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Reflection: LinkedIn Learning (FINALS)

For the finals, I was able to attend the following courses.

 Inclusive Instructional Design

 Canvas: Tips, Tricks, & Techniques
 Learning to Teach Online
 Educational Technology for Student Success
 The Digital Transformation of Learning

Taking these courses made me realized that we have been using technology and most of us are relying
heavily to it features and functions. We use them for education, household work, personal errands,
entertainment or for business. Surely, technology is leaving us a positive impact and makes life easier. It
has become part of most curricula and learning plans. More educational institutions are using learning
management systems, digital materials, and online services to improve education.

Apparently, technology will only be effective if the teachers and learners are using it the right way. It can
improve the learning experience of the students and acquire the skills needed in real life situations.
From the past courses I have taken, I learned that there are many new tools or software that can be
used in the class. These modern programs allow online test and quizzes, digital boards, multimedia
content and the likes.

Unlike the traditional approach to education, technology promotes student-centered approach. The
students can create new things, to demonstrate new skills and to learn at their own pace. Teachers will
only serve as guides. Educational systems are vital component of today’s society. Technology has
become a necessity for most of us and for education.

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