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Journal Week 8

Monday March 8th

Today we had the day off from work because our supervisor wanted to give us a little

break since we have been working so hard and long hours each week. This was very nice, and I

was excited to get to enjoy the beautiful weather and not be inside all day long like we are when

we are at work. Since we did not have to come to work, I did about 5 hours of training online

from home to keep me on track for having 32 hours this week.

Tuesday March 9th

Today we also had the day off from work because The Bright House was hosting a big

meeting for all of the staff members from the Milledgeville office and the Hampton office and

our supervisor told us there would not be a need for us to come in for the day. Since we did not

have to come to work again today I completed another 5 hours of training modules to keep

myself on track for maintaining 32 hours this week.

Wednesday March 10th

Today started off pretty slow and there were not any appointments that came in. We had

some down time to work on school and get our weekly journal and discussion done so that is

what I did for the majority of the time before lunch. I also had time to complete about an hour of

online training as well which I did to keep me on track for having 32 hours for the week. Before

leaving for lunch we had to sanitize a bunch of toys that were played with by kids yesterday

during counseling appointments. After lunch we had to make 100 copies of a paper to make into

brochures for an organization. We also had to separate a bunch of pens by color and organize

them in boxes for the staff. The rest of the day was slow so there was not much else to be done

but we did clean up the kitchen and conference room before leaving for the day.
Thursday March 11th

This morning was another slow morning and there were not any appointments that came

in during the first half of the day. Because we had some free time I completed about 2 hours of

training to keep myself busy. I also worked on finishing responding to discussion posts as well as

updating my weekly journal for today. I was also tasked with answering phone calls and

transferring them to the right person all day. After lunch we had to go through a box of pens and

separate them by color and add pamphlets to the folders that are handed out to the victims when

they come here. We also sat down and talked with Ashleigh about making sure we ask the right

questions when answering the phones which is important because only certain people can speak

with the callers, so we need to make sure we get them transferred over to the correct person.

Friday March 12th

Today there was one counseling appointment that came in but that was all for the day

since one appointment had to reschedule. I was tasked with answering the phones all day and

making sure the calls were getting transferred to the right people each time. I am glad that I have

been tasked with this job because I used to be nervous when answering phones and never knew

what to say to people, but I feel like this has made me more confident in this area which I am

thankful for. After lunch I worked on finishing my journal for the week and getting my

discussion turned in as well. I had to leave at 3 to go out of town but I made sure all of my tasks

were complete before leaving the office for the day.

Monday (3/8/2021): Day off = 5 training hours from home

Tuesday (3/9/2021): Day off = 5 hours of training from home
Wednesday (3/10/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00 + 1 training hour = 8 hours
Thursday (3/11/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00 + 2 training hours = 9 hours
Friday (3/12/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-3:00 = 5 hours
Weekly Hours: 32
Total Hours to Date: 257

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