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TPACK Template

Online Learning Synhronously

Subject Mathematics

Grade Level Grade 4

Learning Objective
Computation and Estimation
4.4 The student will

a) demonstrate fluency with multiplication facts

through 12 x 12, and the corresponding division
Online Activity The students and teacher will be meeting on zoom at a
designated time on zoom.

Once class begins, the teacher will share their screen and show a
multiplication table that represents numbers 1-12, and
introduce students to the multiplication process and how it

Next, the teacher will tell the students that they are going to
have the opportunity to practice their multiplication skills using
a fun online simulation.

The teacher will share the link in the chat to the online
simulation tool and ask the students to bring it up on their

After each student is logged on, the teacher will let them know
that they will have 30 minutes to try out the simulation and
practice their multiplication.

After the 30 minutes is up, the teacher will ask students to turn
on their microphones. There will now be a quick quiz to recap
what the students have practiced and learned. The teacher will
share her screen with 10 multiple choice multiplication
problems and ask the students to shout out what they think the
correct answer is as the problems are displayed.

Technology Website for Simulation: Arithmetic 1.0.24 (


Needed: Computer, Internet Access, Microphone, and Camera.

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