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Journal Week 3

Monday February 1st

We were told this morning that the entire week would be another slow week due to one

of the staff members who conducts the interviews with the victims being out for surgery. Since

there would not be a need for filing paperwork or sanitizing the waiting room today, we were

able to just continue watching different victim interviews and learn more about the interviewing

process as well as gain insight about why each victim was being interviewed. This took up pretty

much most of the day since certain interviews were close to two or more hours in length.

Tuesday February 2nd

Today was pretty similar to yesterday and we mainly just continued watching the

different interviews and spoke more with our director about the different cases. Today we

discussed with our supervisor different ideas for our project. She brought up the idea of

collaborating with Young Life, a faith-based organization for middle and high school students.

She thought that this could be beneficial in providing resources and education to these students

about sexual assault and what to do if they should ever face that kind of situation. We discussed

possibly holding a virtual presentation with the schools since we will not be allowed to go in

person due to COVID-19. We also discussed creating pamphlets with resources and hotline

numbers for the students to have in case they ever need them.

Wednesday February 3rd

Today since there were not any victims coming into the office, I took the time to start on

the 40-hour victim assistance training course and was able to complete around 2 hours of it.

After working on the modules, we continued watching more interviews and spoke with our

supervisor about the different cases and learned the status of those cases and if they perpetrators

were ever taken into custody yet or if they were still ongoing cases.

Thursday February 4th

Today I unfortunately became pretty sick and had to stay at home (just a viral infection

not COVID). Because I was not able to go into the office, I made sure to continue doing the

training courses from home which gave me around four hours this day. I am thankful to have

these training courses because I was worried about not getting any hours due to having to miss a

day of work but was able to make up a few of them by completing the different modules. This

was all that was done today due to me being sick all day.

Friday February 5th

Today we were informed about a case from a few counties over about a little girl who

had just disclosed that a family member had recently assaulted her. Because the case was so

recent, the staff at The Bright House worked quickly to ensure that they could get the little girl to

the office for a medical exam and interview as soon as possible. Because the little girl was in

custody of the family member, it was crucial to get all of the details from her to make sure they

could get her out of their care and into a safer living environment to ensure nothing would

happen to her again. We were able to interact with the little girl and keep her occupied while the

grandmother filled out paperwork. We also were in charge of sanitizing the waiting room and

interview room once they left the office. Because this case took up most of the day, this was all

that was really done today.

Monday (1/01/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00; 6 hours

Tuesday (1/02/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-3:00; 5 hours
Wednesday (1/03/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00; (+ 2 training hours) = 8 hours
Thursday (1/04/2021): sick at home (4 training hours from home) = 4 hours

Friday (1/05/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00 (+4 training hours) = 11 hours

Weekly Hours: 34
Total Hours to Date: 93

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