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-Submitted by: Jojis P Joseph


This case study throws light on shortcomings of T&D. It talks about a fresh graduate student, Mr.
Rakesh Sharma who signed up with Modern Industries Ltd. (MIL) in Bangalore as a trainee against a
projected vacancy in the Paints Application Department. Initially his training was planned for the first
3 months only. Thereafter, he was put for on-the-job training in the paints application department.
Mr. Sharma have been performed well. The Department Manager plus the Training Manager were
satisfied with his performance in the first two quarters. However, stepping to the next month,
training manager requested that his training period be curtailed to 7 months only and absorb him as
an engineer. Sharma raised a problem about curtailing his training period. The request have not be
entertained and Mr. Sharma’s behavior started to alter and became undesirable. Warning letter
have been granted to him and the situation did not change good. The training manager clearly
known that Mr. Sharma is a potential trainee but he failed to develop him. Thus, it is a case where
the person happened to be hard-working in the beginning but turned out to be failure in the end
because of the shortcomings in the T&D of the organization.

Problem identified:

 Lack of communication from manager’s side.

 Employee behaviour
 Compensation and benefit
 Company policy, preparation and development
 Lack of motivation, incentives to trainees
 Dilemma of training manager: whether to terminate Mr. Sharma or not.


(a) Where did the things go wrong?

Things could have wrong in 4 constituents: rigid company policy, the way the paint department's
manager's handled the trainee, the trainee himself, and the way the training department dealt with
the situation. Also things went wrong with the unproductive approach to both the company and the
employee. Here the problem is due to the companies policies and the employee engagement is
considered to be low in the company. The company failed to manage an employee attitude not to go
in a right path and failed in the competency mapping of the particular employee. What I felt is like if
the training manager clearly communicate about the long training period initially, the problem
aroused can be avoided

(b) What options are open for the Training Manager other than termination of Mr. Sharma?

The options open for the trainee manager is to have an awareness over the employee and try to
involve the employee in some employee engagement programs, made him to go with some
attitudinal training issues called as Behavioral Training aspects and Attitudinal Transition Training
aspects and then create an environment surrounding him as a delightful one.
(c) How could you put Mr. Sharma back on the right track?

This is as explained earlier for question (b) as by doing some programs on employee engagement,
Behavioral Events, Attitude Transition Training and proper incentives and can be made motivated
towards a great work culture an made him feel delighted during working .

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