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Practice Teaching 1
Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 1, 2 3, 7

What’s Up? What’s Up?


At the end of the activity, I should be able to;

• visit my cooperating teacher.
• identify the school’s expectations.
• familiarize myself with the facilities of the school.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improve Unacceptable
expectations expectations ment performance




Total Score: Average Rating:
(Total score 5)
Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas

Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher

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My Tasks

1. Based on the orientation activity conducted by the school, I shall complete the
responsibility matrix given below. Choose only two (2) expectations from the
TEI’s/ Cooperating School’s expectations and write your responsibilities.

Name of the Teacher Education Institution: LICEO DE


Expectation My Responsibilities

Be a good teacher I should serve as a role model for the

students, displaying good manners,
behaviors, and behavior, and projecting
the best possible picture to them.

Extend assistance anytime Even if I am not asked, I should be able

to provide assistance. Even if the
resource teacher does not inquire, I will
lend a helping hand. I will be available
to assist those who need it.

Name of cooperating school: LICEO DE DAVAO BRIZ DISTRICT

Expectation My Responsibilities

Fulfil instructional responsibilities I should prepare detailed, coherent

lesson plans, comply with all
appropriate demands from my resource
teacher, learn more about my students,
and maintain an ethical interpersonal
relationship with both my resource
teacher and my students.
Comport myself as a professional Act professionally in my acts, gestures,
and appearance, and consider and act in
accordance with my current role as an
instructor rather than a peer to my

• How did I feel when I saw my practicum site? What are my apprehensions?
At the same time, I'm happy, anxious, and nervous. All I can think is, "Lord, this is it." It
gives me goose bumps to think that this is my final semester of school, that this is the
application and practice of our leanings, but I've come this far, and I know I can do it.

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My Activities
After my orientation session, with the administrator(s), cooperating principal, practicum
supervisor, together with my co-practicum students, I need to equip myself with the PT
Kit (Practice Teaching Kit) to better prepare myself in this wonderful world of teaching.
What tools do I need to bring in terms of K.A.S.H.?
Write your answers in bulleted form.

I need to be well-
versed in the topics I'll
be discussing so that
the information I
KNOWLEDGE deliver is correct and
that I don't give the
wrong impression.

I need unending
patience and a broad
understanding of the
learners in order to
figure out what I need
ATTITUDE to do. As a result, these
attitudes are important
in the sense that it is
your job as a teacher to
deal with and educate
students who have a
variety of character

I should possess the

essential skills in
making sure that my
learners’ varied
learning styles and
SKILLS intelligences could be
addressed through
varying the methods
and techniques that
will be utilized

I need endless patience and

a broad understanding of the
learners in order to figure out
HABITS what I need to do. As a
result, these attitudes are
important in the sense that it
is your job as a teacher to
deal with and educate
students who have a wide
range of personality traits.

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My Analysis
Complete the structured frame.

1. Orientation sessions are conducted because…

Within and outside the cooperating school's grounds, well-equipped with what to do
and how to do it. We must be informed about the school's policies, the behavior of
the students, and the role that we can play. As a result, we will be better prepared to
face and overcome challenges that can arise along.
the way I feel …
During the orientation, I felt relieved that, at long last, I would be able to put the
ideas we had learned into practice and experience a real-life teaching situation. On
the other hand, I'm concerned because I'm not sure if I can articulate my thoughts
2. I know I can…
I'm confident in my abilities! I believe that with the support of my classmates,
teachers, students, mentors, and, of course, God, who is the source of all things,
I will be able to complete the tasks that have been assigned to us.

My Reflections / Insights

Am I Really Prepared to Teach?

No... Yes... No... Perhaps... I'm not sure if I am because, to be honest, I'm
not an expert in my area of expertise yet. I'm no longer going to stop and be
a coward now that I've reached the critical stage of my course. I will proceed
on my chosen path and conquer any obstacles that might arise. In order to
teach efficiently and effectively, I will do my utmost and persevere even

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My Portfolio

(Label your pictures)


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Practice Teaching 2
Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 1, 2, 3, and, 7

My First Day Jitters


At the end of the activity, I should be able to;

• meet my cooperating teacher and students.
• identify the expectations of my cooperating teacher.
• observe how the students’ interact with their teacher(s).
• extend assistant in the day’s activities.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unacceptable
expectations expectations needs performance





Total Score: Average Rating:
(Total score 5)

Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas

Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher

Page| |88
My Tasks

Write on the suitcase, the cooperating teacher’s expectations that you need to
fully understand during your practicum days to establish better relationship.

My Expectation

My Cooperating Teacher is expecting me to:

1. be kind
2. be punctual
3. be a good steward to properties
4. be respectful

Likewise, I also have expectations that I need to convey to my resource teacher

in order for my needs to be understood and met.

My Expectation

I expect that my cooperating teacher will do the following:

1. Check my lesson plans constructively
2. Kind and understanding to my lapses and shortcomings,
3. Teach me how to overcome challenges in the real scenario
of teaching.

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My Activities

1. In the observation phase, I need to focus on the following:

-Classroom Management
-Organizing paperwork
-Dealing with actual classroom setting
-Be more active in participating and following CTs instruction
-Be more polite and kind to parents of the students

2. I fully realized that I need to more on the developmental stage of:

Adolescence (The High School Learners)

Learners’ behaviours
Learners’ intelligences
Learners’ strengths and weaknesses

(Cite the developmental stage of the learner based on the grade / year level


They seem to be hyperactive to the point of harassing and taunting people who
seem to be different from them. As a result, learning more about this developmental
stage will help I better understand what these students are likely to do in the
future. As a result, I am able to comprehend them and react appropriately to a
variety of circumstances.

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My Analysis

On my first encounter with my teacher, I realized that…

My instructor seemed to be ready to support me in completing the assignments that had
been given to me. I also knew I wanted to improve my sense of urgency because she
didn't want me to prepare and struggle to obey. We were all assigned to the same CT,
so we made every effort to stop losing time. Each session has a unique theme. As a
result, I need to develop a sense of urgency..

On my first dealing with the learners I observed that…

We may not have encountered a face-to-face class this year because of

the pandemic but we have observed that students still learning through modular

My Reflections / My Insights

Check ( ) only one (1) box and explain your answer:

This day I fully realized that…

I am really meant for teaching profession

I am really meant for the teaching profession because…

I felt happy and relieved knowing the fact that there were individuals who learned
because of me. It’s heart-warming to hear them calling me “Sir”. I felt satisfied with the
things I did for I was quite sure that I did the appropriate methods and techniques in
teaching, and tools in assessing whether they learned something or not.

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My Portfolio

Label your Pictures

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Practice Teaching 3
Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 2

My Second Home


At the end of the activity, I should be able to;

• familiarize myself with the school’s facilities and resources.
• utilize the learning resources of the school when needed.
• go to the school facilities for important errands when required.
• analyze the vision and mission statement of the school.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unacceptable
expectations expectations needs performance






Total Score: Average Rating:

(Total score 5)

Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas

Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher

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My Directions

To better know my second home, I should do the following tasks:

Analyze the
vision and
statement of the
Visit the school Meet the
facilities of school
the school personnel

Understand the
uses/importance of these
resources in the
teaching-learning process

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My Tasks
Complete the chart of the school facilities. Record atleast (5) facilities you have visited.
Write down the importance of these in the-learning process.

School Facilities Visited Importance of these facilities in the

teaching-learning process

1. Library

This is where students finds book so they

can read to learn and may also help them
for their research.

2. Computer Room Important for Internet research, encoding

and used for ICT related subjects.

3.Guidance Office Students are also needs assistance/

advices about their school problem and
this is the place they must go.

4. Classrooms A place where the learning occurs. This is

where the teacher-students learning
process lives.

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My Activities

I shall write down my ideas about my second home in the clustering organizer below?


Conductive for

Non- threatening

My Second

Organized, safe
and secured
Has a clean

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My Analysis

Complete the pattern fan.

1. Safe And • Following The Rules And Policies Being Implied

Secured By: • Utilizing Materials Which Are Not Harmful

2. Friendly By: • Treating The Students Well

• Showing The Students That They Are Respected And

3. Non- • Avoiding Getting Angry

Threatening • Making Them Feel The Sense Of Belongness

My Reflections / My Insights

After analysing the school’s vision, mission and goals of

Liceo De Davao College
(Name of Cooperating School)

I realized that…
I saw that the school has a positive attitude toward the students it creates. Methods,
practices, and other ways of gaining awareness in order to accomplish its vision,
purpose, and objectives are aligned with its outlooks. Teachers are, without a doubt, well-
equipped with the skills necessary for holistically molding and shaping students to the
best of their ability. Students are supposed to do well on a national and international level.

So I need to….
So, in order for my students to understand, I must do my very utmost to follow the school's
vision, plan, and objectives. I need to adjust and patiently observe their objectives by
setting a precedent for my students to follow. In addition, I must be on time and prompt
for all of my meetings and obligations. Before I do something else, I need to think about
my students' learning.

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My Portfolio

Make a collage of your Second home

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Practice Teaching 4
Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 2, 3, 4

Getting to know the Classroom Routines


At the end of the activity, I should be able to;

• observe the classroom routines performed by my cooperating teacher and my
• record important notes during the observation.
• assist the teachers in establishing / doing the classroom routines.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unacceptable
expectations expectations needs performance





Total Score: Average Rating:

(Total score 5)

Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas

Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher

Page | 19
My Task

What routines do I need to establish in order to make me a better classroom?

C • Entering the classroom where students sit

• checking attendance
• punctuality of getting to school
R • handing out supplies and books

• how students should walk about the classroom
M quickly
• performing every task correctly
U • permission to exit the space for legitimate
N • leaving the room at the end of the lecture
• tidying up at the end of the lesson

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My Activities
What innovation can I introduce to create in my class home?
• Begin and end the class with a prayer
• Learning new vocabularies every day
• Portfolio for accomplishments
• Provide audio-visual materials to sustain teaching and learning

My Analysis

Establishing classroom routines is important because…

It directs me, as an instructor, and my students in carrying out the
responsibilities that have been entrusted to us. Every day, not only the students have
roles and tasks to complete, but I, most specifically, as a responsible teacher, should be
aware of the roles and tasks I must complete. My students' routines should be simple
enough that they can complete their assigned assignments without being instructed.
This, in a way, is their education in being responsible and caring community members
as well as well-mannered pupils. There should be guidelines in the teaching-learning
process when I tell them to do this or that. . It's crucial because my students can no
longer be unaware of the latest learning resources and teaching techniques. The
seamless flow of the lesson and classroom administration will be realized as a result of
all of this.

My Reflections / My Insights

If I already have my own class in the future, I want to employ…

I want to use simple and well-organized routines so that my students understand what is
required of them and how to complete tasks independently. When they know what to do
and what will happen next, it gives them a feeling of power over their little worlds. I'll
have to think hard of the routines I'll use. I will introduce these rituals with the parents'
permission and after explaining the benefits to them. After that, I will punish those who
fail to complete the task, so that they will be aware of the consequences the next time
they fail to complete the tasks assigned to them. As a result, they will develop into
responsible individuals.

So that in the long run…

They can be self-sufficient and diligent students who do what is right and stop what is
wrong. In the long term, the routines I imposed will no longer be routines, just sheer
practice every day.

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My Portfolio
Write a parody from a melody of a popular song and integrate the concepts of
your classroom routines. (A parody is a technique where one adopts a melody of a
popular song to integrate the concepts which we want to teach.)
I shall integrate a song in some of my classroom routines, like doing the classroom
Tune : This is the Way

Activity : Classroom Chores

This is the way we sweep the floor, sweep the floor, sweep the floor,
This is the way we sweep the floor every afternoon.

This is the way we scrub the floor, scrub the floor, scrub the floor,
This is the way we scrub the floor every afternoon.

This is the way we water our plants, water our plants, water our plants,
This is the way we water our plants every afternoon.

This is the way we clean our room, clean our room, clean our room,
This is the way we clean our room every afternoon.

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Practice Teaching 5
Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 3, 4, 7

The Journey Begins with the First Step

(My First Activity)

At the end of the activity, I should be able to;
• perform my first activity well
• prepare instructional materials for my first activity
• follow the instruction given by the teacher

MY PERFORMANCE (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unacceptable
expectations expectations needs performance




Total Score: Average Rating:
(Total score 5)

Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas

Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher

Page | 23
My Tasks

Complete the tasks matrix.

The Activity
Identify the different parts of the plant

Task to do
Identify the different parts of the plant

What to prepare
Lesson Plan • Visual Aids • Tag Boards • Other teaching materials

My Activities

Write the steps you followed in the timeline

These are the steps I performed to complete the tasks:

1 2 3 4

Let my Prepare and Teach the

Make a lesson
cooperating make students with the
plan about
teacher check instructional subject matter
“Parts of THE
the lesson plan materials for “Parts of the
I made. classroom Plants”.

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My Analysis

Rate your accomplishment:

Using the continuum, I feel accomplished the tasks in a Fair manner.

Because …
Since the students consciously engaged in the debate, I need to improve. Given
that I am still a novice tutor, I was pleased with my results. There's always a lot to
remember. I still can't say that I did it fairly or satisfactorily because I think I am capable
of teaching but lack the necessary experience. I assume I will be exceptional for all of
the philosophies, processes, and strategies I've studied, but not this time.

My Reflections

I think that I can do better it…

Unless I'm anxious, nervous, and worried. Each time, I'll make sure I'm prepared
and know what I'm talking about. So that my students are not bored during my
discussion, I should modulate my voice. To ensure that their standard of proficiency is
handled, I need to vary my testing tools..

I realized / I learned that…

in order to arouse students’ interest towards your lecture, you need to modulate your
voice to the degree that even the students seated at the back can still easily hear you.
There can also be coordinated groupings to maintain a peaceful and non-threatening

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My Portfolio

Documents/ Evidence of my First Activity

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Practice Teaching 6
Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 4 and 5

Writing My “First” Lesson Plan in My

Second Home


At the end of the activity, I should be able to;

• write the lesson plan required by cooperating teacher.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unacceptable
expectations expectations needs performance


Total Score: Average Rating:
(Total score 5)

Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas

Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher

Page | 27
My Task
Copy the lesson plan format required by your cooperating school. Confer with
your cooperating teacher on how to go about the template to guide you in making the



Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of reproduction being

asexual and sexual.

Performance Standard: The learners should be able to employ appropriate techniques

using the compound microscope to gather data about very small objects.

Learning Competencies:Differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction in terms of

number of individuals involved
similarities of offspring to parents


1. Curriculum Guide: page 114
2. Teacher’s Guide: page 99
3.Learner’s Material:
4. Textbook:
5. Additional resources from LR portal:

B. Other
Learning Resources:

int presentation, pictures, tarpapel, activity sheets, activity cards, microscope, slides of
yeast cells, gumamela flowers, video clips

Page | 28


A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Let us all stand for our prayer.

2. Greetings

Good morning students.

3. Energizer

Now, let us sing a song. Let us

Sing, “Science is Fun”.

4. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent in the class?


5. Setting of Classroom Rules

Before we start our lesson, let us

First recall our classroom rules. Who can
give me the first rule?

Correct. What are the others?

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B. Developmental Activities

1. Drill
Let us have a game. I will show you
A series of letters. Arrange them properly
To find the hidden words.






2. Review
Can anyone from the class who can volunteer and
Give us the lesson we have learned yesterday?

C. Engage

Now, let us examine the following

Pictures of some organisms.

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These are pictures of a starfish and a dog.
One of them needs 1 parent to reproduce
While the other one needs two parents.

Why do you think these happen?

You have a point. What else?

Do these organisms always look the same

Like their parents?

Why do you think these are possible?

D. Explore

Now, we will have a trip inside the

Classroom. I will group you into five.

The classroom has five learning

Areas. Each of them offers a different topic
That you will observe and examine. Write
Your notes as you go on.

I will assign each group to a

Page | 31
Designated learning area. After 3 minutes,
You will proceed to the next learning area
Until you finish visiting all learning areas.

Before we do that, let us recall

The guidelines in doing an activity. What
Is the first step?

That’s right. What else?

Let us start the activity.

(Designated learning areas for the groups:)

Group 1 – Area 1
Group 2 – Area 2
Group 3 – Area 3(The students will do the activity.)
Group 4 – Area 4
Group 5 – Area 5

Learning Area 1: Vegetative Reproduction

“Can You Grow Plants from ‘Eyes’?”

Page || 32
Page 32
1. In this activity, a potato tuber was cut into pieces and was planted.
2. Observe and examine the changes in the tubers.
3. Where did the new plants come from?
4. How many parents did it need to reproduce new plants?
5. What plants reproduce in the same manner? Cite some examples.

Learning Area 2: Pollination

“Can You Grow Plants from ‘Dust’?”

1. Study the male and female parts of the flower. What

qualities do they have?
2. What does the stamen have? What do we call the dust-
like particles in it?
3. Touch the pistil. What does it feel like? Why do you
think it is sticky?
4. What process spreads pollen to other plants? What
organisms aid in this process?
5. How many parents are needed to reproduce?

Learning Area 3: Budding

“Can One Become Two?”

1. Using a compound microscope, study and examine

the slides with yeast cells.
2. Notice that there are smaller cells in the yeast. Those
are called buds. It detaches itself from the mother cell
and grows into a mature cell.
3. How many parents are needed to reproduce?

Learning Area 4: Internal Fertilization

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“Sperm and Egg Cells”

1. Study the picture. Where does a sperm cell

come from? Where does an egg cell come from?
2. How many organisms are needed to reproduce
an offspring?
3. Does the offspring only have similarities in just
one parent? Support your answer.

Learning Are 5: Fragmentation

“A New Worm By Cutting?”

(Present a video clip about cutting a segmented worm into two


1. Observe and study the video clip. What organism is it?

2. What happened to the worm when it was cut?
3. What happened to the separated part of the worm?
4. How many parents are needed for the reproduction?

5. Does
the offspring have similarities with the parent worm? Support your


E. Explain

Let us
examine and hear your
Observations in the activity.
group shall have a designated
Speaker to present what they’ve observed
In a learning area.

Page | 34
group will only present their
Observations in the first learning area that
students will present their work.)
They visited.

(The teacher will assist the learners in the

Presentation. The teacher will give the
Correct scientific term for every needed

Pollination Stamen
Budding Pistil
Pollen Reproduction
What have you observed in the
Parents of the different offsprings? Do they
Have the same number of parents?

Why does it happen?

That is correct. Does every offspring

Looked exactly the same like their parents?

Why do you say so?

Yes, that is right!

F. Elaboration

There are two kinds of reproduction.

Asexual reproduction needs one parent to
Produce an offspring.
examples of asexual
Reproduction are vegetative reproduction from
Potatoes, budding from the yeast cells and
Fragmentation just like what happened to
The segmented worm.
Offsprings from asexual reproduction
Looks the same with the parent organism.

Sexual reproduction requires two

Parents- a male and a female- to reproduce.
Examples of this process are pollination in
Plants and internal fertilization in humans.
Offsprings from sexual reproduction
Gets traits from both parents.

To further understand the lesson, let

Us have an activity. I will group you now into
I will give you an activity card and
Follow the directions in it.(The students will do the activity.)

Group 1:
1. Make a Venn Diagram about Asexual
And Sexual Reproduction.
Show their similarities and differences.

Group 2:
1. Draw two organisms that undergo
Asexual reproduction.

Group 3:
1. Draw two organisms that undergo
Sexual reproduction.
Let us take a look in your
Works.(The students will present their work.)

Let us recall our lesson today.

What are the two kinds of reproduction?

Correct! How many parents does

An organism need for an asexual and a sexual

What can you say about the

Similarities of the offsprings to the parent
In an asexual and sexual reproduction?


G. Evaluate
Write AR if the sentences refer to an asexual reproduction and SR for sexual

1. Ginger and sweet potatoes can reproduce by planting their plant tubers in the

2. The male organism produces sperm cells and the female organism produces an
egg cell.

3. Lisa cut a worm into two pieces. She was shocked when she saw the two pieces
move separately and independently.
4. Male elements of a flower releases pollen to a female element of the flower.

5. Sponges have smaller parts that can grow and become a different organism.

1. AR
2. SR
3. AR
4. SR
5. AR

H. Extend

Read the sentences below.

1. If a starfish loses a body part, it grows itself a new one. The separated part grows into
a new in depended starfish. Why do you think this happened?

2. To produce desirable gumamelas, the farmer needs to propagate a good variety of

the flowers. What method can the farmer use? Support your answer.

Prepared by:
My Activity
My First Lesson Plan
*On the next page

My Analysis

After writing my first lesson plan in my cooperating school, these are the things
noted by my cooperating school.

Best features
According to my resource teacher, my lesson plan is well-prepared for its objectives are
of standards, following the guidelines in formulating objectives which are specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. The procedure as well follows the
format in the flow of poem as a subject matter. The assessment tools used were of high
appropriateness to their level. The activities were also appropriate and congruent to
their levels.

Areas of improvement…
I need to improve my sequencing of my activities and lesson proper.

My Reflections / My Insights

As a teacher, I need to prepare a lesson plan that…

Fully considers the alignment of the set goals, such as logical, psychomotor, and
affective, with the subject matter; the objective and the instructional procedure/method;
the objective and the formative test; and the objective and the task. As a result, before I
teach my students, I should have a thorough understanding/mastery of the subject
matter in order for them to gain practical learning from the discussion. I have discovered
that in order for our students to understand, they must be fully involved in all of the
programs we use.
I am fully convinced that I must be fully prepared before I teach to ensure that there is
learning taking place all the time.
Students have a guide to what the lesson would entail. Preparing teaching materials takes
time and it is a medium that attracts and motivates students to listen. It is also for the
instructor to make the conversation more understandable.
My Portfolio

1. Revised Lesson Plan based on CT’s suggestions

My Portfolio

2. Sample Lesson Plan written by my Cooperating Teacher.

Practice Teaching 7
Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 3, 4, 7

Preparing My IM’s
(Instructional Materials)


At the end of the activity, I should be able to;

• Prepare instructional materials for classroom instruction.
• Demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness in preparing instructional materials.
• Take snapshot of varied instructional materials used in the cooperating school.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unacceptable
expectations expectations needs performance






Total Score: A verage Rating:

(Total score 5)

Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas

Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher
My Tasks:
These are different instruction materials available in my cooperating school:

Print materials:
These print materials include the images/pictures of a certain author

Non-Print Materials:

The non-print materials that are available are manila papers and
flashcards, cartolina strips, etc.

Electronic Materials:

he electronic materials that are available in my cooperating school are television,

computers, projectors and audio player which help to arouse the interest of the

❖ My Activities

Complete the matrix by writing the instructional materials used in the five
(5) lessons conducted in your classroom.

These are the instructional materials I used during my teaching;

Lessons / Activities Instructional Materials Other materials which can

still be utilized

• Printed pictures
1. Parts of the • Cartolina
Plant • Manila Paper
• Scotch Tape
• Microsoft
• Monitor
• Laptop

2. Parts of the • Printed pictures

animal and its • Cartolina
• Manila Paper
• Scotch Tape
• Microsoft
• Monitor

• Microsoft Powerpoint
3. Greater than, less • Cellphone
than, and equal

• Microsoft Powerpoint
4. Sense Organ • Cellphone

• Microsoft Powerpoint
5. Counting numbers • Cellphone

❖ My Analysis

In preparing my instructional materials,

I realized that:

Instructional materials must be…

They are really important in every teaching-learning process because they aid
the process greatly. This will pique the students' interest and keep it for the
remainder of the debate. The teacher's instructional materials must be within
easy reach during the discussion, be simple to use, inexpensive, practical, and
welcoming. Teachers may find IMs to be an appealing way to help their students
learn more effectively. This isn't to say that instant messaging will somehow
result in more understanding. When using those, teachers must be innovative
and adaptable. The fact that I worked through the night to create my instructional

I need to prepare instructional materials so that…

During our lesson, my students would not be bored. IMs do a great job of piquing
and maintaining our students' interest in our lesson.
❖ My Reflections / My Insights

How does my cooperating teacher rate the instructional materials I

prepared in the classroom?

Are my instructional materials 5 4 3 2 1

1. appropriate to the development of the learners?

2. aligned with objectives

3. easy to prepare

4. durable/sturdy

5. appealing to the learners

6. highly interactive

7. colorful

8. easy to manipulate

9. practical/useful

10. less expensive/economical?

Total Score: Average

(Total Score 10)
My Portfolio

Prepare an electronic file of the instructional materials you developed and used in
classroom instruction. Paste them here!
Practice Teaching

NCBTS Domains 5
Learning Episode

My First Assessment Tool

❖ My Goals

At the end of the activity, I should be able to:

• prepare my first assessment tool.
• follow the rules on constructing test.
• improve the test based on the suggestions of the Cooperating Teacher.

❖ My Performance (How I should be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unaccepted
expectations expectation needed performance






Total Score Average Rating

(Total Scores 5)
Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas
Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher
❖ My Tasks

The things I need to consider when preparing my first assessment tool (activity
sheet, quiz, chapter test, worksheets, etc.)

Lesson objectives

Nature of learners

Number of items

Type of test to

Level of difficulty

Key to correction
❖ My Activities

Write as many ideas about tests.

I shall use the first letter of the word to give as many concepts about tests.

T Time Bounded

E Essential

S Stimulating

T Truly Reliable

S Systematic
❖ My Analysis

Complete these structured frames:

1. Assessment tools are needed because…

These help teachers to assess how well their students have grasped a topic. Rubrics
are useful assessment tools for grading a student's results. Teachers then share the
resources with the students until they've been developed. Students will have a better
idea of what the evaluator is looking for, and they will be able to hone their talents
properly. Students are learning when being evaluated in this process.

I considered the following things when I prepared my first assessment tool:

• Validity: ensuring the appropriateness, correctness, meaningfulness, and utility of the
basic judgments reached by an instructor about the teaching-learning situation.
• Reliability: ensuring the test's continuity and precision. A consistent test can, however,
deliver exactly the same score when given to the same students twice; practicality, such
that the instructor is familiar with the test and it does not take up too much time, and it is
actually implementable.
• Efficiency: Since a complicated appraisal process is challenging to score and analyze,
the examination can be inefficient due to a lack of misdiagnosis or an excessively long
response duration.
• Reliability: ensuring the test's continuity and precision. When given to the same
students twice, a reliable test can yield exactly the same result.
My Portfolio

Paste or write first assessment tool and the improved version based on the suggestions
of the Cooperating Teacher
Practice Teaching

NCBTS Domains 4 and 6

Learning Episode

Designing / Structuring the Classroom Bulletin Boards

❖ My Goals

At the end of the activity, I should be able to:

• design the classroom bulletin boards / instructional boards.
• align the design with the lessons/activity of the class.
• work well with the Cooperating Teacher.

❖ My Performance (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unaccepted
expectations expectation needed performance






Total Score Average Rating

(Total Scores 5)
Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas
Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher
❖ My Tasks

Design a miniature bulletin board on this page or paste one of the bulletin boards
that struck you most in your cooperating school.

❖ My Activities

Paste sample bulletin board displays on this page.

❖ My Analysis

Observing the varied bulletin boards in my cooperating school, I feel that the following
areas can still be improved…

if the materials used must are of high durability by covering them with plastic
cellophane. It must be more colourful in order to attract students who will pass by. The
texts must be visible anywhere the students stand or located

so that…

. Bulletin board is designed so that teachers can post memorandum, schedule of

activities and announcements. With the presence of this bulletin board, the teachers,
students, visitors and other stakeholders will be informed by the latest updates/events in

❖ My Reflections My Insights

1) As a student teacher, I need to learn how to structure bulletin boards so that

f I would be given a chance to be a teacher, I can make bulletin boards properly in the
sense that aside from it can give entertainment; it can be a kind of help for my students
to learn. For me, bulletin boards are used to introduce and reinforce concepts. These
are great ways to get student’s attention and keep them involved in the learning.
Honestly, I’m really having a hard time when it comes to bulletin board making because
I don’t have the skill to make it attractive and most especially in choosing the topic.

2) What lessons did I learn when structuring / designing my bulletin boards?

With this experience, I learned that bulletin boards must be: well-planned from the
selection of topic up to the materials you’ll need; incorporated with illustrations and
color to excite and motivate students; in a noticeable place where it can be easily
seen; and assured that it does not over stimulate students with too many colors and
My Portfolio

Picture of bulletin board display that I designed based on the class

Lesson / activity.

Empowerment Technology

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Practice Teaching 10 Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 6 and

Come, Let’s Participate in School Activities


At the end of the activity, I should be able to;

• assist in school activities.
• prepare materials needed for the school activity.
• join my Cooperating Teacher and my class in school activities.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unacceptabl
expectations expectations needs e





Total Score: Average Rating:

(Total score 5)
Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas
Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher

Page | 56
❖ My Tasks

I shall complete the episodes web to show the steps I performed in doing this task.

I researched on
I gathered what to do to
information on make the activity
what to do in more meaningful
the said activity. to them.

How did I prepare

for the school

told my
We enjoyed students to
in I asked for the
prepare for
participating guidance from my
the said resuorce teacher in
activity and improving the
the next day.
learned students' presentation

Page | 57
❖ My Activities

Write a poem, dialogue or draw a comic strip on any of the school activities that you
observed or participated in.

Each day I’ll do my best,

And I won’t accept a mess.

I’ll colour very car efully,

My writing will be neat.

And simply won’t be happy

Until my papers are complete

I’ll always do my homework,

And I’ll try on every test.

And I won’t forget promise,

To do my very best.

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❖ My Analysis

Why do I need to participate in school activities?

To let them know that I am a student-teacher from Liceo who is worried about the
school's progress and is willing to lend a hand if needed. To contribute to the progress
of all school-related programs. To get to know my students better and socialize with
them. In the preparation and organization of the curriculum, I would be able to improve
my organizational skills. To relieve my resource instructor of the responsibility of
planning the program. My goal is to get my students and resource instructor to work
together and cooperate. To motivate my students to participate completely in the
operation. To assist my students in the realization and success of their results.

What insights did I gain after joining the school activities?

I learned to associate with decent people. I learned some valuable lessons that will help
me become a better teacher in the future. I knew how to communicate with students
who had a variety of personalities. I discovered that feeling nervous is normal and that it
can be managed and overcome. I discovered that teachers must take students outside
of the classroom and into a different and competitive environment so that they can
experience something new that they cannot learn in the classroom.

❖ My Reflections / My Insights

Complete the statement

After the activity I learned…

The school events are another means of sharing what you know with students, gaining
input into what you need to know, and adjusting to your lapses in every way. Aside from
the daily tutorial, school programs encourage pupils to explore outside the four walls of
the classroom. Strong rapport among the people in the school could be improved
through these events. Students may also use lectures to demonstrate what they
learned. As a result, students' self-confidence grows.

Page | 59

SNAPSHOTS of your participation in School Activities

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Practice Teaching 11 Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 7

May I help You?

(Doing Auxiliary Service)


At the end of the activity, I should be able to;

• perform other non-teaching as required by the cooperating teacher.
• work well with the people in the community.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unacceptable
expectations expectations needs performance




Total Score Average Rating:

(Total score 5)

Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas

Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher
Page | 61
❖ My Tasks

What services did I render in the following areas? (Cite the offices / departments
where you services were required).

Place / Offices Services Learning/ Insights/ Gained It

Classroom • Assist my resource would be beneficial if
instructor in teachers would continue to
classroom remind students of the
management. assignments they must
• Assist my resource complete for the cleanliness
instructor with of their classroom on a
building a welcoming regular basis. As a result,
environment in the the teacher can maintain a
classroom. constant sense of
• Instruct and assist obligation. Creating a
students in upholding welcoming environment in
the classroom's the classroom will help
cleanliness and students feel more relaxed
orderliness. and at home while they are

Page | 62
❖ My Activities

Complete the concept map.

Cleaning the
Classroom Lesson

What non-
Giving Assisting our
assistance to Cooperating
duties have I
the Teacher
in getting their

Helping in
Helping in
sorting out of
of modules

Page | 63
❖ My Analysis

1. Doing order non-teaching duties is beneficial in my life as a student intern

This is where I could mingle with different people in different situations and where I
could practice how to react in a certain situation. Also, this is when I could build good
rapport between teachers as well as non-teaching personnel. Moreover, this also could
help me develop my skills such as my creativeness to make the tasks well.
2. These are the values / virtues I have developed / strengthened when I rendered
other non-teaching duties:

o I became more open-minded individual.

o I learned to understand that it’s good to take always into consideration the
things around before jumping into conclusions.
o I became more sincere in my responsibilities as a person and as a teacher
o I learned to be more kind and helpful.

❖ My Reflections / My Insights

After rendering my services in LICEO DE DAVAO

(Write the office department)

I learned these skills:

• I learned to handle the students well.

• My creativity in making Instructional Material is enhanced.
• My managerial skill is also developed.

And I know that these will…

Be very useful if I will be in the field of teaching because the skills I acquired from these
activities will serve as my guide in effectively exercising the duties of being an effective

If I choose a career in education, the skills I gained from these experiences will serve as
a guide for me in carrying out my responsibilities as an effective teacher.

Page | 64
My Portfolio

Description of non-teaching duties (auxiliary services)

Which I performed and my self-ratings.
For our childhood love and learning the majority of teachers join the profession.
They love arranging lessons and the daily encounters with students. However, they may
not be prepared for the non-training task, stuff like attendance and lunch counts; they
are responsible for in class. If teachers do not use tactics for management, they may
waste valuable training time.
Things, such as attendance, class collection and homework and lunch
count, can be habits, which students can assist with (activities done on a regular basis).
We offer students the resources to track and to help with non-instructional duties by taking
decisions about how we want to do things, teaching student’s standards and giving
students’ time for routines.

Page | 65
Practice Teaching 12 Learning Episode

NCBTS Domains 7

My First Classroom Demonstration Lesson

At the end of the activity, I should be able to;
• write my demonstration lesson plan.
• prepare my instructional materials.
• demonstrate the lesson I prepared in my assigned class.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I shall be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unacceptable
expectations expectations needs performance





Total Score: Average Rating:

(Total score 5)

Kane Robert Batiao Keith Jathniel Pojas

Cooperating Teacher Pre-Service Teacher

Page | 66
❖ My Tasks

Complete the task matrix to help you in preparing your lesson plan

What are your objectives? Objectives

tell what a prepositional phrase is
Remember: write sentences with prepositional
➢ Make the objectives SMART phrases
➢ Use behavioural terms distinguish the two functions of a
➢ Include the 3 domains: prepositional phrase
• cognitive
• affective
• psychomotor

What is your content? Content

Prepositional Phrase
Subject Matter Ref. Grammar and Language
Workbook by Glencoe Language
Remember: Arts, pp. 89-90
➢ Scope of the lesson 1 hour
➢ Sequencing the lesson Cut bond papers, tag boards and
➢ Time allotment chalks
➢ Resources needed

What Methods / procedures should Methods / Strategies

you employ? Inductive Method
Quiz bee
➢ Methods to use
➢ Strategies to employ
➢ Activities for the different
➢ types of learners

What assessment tools shall you use Modes of Assessments

to measure learning? Group work
Activity Board Work
➢ Traditional Assessments Activity Board Work
➢ Non- traditional Assessments
➢ Other Modes of Assessments

Page | 67
❖ My Activities

1. Go to the library and research on your topic or have a pre-conference with

your Cooperating Teacher / Practicum Supervisor / peers to enrich your lesson
plan. Write your outline / ideas here.


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Identify the external parts and functions of animals;
b. Label the external parts of different animals and;
c. Appreciate the value of the parts of the animals and its use.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: External Parts and Functions of Animals

Material: Laptop, Monitor, Cartolina, Manila paper, Pictures

Reference: Module in Science for Grade 3, Quarter 2

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

A.1Prayer: The teacher will call a student to lead the prayer

A.2Greetings: The teacher will greet Good Afternoon
A.3Attendance: The teacher will ask the class secretary to check the
A.4Review: The teacher will ask the students if they still remember the
last lesson
B. Motivation: The teacher will ask the student to stand, and participate
while playing the music video “Animal Song”.

Page | 68
C. Activities
Identify the animals whether they live at home, at the farm, and in
water and list them in the table.

Animals at home Animals in the farm Animals in the water

D. Analysis
• Do the animals have different home/environment?
• Are the animals have the same body parts?
• Can dog live in the water?
• Are all animals have four legs?

Page | 69
E. Abstraction

The Body Parts of Animals

Animals have common body parts like the head, the legs, and the body.
They use these common body parts for eating,seeing, breathing, walking,
running, and other movements.
The Common Body Parts of Animals and Its Functions
Head- It is where the mouth, the nose, ears, tongue, and teeth (if the
animal has it) - are located. They use these parts for sensing. They use
the eyes for seeing, the nose for breathing, theears for hearing, and the
tongue and if the animal has it, teeth foreating.
Body- It is the biggest part where the internal organs are located and
safeguarded. Other parts like the feet, neck, wings, tails, and fins are
attached to the body.
Legs-Legs are located below the body. It enables the dog to walk and run.
Animals use their legs to look for food. Other animalslike monkeys and
horses use their legs to protect themselves.

The Special Body Parts of animals and its function.

Tail-The tail of an animal is the part extending beyond the end of its body.
It is used for balance and communication.
Fur- It is a thick growth of hair that covers the skin of an animal. It protects
them from cold and the heat of the sun.
Wings- These are set of special forelimbs on either side of a bird’s body
and use it for flying.
Beak- Beak is made of thin, hornlike material. It is used for picking up
Hock- It is the joint between the drumstick on a chicken and the ankle
joint. It allows them to bend their legs.
Toes-These are attached to the foot which are used by chickens and birds
to maintain their balance.
Tail feathers-This is composed of feathers pointing upward and used for
balance while walking.
Scales-It is the body covering of a fish which protect them from their

Page | 70
Gills-It is located under the gill cover and is used for breathing or
Fins-Fins are located in the different parts of the body of a fish. It helps
the fish swim especially in balancing and turning.

F. Application
Group the class into four and give them the activity paper. Direction:
Write the parts of the animal in the box.

Tail fur head leg body

Tail feather wings hock

beak toes head scales mouth gills fins

Page | 71
G. Assessment: The teacher will ask the student to get their quiz
notebook and answer the task on the board.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. What are the common body parts of animals?
a. head, body, and tail
b. legs, body, and beak
c. head, body, and legs
d. body, wings, and legs

2. Of the three common body parts, why is the body of an animal is

considered the biggest?
a. because the nervous system is placed inside it.
b. because the hips are attached in it.
c. because that’s the part where the eyes, ears, nose andlips are
d. because in this part is where the different internal organs
are located and safeguarded.

3. Which of the following is not a special part of animals?

a. beak
c. head
b. gills
d. wings

4. Why do some animals have special body parts?

a. to make them strong
b. to make them live long
c. to be able to reproduce more
d. to get food, protection and movement

5. Ostrich is a big bird. It has wings just like the smaller birds. What
could be the reason that they cannot fly?
a. They are enemies.
b. They are lazy in flying.
c. They only like to walk and run.
d. They cannot lift their heavy bodies off the ground.

H. Assignment: The teacher will ask the students to get their assignment
notebook. Copy the assignment on the board.
Directions: From the word bank, write the correct body parts describe
in each sentence
beak fur legs
head body

Page | 72
I. 1. The is the biggest part where the internal organ are
located and safeguarded.

2. The is where the mouth, the nose, tongue and teeth are
located and it is use for sensing.

3. The is made of thin, hornlike material and it used for

picking up food.

4. The is a thick growth of hair that covers the skin of an

animals and it protects them from cold and heat of thesun.

5. The are located below the body and enable some animals
to walk and run.

Prepared by:
Keith Jathniel Pojas
Pre-Service Teacher

Page | 73
❖ My Analysis

1. What went well in my lesson? Why?

Why? From the very first word I uttered until the last few words I said, I believe
the class went well. They were able to gain knowledge about the parts of the

2. What did not go well well? Why?

So far everything fell into place, though there were some misbehaved students, I
still managed and it did not worry me a lot.

3. What did my students learn?

They learned all about parts of the animals and its special part. They know that
there are different parts on every animal

4. What was learned about planning?

Planning your lesson and working it out was what I did before my actual midterm
demonstration. I brainstormed on enjoyable and meaningful activities before
actually writing my lesson plan. I learned that to plan is indeed a necessity in
everything you do because you will be certain on the direction you are taking.

5. What was learned about teaching?

Teaching is the noblest profession. I was able to justify it myself after having
been through this challenging and exciting course of mine especially during my
midterm demonstration because there are lot to do to be called efficient more
specially an effective teacher. You need to go through undertakings which would
mould you to become one.

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❖ My Reflections My Insights

1. After the demonstration lessons, I felt…

After my demonstration, I felt so happy because finally I’m done. My demonstration
went well and I guess my evaluator was satisfied with my performance because he did
not declare that I should have to demonstrate again. I’m already half way there. But, my
heart seemed overwhelmed seeing the students who were there for me trying hard to help
me pass my demonstration. I thanked them offering them something to eat as a sign
of my sincere thanks to them.
2. After my demonstration I realized that…
After my demonstration, I realized that good teachers teach how to learn. I realized how
weight is on the shoulders of the teachers since they should teach all aspect of life
especially in academics and morals. The future of this country lies on their hands, I believe
3. Things I learned from my learners,

• be Sensitive on students’ feelings;

• be firm on what I say and just in weighing things and judging issues; and
• be a teacher who does not easily get angry and just be patient.

Page | 75
My Portfolio

SNAPSHOTS During My Demonstration

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