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Activity + Script

Elliandra Bemoll
EDU 214
Ms. Bemoll (MB): Good morning class!
Class: Good morning Ms. Bemoll!
MB: Raising our hands, who can tell
me what they think we will be learning
about today?
Student 1: Google!
Student 2: Computers?
Student 3: Google!
MB: Very good! Today we will be
learning how to use Google.
MB: Who can read this slide for
Student 4: We are going to learn
how to use google to find
descriptive words for elephants.
MB: Thank you! Student 5?
Student 5: Read about elephants.
MB: Gorgeous reading. Student 6?
Student 6: Copy and paste pictures
of elephants.
MB: Excellent, and last one student
Student 7: Turn in an assignment
using school email.
MB: Excellent! That is just right, we
will be learning how to use Google
and reviewing how to copy and
paste pictures into our
MB: So what is Google? As a class
let’s talk about what we think
Google might be. (MB grabs a
whiteboard marker and writes
“What is Google?” on the board).
What do you know about Google?
Student 8: My Mommy uses Google
to look for things.
Student 9: My Daddy uses Google to
Student 10: My Mommy uses
Google to look up answers to
Student 11: My Mommy uses
Google to find pictures of funny
MB: Excellent! And who can tell me
how we will use Google in our
Student 12: We will use it to find
answers to questions?
MB: Great work! Yes, we will use
Google to find answers to questions
we might have. Today we will be
looking for information on
MB: Google is a search engine. That
means we can search for answers
to questions we might have! Can
someone please read my slide?
Student 13: Google is used by
people all over the world.
Student 14: We use Google to
research topics.
Student 15: We use Google to find
answers to our questions.
Student 16: We will use Google to
answer our own questions and find
answers to research topics.
MB: Does anyone remember what
we will be researching today?
Student 1: Elephants!
MB: Please open up your laptops
and enter your USERNAME and
PASSWORD. If you forgot it is on
the top of your desk next to your
name tag. If you need help raise
your hand and I will come to
help you.
(MB walks around the room
making sure students are logging
in and are going to the right
browser. MB shows what Google
Chrome looks like on her
computer and instructs students
to click on it)
MB: Does everyone have Google
Chrome open?
Class: Yes.
MB: Excellent, let’s move on.
MB: Look at your screens. What
does this arrow point to? (MB
Points at the two search bar
Student 2: The search bar?
MB: Excellent reading. What
about this arrow? (Points to apps
or the waffle arrow).
Student 3: The waffle? Or the
MB: Great focus Student 3 thank
you! Now, who can tell me what a
URL is? What is a URL?
Student 4: A website name?
MB: Fantastic! Who can give me
an example of a URL?
Student 5:
MB: You guys are so smart! Let’s
see if your little brains are awake
yet. Show me all 10 fingers!
Wiggle them! Nice work class.
Let’s move on.
MB: Now who can guess what animal
we are going to study today?
Class: Elephants!
MB: Yes we are going to use Google
to study elephants today! Everyone
shake your mice to wake your
computers up and log back in if you
need to. Make sure Google Chrome is
open. Raise your hand if you need

(Everyone gets logged in and has

Chrome opened)
MB: Great work class now can anyone
read this slide for me?
Student 6: Click on the search bar.
Type the word elephants. Hit enter on
your keyboard.
MB: Great work thank you Student 6.
Where does the arrow point? Can
anyone tell me what that is called?
Student 7: The search bar?
MB: Great work! What word are we
going to type in the search bar?
Student 8: Elephants!
MB: Excellent focusing! Yes, please
type elephants into the search bar and
hit enter on your keyboard. Raise your
hand if you need help.
MB: So what do we find? Can anyone
tell Ms. Bemoll what they found
when they searched for elephants
(MB writes on board while students
share) ?
Student 8: I found a picture of an
Student 9: I found a video about
Student 10: I found a website about
Student 11: I found a video about
elephants too.
Student 12: I found questions about
MB: These are all great! Thank you so
much for participating. These are all
great things that we can find on
Google. When looking up questions
about anything, we find all of these
amazing answers! We can search for
anything on Google!
MB: Let’s review what we found one
more time. Can someone please read for
Student 13: What do we find? Websites
about elephants.
MB: Thank you, Student 14?
Student 14: Questions other people ask!
MB: Great reading, Student 15?
Student 15: Pictures of elephants.
MB: Nice! Student 16?
Student 16: Videos about elephants.
MB: Excellent reading class! Everyone
stand up and stretch your arms, stretch
your legs, do some jumping jacks, get
that blood flowing! Great work, let’s sit
back down and move on.
MB: Let’s read some fun facts about
elephants! Who wants to start us
off? Student 1?
Student 1: (Reads fun fact 1)
MB: Thank you. Student 2?
Student 2: (Reads fun fact 2)
MB: Nice work! Student 3?
Student 3: (Reads fun fact 3)
MB: Great reading. Student 4?
Student 4: (Reads fun fact 4)
MB: Awesome! Student 5?
Student 5: (Reads fun fact 5)
MB: Awesome reading class! Let’s
move on.
MB: We need to review what
description words are. Description
words are words that describe objects.
Look at this picture of Ms. Bemoll’s
cup. What words can we use to
describe my cup?
Class: Yellow, green, tall, spikey
MB: Exactly! Think hard, what words
can we use to describe this marker
(Holds up purple expo marker)?
Class: Purple, small
MB: And stinky! What word can we
use to describe baby dogs or puppies?
Class: Cute, cuddly, small, adorable,
fluffy, soft, sweet
MB: Those are all great descriptive
words. Remember those words for our
next slide.
MB: Now I want you to think about
what we learned. I want everyone to
grab their notebooks from inside of
their desks and a pencil. In your
notebook I want you to write down
three words that describe elephants.
You have 5 minutes to do this. I will
walk around and help you if you need
it. Try to do this by yourself.
(MB walks around the classroom and
helps students as they need it; once
she sees everyone is finished writing in
their notebooks she moves on)
MB: Let’s go over some of the words
that you might have come up with to
describe elephants (MB writes
words on board as students share).
Class: (Gives out their description
MB: Awesome! A lot of those
description words were words that
Ms. Bemoll thought of too! Let’s
review the words Ms. Bemoll found.
Class: Grey, big, strong, heavy, loves
water, old, smart, friendly, cute,
MB: All of the words that we came
up with are great descriptive words.
Keep your notebooks out and log
back into your computers if you
need to. Raise your hand if you need
(MB walks around and helps
students who need help logging in,
then moves on once all students are
logged back in)
MB: Great, now it is time to make a
Google Slide! I want everyone to put
their hands in their laps and focus on
this part. Let go of your mice we
aren’t touching those right now,
thank you. Let’s watch and go step
by step.
MB: Everyone open up Chrome. I
want you all to click on the waffle
at the top of your screen, you see
that? I want you all to click on that
and then wait. These are your
apps. In our next step, we are
going to move on to opening our
Google Slide. Give me a thumbs up
when you are done. Remember
the waffle takes us to our Google
Apps. This is where we find all of
the apps that we will use like
Google Docs and Google Slides.

(MB walks around and helps

students who may need it. She
moves on once she gets thumbs
up from all students)
MB: Great, now we are going to
click on Drive. This is going to take
us to our Google Slide. Look, right
here. Click on Drive. Give me a
thumbs up when you are ready to
move on.
(MB walks around and helps
students who need it. She moves
on when all of her students have
their thumbs up.)
MB: Excellent work class! Now I
want you to look at our Google
Slide. Can someone read the
instructions in the yellow box for
Student 6: Type your name and
the date.
MB: Everyone type your name
and the date. Remember to use a
capital letter for the first letter of
your first and last name. Today is
the 11th. (Students finish)
Student 7: What is step one?
(Reads step one)
MB: I want everyone to type their
three description words. (MB
demonstrates what she wants
students to do.) You are going to
delete what I have written and
type your word. Raise your hand if
you need help. When you are
done I want you to turn your card
on your desk to green. You have
10 minutes. (MB Walks around
MB: What comes next? What do
the directions tell us we need to
do for question number 2?
Student 8: (Reads number 2)
MB: That is correct we need to
copy and paste one picture of an
elephant for question two. Great
Everyone click the second slide
on the left side (MB shows them
what she means on her own
computer). Look at all of these
pictures of elephants! Let’s hold
on and wait for the next
directions. Everyone let’s put our
hands in our laps! Thank you!
(Uses count down strategy for
students to put hands in their
MB: Let’s do some review.
Can someone tell Ms.
Bemoll how we copy and
paste using our
Student 8: Click the picture
you like, control c to copy
and then control v to
MB: Great work Student 8!
Great focusing. Yes class
we must click on the
picture we like, press
Control and C at the same
time, go back to the first
slide, and then press
Control and V. Great work
friends you are all doing
great! Nice focusing. Let’s
move on.
MB: Now we are going to copy
and paste a picture into our slide.
Look at Ms. Bemoll’s slide. Her
picture is underneath question 2.
I want everyone to please copy
and paste their favorite picture
of an elephant just like I did. If
you need help or have a question
raise your hand.
(MB walks around and helps
students who need it, when all
students are finished she moves
MB: Awesome work class now
we need to turn it in. How do
we normally turn in our
classwork? Where do we put
Class: In the box!
MB: That’s right we put our
assignment in the box next to
the door. How do you think
we are going to turn in our
assignment online?
Student 9: Maybe like a box
MB: That is a great answer!
Anybody else?
Student 10: We are going to
send it to you?
MB: Good answering! Let’s
learn how we are going to
turn this in.
MB: We are going to click on
the yellow share button at the
top of your screen. Does
everyone see that button? I
want everyone to click on the
share button. If you need help
raise your hand; give me a
thumbs up when you are
(MB walks around and helps
as needed, moves on when
students signal they are
MB: Excellent work class now let’s
turn it in. In this box right here
(points to box to insert email) we
are going to type Ms. Bemoll’s
email address. Everyone type Ms.
Bemoll’s email address. It’s right
here (points to email). Click done
when you are finished and give
me a thumbs up. If you need help
raise your hand. (MB walks
around and helps students if they
need it).
MB: Excellent work class now I
want everyone to close Chrome
and reopen it. We are going to go
back to our waffle and open drive
again. Go to shared with me, and
click on the homework Google
Slide. I want you to think of three
descriptive words to use for cats
and copy and paste one picture of
a cat, just like we did. Then I want
you to turn it in to Ms. Bemoll. My
email is on the board. I want you
to work with your groups on this.
II will be walking around if you
need help. Raise your hand and
ask nicely if you need help.
In Class Activity (Group Guided Assignment)
Elliandra Bemoll
EDU 214
In Class Activity (Individual Assignment)
Elliandra Bemoll
EDU 214

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