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Hello everyone, I am Nabila Wanda Ullya majoring in Information Systems, Muhammadiyah Riau
University. first of all I made this video to finish my final test of my English class and hope it will be a
good video. well here I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of social media and how I use
social media for something valuable. so let's talk and discuss the first one. Okay, regarding the
advantages of social media, in my opinion, maybe it's more about how easy it is for us to communicate
with each other via free calls, make video calls and easily meet new people on Instagram, Twitter, and
can even learn to cook easily just by watching YouTube videos ... about the disadvantages of social
media is there are still many people who use social media to do crime or other bad things and that's
scary. or even other disadvantages there are still many underage children who use social media which
honestly is not good for them.

Okay last but not least one that is not less important is how I use social media for something of value.
hmm, in my opinion, by spreading positive energy, helping others promote their sales or even by
creating works that can be traded on Instagram or other social media. like making a small bag with hand
woven, ah honestly I really want to make it like that because it will be a valuable item for me too .. but it
can't be done at this time but I will learn it soon ..

maybe that's all I can talk about here. Believe/Trust me I'm very embarrassed now huhu forgive me sir
lecturer I hope my last exam score will be good hehehe (peace) .. goodbye everyone and enough until
here huh ?? bye have a good day <3
Hello everyone, I am Nabila Wanda Ullya majoring in Information Systems, Muhammadiyah Riau
University. first of all I made this video to finish my final test of my English class and hope it will be a
good video. well, here I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of social media and how to use
social media for something valuable. So in this video there will be 2 points that we will talking about and
let's talk the first point, okay the advantages of social media. I think the advantages of social media are
that we can easily communicate with each other such as being able to chat, being able to make free
calls, being able to make video calls or other advantages are being able to meet new people on
Instagram and Twitter. we can also learn many other things by watching YouTube videos such as cooking
or looking for school lessons, there is something like that. and the disadvantages of social media, I think
that there are still many people who commit crimes on social media and the information is certainly very
fast spreading, even underage children also use social media a lot without parental supervision :( it's not
good for them :( and yes, those are the advantages and disadvantages of social media in my opinion

let's discuss the second point and the second point as well as the last discussion I'm talking about is how
to use social media for something valuable maybe like opening an online shop and you can sell your
work, for example, like making a woven bag from hands maybe or something that is currently rampant
among teenagers nowadays will definitely be something you can be proud of and in addition, I think
spreading positive energy on social media is a valuable thing where we hope people will be influenced
by the positive energy we provide. . if I'm trying to spread good quotes and a self-reminder hehehe
maybe it can be imitated: p okayyyy it looks like this will end because I have held back from being
ashamed of making this video :( okay there and thanks for watching this video I hope the results are
satisfactory see you and see you again there could be the next video video hehe dahhh.

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