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Observant Creator

Alejandra Zaiter


All of my life
I have always loved dancing and coming
up with random dance routines. Dancing
has helped me express to God what I am
feeling when I have no words.

Musical Skills
2015-present day

Throughout my life I have always enjoyed
listening to music, singing, and wanting to
learn how to play an instrument. During the
past years, I have developed these skills by
taking piano lessons and pushing myself to
sing in front of others.

Donating to those in need

2015-present day
I was always taught that when I see something
that needs to change, I take the responsibility,
and change it. I am constantly surrounded by
girls that are not as blessed as I am and
whenever I clean my closet, I make sure to
donate some clothes to girls in need.
Artistic Skills
2016-present day

When I was a kid, I used to think that I was
never going to be good at Art, but that has
changed. At Doulos, I have been pushed to
express myself and my ideas in other ways than
using words. An example of this would be my
reflection notebook in Spanish class.

2016-present day

I have always heard people call me
someone that is curious, but not in a good
way. I learned to change my curiosity for
the good by answering the questions I
may have over a topic, life, or situation.
2017-present day
I have always been someone that thinks

06 about the future and how I can change things

now to make an impact later. I have big
hopes for things I want to do in the future like
go on mission trips all over the world to make
a change.

Honoring God with my

2017-present day
God has given me a lot of artistic, musical,
and creative talents that I have used to help
others, spread awareness, and honor Him. A
way I've used one of my talents (singing) for
God is by leading worship times at church.
Observing Details
2018-present day

I have grown in looking at the tiny holes, gaps,
and details that others don’t notice, and it has
helped me come up with better solutions for
my problems. One way I've used this to
problem solve is by looking at the tiny and silly
mistakes I made and replacing them with
better solutions.

Creating my Ideas

2019-present day
Whenever I have an idea, I find ways to
bring them to life and use them to make an
impact. For example, I once wanted to do
something with girls from Palo Blanco, and
with the help of my mom, I was able to
have small group times with them.
2019-present day

10 The past years I have developed a love for

reading like never before. I always thought
that reading was boring, but now I know how
reading opens up a new realm of imagination
and curiosity.

Digging Deep
2019-present day
I have learned to dig deep when it comes to
researching or learning about a topic
because before I used to stick to what others
told me, but now I actually ask questions like
“how?” and “why?”.
Spreading Awareness on
social media
2020-present day
I grew up watching influencers and Youtubers
talk about their lives and their struggles. I

decided to use my social media platforms to
spread God’s word and to share about
different topics because I know how toxic &
dark social media is, and I’ve been wanting to
be a light in the middle of the darkness.

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