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Assessment Task 1.

2 Tabular Presentation (60 Points)

Name: Catherine Acutim
Course and Year: BSA-2A

Directions: Create a tabular presentation on the following: Use the given tabular presentation given

a. Philosophies of the Quality Gurus (1) Edward Deming (2) Joseph M. Juran and (3) Philip Crosby
b. The Frameworks for Quality and Performance Excellence
(1) Malcolm Baldrige Award
(2) ISO 9000
(3) Six Sigma

A. Philosophies of Quality Gurus

Quality Gurus Philosophies Philosophical Definition and
Implication to Quality
(1) Edward Deming
a) System of Profound a) System of Profound
Knowledge Knowledge - Without
b) Chain Reaction for the profound
Quality Improvement knowledge,
c) The 14 Points of management action can
Management cause ruination. The
system of Profound
Knowledge is made up
of four interrelated
parts: (1) theory of
systems, which is a
series of functions or
activities within an
organization that work
together for the aim of
the organization, (2)
theory of variation
which managers must be
able to recognize a
stable system and
understand the concepts
of special and common
causes of variation, (3)
theory of knowledge
that addresses the way
in which knowledge is
advanced, and (4) theory
of psychology which is
important since
management needs to
have knowledge of
people and how they
interact, of their needs,
and of their working and
learning styles.
b) Chain of Reaction – by
improving quality, cost
decrease and
productivity improves.
As a result, there is a
greater potential for an
increased market share.
To address the first box
in the chain reaction
(improve quality),
management must
adopt the 14 principles
of management and
understand the
statistical approach to
process improvement.
To appreciate fully the
meaning of improving
quality in Deming's chain
reaction, an
understanding of the
concept of variation is
required. It presen5s
that higher quality leads
to higher productivity
which in turn leads to
long term competitive
c) 14 Points of
Management - these
points present tactical
practices that
management should
adhered upon. These
points provide yhr basis
for initiating and
sustaining an
transformation that
focuses on customer
satisfaction through
quality. These
obligations are
responsibility and they
cannot be delegated. To
adopt the 14 points,
management needs to
put aside short term
thinking for the long-
term good of the
company so that they
can be in business

(2) Joseph M. Juran a) The Juran Quality a) Juran’s Quality Trilogy –

Trilogy provides a systematic
b) Pursuit of Quality in approach to carrying out
two levels Juran's methodology for
c) Quality Definition managing quality.
Essential to
however, is active
leadership, starting at
the top.
(1)Quality planning –
Begins with identifying
customers, both
external and internal,
determining their needs,
and developing product
features that respond to
customer needs.
(2)Quality Control –
Involves determining
what to control,
establishing units of
measurement so that
data may be objectively
evaluated, establishing
standards of
performance, measuring
actual performance and
the standard, and taking
action on the difference.
(3)Quality Improvement
– Is best achieved by
identifying specific
projects for
improvement, getting
the right people
involved, diagnosing
causes of poor
developing remedies for
the causes, proving that
the remedies will be
effective, and providing
control to hold
b) Pursuit of quality on
two levels:
(1) the mission of the
firm as whole is to
achieve high
product quality, and
(2) the mission of
each individual
department in the
firm is to achieve
high production
quality. Like
Deming, Juran
advocates a never-
ending spiral of
activities that
includes market
research, product
design, planning for
production process
control, and
inspection and
testing, followed by
customer feedback.
Because of the
interdependence of
these functions, the
need for competent
quality management
is great. Senior
management must
play an active and
leadership role in
the quality
c) Quality Definition - he
defines quality as
fitness for use .
Categories of Quality
 Quality of Design –
Focuses on market
research, product
concept, and design
 Quality of
conformance –
manpower, and
 Availability –
Focuses on
maintainability, and
logistical support.
 Field Service –
Quality comprises
competence, and
(3) Philip Crosby The Absolute Quality Absolutes of Quality
Management Management Perspectives
 Quality means
conformance to
requirements not
 There is no such thing as
quality problem.
 There is no such thing as
the economics of
quality: it is always
cheaper to do the job
right the first time.
 The only performance
measurement is the cost
of quality.
 The only performance
standard is zero defects.
These absolutes help
management focus on
quality improvement and,
more importantly, help
them make the shift from
what Crosby calls
conventional wisdom to the
idea that quality and cost
are not in competition with
each other.

B. Frameworks for Total Quality Management and Performance Excellence

Quality Frameworks Definition/Purpose Scope and Limitations

(1)Malcolm Baldrige Award Malcolm Baldrige National Consists hierarchical set of

Quality Award categories and areas:

- Has been one of  Categories (leadership;

the most strategy; customers;
powerful measurement; analysis
catalysts of Total and knowledge
Quality in U.S.A management;
and throughout Workforce; Operations;
the world. Result)
- Establishes a
Baldrige focuses on
framework for
performance excellence for the
entire organization in an overall
and integrating management framework,
principles of identifying and tracking
performance important organizational
excellence. results.
- Was highly
regarded by
world leader,
having played a
major role in
carrying out the
trade policy,
technology and
differences with
China and India.

Purposes of the Award

 Help stimulate American

Companies to improve
quality and productivity
for the pride of
recognition while
obtaining a competitive
edge through increased
 Recognize the
achievements of those
companies that improve
the quality of their
goods and services that
provide an example to
others.  Establish
guidelines and criteria
that can be used by
business, industrial,
governmental, and other
enterprises in evaluating
their own quality
improvement efforts.
 Provide specific
guidance for other
American enterprises
were able to change
their cultures and
achieve eminence.

(2) ISO 9000 ISO 9000 is defined as a set of They are not specific to any one
international standards on industry and can be applied to
quality management and quality organizations of any size.
assurance developed to help
ISO certifications exist in many
companies effectively document
areas of industry, from energy
the quality system elements
management and social
needed to maintain an efficient
responsibility to medical devices
quality system.
and energy management. ISO
ISO certification certifies that a standards are in place to ensure
management system, consistency. Each certification
manufacturing process, service, has separate standards and
or documentation procedure has criteria and is classified
all the requirements for numerically.
standardization and quality
Individualsndividuals cannot
assurance. ISO (International
become ISO certified. Only
Organization for
businesses and organizations
Standardization) is an
can. It’s also worth noting that
independent, non-
ISO doesn’t provide the
governmental, international
certification. Instead,
organization that develops
certification is made possible
standards to ensure the quality,
through third party
safety, and efficiency of
products, services, and systems.

ISO 9000 can help a company

satisfy its customers, meet
regulatory requirements, and
achieve continual improvement.
It should be considered to be a
first step or the base level of a
quality system.

ISO 9000 is a series, or family, of

quality management standards,
while ISO 9001 is a standard
within the family. The ISO 9000
family of standards also contains
an individual standard named
ISO 9000. This standard lays out
the fundamentals and
vocabulary for quality
management systems (QMS).

(3) Six Sigma Six Sigma is a method that Scope of Six Sigma
provides organizations tools to
With the organization the Six
improve the capability of their
Sigma contributes to the
business processes. This increase
organizations competitive
in performance and decrease in
advantage and changing the
process variation helps lead to
culture within the organization
defect reduction and
from “reactive problem solving
improvement in profits,
to proactive problem
employee morale, and quality of
orevention”. Six Sigma also
products or services. It is an
benefits the organization in all
approach in measuring product
its sectors. Such as
and service quality. It is the
manufacturing, financial, health
realization of many fundamental
care, engineering and
concepts of “total quality
construction, research and
management” notably, the
development sector.
integration of human and
process elements of Limitations of Six Sigma
improvement. Six Sigma
concentrates on measuring One of the challenges of the
product quality and driving fact-driven process of
process improvement and cost identifying a problem and
savings throughout the working toward a solution is
organization. that it tends to leave out a key
component: humans—and
more importantly, how humans
impact and work through
different obstacles. Sometimes
it is often beneficial to give
employees a chance to tackle
issues head-on before investing
in a complete operational

The one-size-fits-all approach to

Six Sigma can also be somewhat
limiting at times, especially
within organizations or
disciplines that rely on
creativity. Employees who crave
the freedom to toss caution
(and sometimes process) to the
wind in an effort to innovate
may find the Six Sigma process

Six Sigma also does not

technically allow for the
introduction of new tools or
methods, even when they could
be beneficial. Since Six Sigma
generally requires total
dedication across all teams, it’s
difficult to use or experiment
with other process
methodologies for other areas
of the organization.

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