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Reflection#1: Redesign Lesson Plan by Integrating OER

Utilizing Open Educational Resources (OER) is useful in improving learner's and teachers’
access to various materials. These materials are usually open and free to embed in different
courses. Integrating these resources in our lesson plans makes every lesson fun and easy to
understand. The images, videos, presentations, graphs, worksheets, audiobooks, and links to
educational sites make learning more interactive and flexible.

Moreover, the resources are open for editing and sharing. Educators across disciplines can
exchange materials in just a few clicks. I like how it gives us free rein to be creative in our
lessons. The possibilities are endless, and we can make every lesson fit the different needs of
the learners.

Another benefit of using OER materials in the curriculum is it gives us academic freedom. We
acknowledge that every classroom and every student is different. There are plenty of OER
materials to choose from that will suit our every need.

OER offers tons of benefits including being cost-effective and environment friendly. One does not
necessarily require the printing of these materials. However, incorporating OER materials in the
lesson means there is a need for internet access. Hence, using these links, videos or images
might not work for students without an internet or data connection. They still opt for printed
modules and answer sheets.

Still, thanks to this pool of free learning materials from OER. Educators have plenty of materials
to use to enhance the teaching and learning process. On a personal note, I should be using
these OER materials more and incorporate them into my lesson plans. It is amazing how these
materials can enhance my presentation and allow me to be creative in delivering the lesson.

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