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Background and History

 Michael Aldrich was an English inventor, innovator and entrepreneur. In
1979 he invented online shopping to enable online transaction processing
between consumers and businesses, or between one business and another, a
technique known later as e-commerce. E-commerce originated in a standard
for the exchange of business documents, such as orders or invoices, between
suppliers and their business customers. Ecommerce is also known as
electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and selling
of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to
execute these transactions. In online shopping, we shop in an online store
with the use of a website through which customers place orders. ... The
online store can operate under a number of business models, including
business-to-consumer, business-to-business or consumer to consumer. To
operate an online store, you'll need a product catalog, a shopping cart and
other items, in subtitute of the catalog you can also use you phone by only
posting your products. To be safe in online shopping, you have to secure
your site, be knowledgeable in smartphones and in detailing your products.
And of course most especially manage your risk, you can decrease your
vulnerability to cybercrime or at least minimize the damage of an attack,
with a few pretty low-tech precautions.

Description of the product

 The online shop contains variety of product which come from to many
suppliers. The shop contains the following product :
- Shirts
- Cosmetics
- Pants
- Dresses
- Kitchen items
- And some item inside the house
Marketing strategies
 The products will also available for online reseller and retailer to local areas.
The marketing strategy will fall also into a Relationship to the customer
retention ad satisfaction of products in order to enhance relationship between
the customers.
 The online shop will operate by the owner through giving high quality
products and integrate people on social media and by satisfying the customer
needs in order to grow the business appropriately.
 To achieve the growth of the business, the actions needed is to enhance
customer relationships and customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction will
be a big impact to the shop to grow high and increase the sales of the

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