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ASSURE Model Lesson Plan

Topic of Study: Tag Questions

Students’ Name: Hafsa AL Essai- Fida Al-shaqsi- Al Galia Al-Busaidia
Grade Level: Grade 11
Subject: English
Length of Lesson: 1 hour and 20 min

Analyze Learners

This lesson is designed for 24 students who are in grade eleventh, ages 17 to 19, all
females. These students are skilled in using technology tools such as computers,
smartphones, and various programs for academic and social purposes. Students'
knowledge level is very good and is above average. They like fun and challenging activities,
whether individually or collaboratively, and they also like speaking and writing activities
through which they can show their creativity. Most of the students are active learners.

The learning style of most students in the class is visual, as they learn, understand, and
remember the lesson better when the method used is visual, such as text, image or video.

State Objectives
Lesson Objective(s): ABCD

At the end of the class, students will be able to:

 Use the tag questions in their conversations with 95% understanding.

 Value the importance of tag questions by writing paragraphs without errors.
 Recognize the rules of tag questions by solving activities and getting eight points out
of at least ten.

Select Strategies, Technology, Media, , and Materials

The lesson will be taught based on Learners-Centered approach and Subject-Centered
approach. Also, the strategies that the teacher will use in this lesson are Role play as well
as Collaborative group work.

As a way to explain Tag Questions, the teacher will use a Prezi presentation that is
provided with rules and many examples. Additionally, the teacher will use an explanatory
video to facilitate students' understanding of the lesson.

The teacher and the students will use Zoom to meet and to be able to form groups which is
the most important thing in the approach that is used in this lesson.

Students will use their e-textbooks to prepare for the lesson and to do more activities about
the topic. Furthermore, they will use their laptops or phones in order to join the Zoom
Utilize Strategies, Technology, Media, , and Materials

Preview Technology, Media and Materials:

The teacher should have experience using Zoom and how to form groups in it.  He must
also make sure that the video he wants to show to students is clear, works well, and that it
is exactly suitable for the lesson.  In addition, he should review the Prezi presentation and
ensure that the content of the presentation is appropriate for the students' abilities.

Prepare the Technology, Media and Materials:

The teacher prepares the video and the presentation that he will use in the lesson before
the lesson. Moreover, he must prepare the topics for the role plays, and decide the nature
of the group work he will assign to his students. Also, he must make sure that all of his
students have a device to join the lesson either a laptop or a phone as well as internet

Prepare the Environment:

Since it is virtual class and the teacher and students will meet through Zoom, the teacher
must make sure that he has a good internet connection so that the lesson goes smoothly.
Also, the students must make their surroundings as quiet as they can to concentrate well in
the lesson.

Prepare the learners:

Students will be exposed to the objectives at the beginning of the lesson. Therefore, they
will know that they are expected to use Tag questions in the role play they will do with 95%
accuracy. And will recognize the rules of tag questions through solving activities.
Also, the teacher will tell his students the importance of using Tag questions in their daily
life. Finally, the teacher will inform his students how their understanding of the lesson will be

Provide the Learning Experience:

In this step, the teacher provides the lesson to his students exactly as it is planned to be
with every single detail. As he firstly explains Tag questions through Prezi presentation,
then the students will answer some activities. After that, he presents the more explanatory
video, next the students will do a collaborative group activity, then a mini role play and
Finally, the students will compete in a Kahoot activity.

Require Learner Participation

 Students are expected to participate effectively in role play, group work and other
class activities. This lesson heavily relays on students engaging with each other and
showing their contribution on different parts of it.

o Kahoot: through a simple fun online game, students will compete against each
other, answering multiple choice questions regarding Tag Questions.
o Group work: using zoom breakout rooms students will be divided into six groups,
each group is expected come up with as many as correctly structured sentences
within 10 minutes, using topics from Theme1: The Brightest and Best. This activity
enables students to practice structuring Tag questions and connect to the theme
o Role play: students will choose a random scenario from a box of scenarios related to
Theme1: The Brightest and Best, within 5min, students will ask each other back-and-
forth Tag Questions. This strategy helps student practice Tag Questions, improvise
in a situation, engage more in the lesson topic.

Evaluate & Revise

 Evaluate: Students will be evaluated through an examination of 2 parts and their

performance, response level and engaging in class activities.
o Examination: the test will consist of two parts:
1. Complete/ fill in the gap
2. Writing a short paragraph using the assigned/ selected rules regarding Tag
Questions and following the given topic as well.
o Performance: students’ interaction and participation in the class and the out come of
their group work and role play.

 Revise: examination outcome will determine students understanding, teacher’s

effective use of strategies, technology and the lesson objective.
o Feedbacks will be collected using Mentimeter.

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