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1 2018 - Winning DOULOS award

This year, I won the DOULOS of
the year award. This showed to
me that there are abilities in me
that I can use and keep growing
on, one of them being Loving

2018 - Helping a Friend write a 2

This year, a friend approached me
to ask me for advice on how to
write a letter for a girl. I gave him
advice on how to write an
appropriate, respectful letter to
her, not expecting anything from

3 2019 - Helping build a Playground

During service week this year, it was
decided that both middle and high
school would build a playground for kids
near the river. This would influence the
community positively, as the children
would now have a safe place to play in,
with no fear of getting run over.

2019 - Covid-19 4
This year, covid hit, and we were all
freaking out about it and even
though we were all scared of getting
it, we kept risking it by coming to
school. We kept coming to school
until quarantine was mandatory.

5 2020 - Service at La Vid Church

For service week in 9th grade, we went
to go help with making the foundation of
a school they were making in the back
for kids who couldn't afford schooling.
Even though I complained, I did my share
of fair work mining and shoveling away
for a good cause.

2021 - Expedition Night 6

I often have the problem of not
considering others ideas, this year was
not different. The more my friend spoke
of her idea, the more open I was to it as
long as a few things were changed to
better fit the theme and time frame, we
compromised with combining both our
ideas to make one.
7 2022 - Thyroid Diagnosis
This year, I got diagnosed with a
thyroid illness, which makes my
hormones be abnormal. My mom has
the same problem, and seeing how this
diagnosis affected her made me want
to take the approach my doctor told
me, not what my mom told me.

2023 - Delagating tasks for

expedition night
Who does what thing is always a
big debate while planning for
expedition night. As the planner
of the class, was not there, I
delegated tasks to people
depending on their strengths and

2023 - Approaching a problem

after seeing its effects.
After seeing my friend dealing with rumor
problems and seeing how the way she
handled it affected her, when I was in a
similar situation, I switched the approach. I
approached the rumors by facing the people
who started them and cleared things up, not
giving the much mind as they were fake.

2024 - Helping picking coffee 10

Earlier this year, I had the

opportunity to pick coffee up in
Manabao. This time, I did the
service with little complain,
encouraging others to do the
same and finish on time.

2024 - Seeking answers in

During our trip to Manabao, many
difficult questions to came up, I
seeked for answers to able to
relay them to a friend back home.
He was struggling with his faith
and I shared with him what I’d
heard on the trip.

2024 - Comprimising 12
My class was deicing on a Doulos to
do for a Friday morning, but I was
against all their ideas. When their last
idea came, I agreed to it, giving up my
own idea I was going to bring up.

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