of bread. If the baker has no need or desire for eggs, then the
huge Inca remains made of stone. The construction includes a farmer is out of luck and does not get any bread. However, if

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the farmer is enterprising and utilizes his network of village [서술형 9] 다음 글의 빈칸에 적절한 말을 주어진 철자로 시작하
friends, he might discover that the baker is in need of some 여 1단어의 영어로 쓰시오.(4.0점)
new cast-iron trivets for cooling his bread, and it just so
happens that the blacksmith needs a new lamb’s wool sweater. Fast fashion takes a heavy toll on the ____________. The
Upon further investigation, the farmer discovers that the industry consumes enormous amounts of water and other
weaver has been wanting an omelet for the past week. The natural resources. Producing enough cotton for one pair of
farmer will then trade the eggs for the sweater, the sweater jeans takes about 1,800 gallons of water — the equivalent of
for the trivets, and the trivets for his fresh-baked loaf of about 105 showers. Manufacturing polyester, which is made
bread. from petroleum, releases dangerous gases into the air. And
farming cotton accounts for a quarter of all pesticides used in
* trivet: 삼각 거치대 the United States. Some of those pesticides can cause asthma
and other health problems, and the chemicals pollute fresh
water. The damage doesn’t end once clothing is made.
Americans on average trash more than 70 pounds of clothes
and shoes a year. Most are burned or piled in landfills, where
[서술형 8] 다음 글의 내용을 두 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 synthetic fibers can take hundreds of years to break down. “A
(A), (B)에 적절한 말을 주어진 철자로 시작하여 각각 lot of the problems in the fashion industry are things that are
1단어의 영어로 쓰시오.(4.0점) happening in other places: air and water pollution in China,
poverty and low wages in Bangladesh,” says Elizabeth Cline,
A quick look at history shows that humans have not always author of Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap
had the abundance of food that is enjoyed throughout most of Fashion. “The waste is happening in our own backyard.”
the developed world today. In fact, there have been numerous * take a heavy toll on ~(에) 타격[피해]을 주다[입히다]
times in history when food has been rather scarce. As a ** asthma: 천식
result, people used to eat more when food was available since
the availability of the next meal was questionable. Overeating 9 e
in those times was essential to ensure survival, and humans
received satisfaction from eating more than was needed for
immediate purposes. On top of that, the highest pleasure was
[서술형 10] 다음 글을 읽고, 어법상 틀린 것을 모두 찾아 쓰고 각각
derived from eating the most calorie­dense foods, resulting in a
바르게 고치시오.(오답시 감점)(단어 첨가는 안 됨)(4.0점)
longer lasting energy reserve.
Despite the clutter of things around us, a good vision
Even though there are parts of the world where, unfortunately,
focuses clearly on things what matter and filter out the noise.
food is still scarce, most of the world’s population today has
It enhances clarity of thought which in turn could lead to
plenty of food available to survive and thrive. However, this
clarity of expression and communication. It sticks to its subject
abundance is new, and your body has not caught up, still
matter and does not confuse the audience with side stories or
naturally rewarding you for eating more than you need and for
irrelevant excursions. In case of Mr. Lal, a prospective entry
eating the most calorie­dense foods. These are innate habits
level process engineer, he doesn't confuse his vision with
and not simple addictions. They are self­preserving mechanisms
possibilities of other conflicting visions—such as quitting the
initiated by your body, ensuring your future survival, but they
job in three years and going off to do an MBA or going abroad
are irrelevant now. Therefore, it is your responsibility to
after five years. Those are possibilities, but they are irrelevant
communicate with your body regarding the new environment of
to his present vision of himself working for the Phone Circuits
food abundance and the need to modify the inborn habit of
organization. Similarly, despite a lot of things happens in the
background, Mr. Rao, the CEO of the Phone Circuits Inc., locks
in on his objects of interest—the technology direction and
➜ Our overeating is deeply and (A) rooted. If we
financial performance—and follows them for a long period of
want to (B) the habit, we need to communicate with
time. * clutter: 어수선함; 잡동사니
our body. ** clarity: 명백, 명료
*** excursion: (이야기, 생각 등의) 옆길로 벗어남

8 (A) g (B) c

10 ➜


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