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2018 年英语专业八级考试真题解析

@言回老师 微信公号 TEM8APP



(1) our species/human beings/humans
(2) (their) intelligence
(3) learn/learn from others
(4) repeat doing actions/repeating
(5) wisdom/other’s wisdom
(6) accumulate
(7) evolutionary dilemma
(8) watching and copying/imitating
(9) systems of communication
(10) knowledge and wisdom
(11) benefits of cooperation
(12) establishment of identities
(13) isolation
(14) connectivity/cooperation
(15) These different languages

1、 每个空格最多填入 3 个单词,超过 3 个单词的,无论是否正确,均不得分;
2、 单词拼写必须正确,拼错不得分;
3、 部分答案存在 A and B 或者 A but B 的形式,答对一个只给 0.5 分。

1. 讲座开头提出了语言是人所独有区别于动物的进化特征。这只有表述出“人类”这个意
思即可,所以答案可以有:our species(根据原文)、human beings 或者 humans。
2. 讲座对猩猩和人类的(社会)学习能力做了比较,期初的研究甚至将猩猩使用简单工具
的能力视为其智力(intelligence)的表征。所以第 2 空,可以填写 their intelligence 或
3. 后来的研究发现,猩猩在使用简单工具的过程中,缺乏学习能力,无法从同伴处学习到
智慧。所以,第 3 空可以填 learn 或者 learn from other,注意 inability to 后面用动词或动
4. 原文提到它们只会重复简单动作(so they just do the same thing over and over and over
again),无法学习或积累。所以,第 4 空可以填 repeat doing actions,或者 repeating。
tendency to 后面可以是 do something,也可以是 something。
5. 跟猩猩不同,人类能够相互学习,积累知识和智慧,因此也有能力去改进和加强他人的
知识或智慧。第 5 空据原文,可以填 wisdom 或 other’s wisdom。
6. 人类具备了学习知识或智慧的能力,因此也能够将其积累(accumulate)和传承。讲座后
续部分讲这种能力给出了专门术语“cumulative cultural adaptation”。第 6 空,填写
7. 人类的这种社会性学习能力,不仅使人类积累智慧,同时也带来了问题,即所谓的“进
化中的两难(evolutionary dilemma)”。原文中的线索有,
“social learning would create an
evolutionary dilemma, and the solution to the dilemma”,从“the solution”便可知“evolutionary
dilemma”便是问题所在。所以,第 7 空填写“evolutionary dilemma”。个人认为,dilemma
8. 造成这个问题的原因,是因为(语言没有产生时)人类可以通过观察和模仿就学得他人
的智慧或知识,所以讲座人用了“visual theft”可谓贴切。
第 8 空,填 watching and copying,
或者 watching and imitating。
9. 如何避免上述问题,即让知识或智慧能够不被“抄袭或盗走”?解决的方法就是创造出
了各种沟通的系统(systems of communication)。当然,语言也是其中一种,且是高级而
复杂的一种。第 9 空,填写 systems of communication。
10. 这样就带来一系列结果:知识和智慧(knowledge and wisdom)可以被个人获得(当然,
造成语言和文化的隔阂和障碍)。第 10 空,填 knowledge and wisdom。
11. 作为沟通系统中的一种高级形式,语言就像是一种有力的“社会技术”能够强化人类相
互合作多带来的好处。因为,众多沟通行驶中,语言具有文化性、群体性等。第 11 空,
根据原文天 benefits of cooperation,如果只填写 benefits 则不完整。
12. 在现代社会,成百上千的语言作为沟通系统使用,带来的不仅仅是沟通不便。语言的多
的流动。第 12 空填 establishment of identities。注意,上级标题中写的是“Existence of
many different languages has led to”,这里的 to 是介词,后面都是名词性成分,如同级的
separation、knowledge、slow flow of,这里需要注意词性上的形式转换。
13. 以上种种,因为语言的隔阂,潜移默化地造成了各群体间彼此的孤立(isolation)。所以,
第 13 空,填 isolation。
14. 全球化的今天,人类沟通更为密切,全球化必然要求人类群体间的“互联和合作”。第 14
空,填 connectivity 或者 cooperation,讲座原文均有提及。
15. 全球化的今天,千百种语言的存在一定程度妨碍了人类沟通与合作。这一空填写 There
different languages、Different languages 或者 Thousands of languages。注意首字母大写,
因为上一个同级的标题是“Globalization needs…”
Language and humanity
Good morning, everyone! In today’s lecture, we are going to discuss the relationship between
language and humanity. As we all know, language is very powerful and allows you to put a thought
from your mind directly into someone else's mind.
Languages are genes talking, getting things that they want. And you just imagine the sense of
wonder in a baby when it first discovers that, merely by uttering a sound, it can get objects to move
across a room as if by magic, and maybe even into its mouth.
Now. we need to explain how and why this remarkable trait, you know, human’s ability to do
things with language has evolved, and why did this trait evolve only in our species? In order to get
an answer to the question, we have to go to tool use in the chimpanzees. Chimpanzees can use tools,
and we take that phenomenon as a sign of their intelligence.
But if they really were intelligent, why would they crack open nuts with a rock? Why wouldn't
they just go to a shop and buy a bag of nuts that somebody else had already cracked open for them?
Why not? I mean, that's what we do.
The reason the chimpanzees don't do that is that they lack what psychologists and
anthropologists call social learning. That is, they seem to lack the ability to learn from others by
copying or imitating or simply watching. As a result, they can't improve on others' ideas, learn from
others' mistakes, or even benefit from others' wisdom. And so they just do the same thing over and
over and over again. In fact, we could go away for a million years and come back and these
chimpanzees would be doing the same thing with the same rocks to crack open the nuts.
Okay, so what this tells us is that, contrary to the old saying, "monkey see, monkey do," the
surprise really is that all of the other animals really cannot do that -- at least not very much. But by
comparison, we humans can learn. We can learn by watching other people and copying or imitating
what they can do. We can then choose, from among a range of options, the best one. We can benefit
from others' ideas. We can build on their wisdom. And as a result, our ideas do accumulate, and our
technology progresses.
And this cumulative cultural adaptation, as anthropologists call this accumulation of ideas, is
responsible for everything around you in your bustling and teeming everyday lives. I mean the world
has changed out of all proportion to what we would recognize even 1,000 or 2,000 years ago. And
all of this because of cumulative cultural adaptation. For instance, the chairs you're sitting in, the
lights in this lecture hall, my microphone, the iPads and smartphones that you carry around with
you -- all are a result of cumulative cultural adaptation.
But our acquisition of social learning would create an evolutionary dilemma, and the solution
to the dilemma, it's fair to say, would determine not only the future course of our psychology, but
the future course of the entire world. And most importantly for this, it'll tell us why we have language.
And the reason that dilemma arose is, it turns out, that social learning is visual theft. What I
mean is, if I can learn by watching you, I can steal your best ideas, and I can benefit from your
efforts, without having to put in the same time and energy that you did into developing them. Social
learning really is visual theft. And in any species that acquired it, it would encourage you to hide
your best ideas, lest somebody steal them from you.
And so some time around 200,000 years ago, our species confronted this crisis. And we chose
was to develop the systems of communication that would allow us to share ideas and to cooperate
amongst others. Choosing this option would mean that a vastly greater fund of knowledge and
wisdom would become available to any one individual than would ever arise from within an
individual family or an individual person on their own. Well, language is the result.
Language evolved to solve the crisis of visual theft. Language is a piece of social technology
for enhancing the benefits of cooperation -- for reaching agreements, for striking deals and for
coordinating our activities. And you can see that, in a developing society that was beginning to
acquire language, not having language would be a like a bird without wings. As I said at the
beginning, language really is the voice of our genes.
But, as we spread out around the world, we developed thousands of different languages.
Currently, there are about seven or 8,000 different languages spoken on Earth. Then another problem
occurred. It seems that we use our language, not just to cooperate, but to draw rings around our
cooperative groups and to establish identities, and perhaps to protect our knowledge and wisdom
and skills from being stolen from outside. And we know this because when we study different
language groups and associate them with their cultures, we see that different languages slow the
flow of ideas between groups.
Okay, this tendency we have, this seemingly natural tendency we have, goes towards isolation,
towards keeping everything to ourselves. Well, as our modern world is communicating with itself
and with each other more than it has at any time in its past. And that communication, that
connectivity around the world, that globalization now raises a burden. Because these different
languages impose a barrier, as we've just seen, to the transfer of goods and ideas and technologies
and wisdom. And they impose a barrier to cooperation.
What will be the solution, in a world in which we want to promote cooperation and exchange,
and in a world that might be dependent more than ever before on cooperation to maintain and
enhance our levels of prosperity? I think it might be inevitable that we have to confront the idea that
our destiny is to be one world with one language. What do you think of this solution?
OK, in today’s lecture, I’ve presented to you how language shapes our humanity, what kind of
dilemma social learning created and possible solution to the dilemma. In our next lecture, I am going
to talk about lingua franca and its functions.
(Now, you have THREE minutes to check your work.)


1. 提问:Which aspect of the election event is the interviewee most concerned about?
原文线索:“We’re concerned about the trend in events. We have been concerned for some
time that the electoral process hasn’t been moving forward smoothly.”
2. 提问:Why was the announcement made yesterday, according to the interviewee?
原文线索:“I think it was made because the electoral institutions had previously set that

3. 提问:According to the BBC interviewer, why did the electoral institution want to prepare
the ground?
原文线索:“if they just came out with one final result at the end of all this, then it can be pretty
predictable that the loser, whoever it was going to be, was going to complain because they
think it is unfair?”

4. 提问:What did the interviewee think of the BBC’s reason of preparing the ground?
原文线索:“there’s such a large number of votes that still need to be examined and that
therefore any preliminary result might be more misleading than preparing the ground.”

5. 提问:What is the interviewee’s attitude towards establishing parallel presidency?

原文线索:“We made clear that the United States and its partners are not in a position to
support a divided Afghanistan…….”

Now listen to Part Two of the interview.

6. 提问:What is the interviewee think bother candidates need to do?

原文线索:“we believe that both candidates need to begin discussing the formation of a
government that would have the support of all important components and elements within the

7. 提问:What was the margin victory at the time of the interview?

原文线索:“This is a flat margin of victory at the moment -- 56 percent to 44 percent.”

8. 提问:Who should be responsible for dealing with fraud in the election?

原文线索:“We believe it’s the responsibility of the electoral institutions to go ahead and
conduct that kind of broad audit…”
9. 提问:What does the interviewee think of the problem in Afghan election?
原文线索:“And in that sense, the problem we face is not unparalleled. There are other
countries who have gone through similar difficulties.”

10. 提问:What is the interview mainly about?



BBC: Good evening, listeners. This is BBC. Today, we are very delighted to have invited James
Dobbins, U.S. special representative for Afghanistan, to tell us electoral process in Afghanistan
currently. Well, James, how are you reading what’s happening in Afghanistan at the moment?

Ambassador Dobbins: We’re concerned about the trend in events. We have been concerned for
some time that the electoral process hasn’t been moving forward smoothly. We believe that there
needs to be a powerful and transparent audit of potentially fraudulent ballots and we’re sorry that
hasn’t moved forward quickly and substantially enough. We regret the preliminary announcement
of results that was made yesterday. We think that was premature given that there are still a number
of ballots that need to be examined and there’s not yet a clear agreement on how best to do so. We
do believe that --

BBC: Forgive me for interrupting, James. Can I ask you why you think that announcement was
made yesterday?

Ambassador Dobbins: I think it was made because the electoral institutions had previously set that
date and they held to it despite advice to the contrary from the UN, from the United States, and from
other voices within Afghanistan, and we think that was unfortunate.

BBC: Is there another reason that could be slightly more favorable, that is, they wanted to prepare
the ground because if they just came out with one final result at the end of all this, then it can be
pretty predictable that the loser, whoever it was going to be, was going to complain because they
think it is unfair?

Ambassador Dobbins: I think it’s our view that they didn’t have a basis for preparing the ground
because there’s such a large number of votes that still need to be examined and that therefore any
preliminary result might be more misleading than preparing the ground.

BBC: In terms now of where this goes, we’ve already heard some very strong, very emotional
language from the camp of the man who appears to be on the losing side of all this, Dr. Abdullah
Abdullah. What have you been saying to him in order to try and calm those feelings?
Ambassador Dobbins: Well, we have heard talk about establishing a parallel presidency. We made
clear that the United States and its partners are not in a position to support a divided Afghanistan.
That any effort to establish a parallel presidency would make it impossible for the United States and
its partners to continue their financial, economic and military support, and that the consequences
for the country would be potentially quite terrible.

Clearly, this is not something the Afghan population wants. It’s not something they were voting for.
And it’s not something that they expect to happen, but it could be the consequences of ill-considered

This the end of Part 1 of the interview.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.

Q1: Which aspect of the election event is the interviewee most concerned about?
Q2: Why was the announcement made yesterday, according to the interviewee?
Q3: According to the BBC interviewer, why did the electoral institution want to prepare the ground?
Q4: What did the interviewee think of the BBC’s reason of preparing the ground?
Q5: What is the interviewee’s attitude towards establishing parallel presidency?

Now listen to Part Two of the interview.

BBC: Let me turn it on to the man who may end up the winner, Mr. Ashraf Ghani. What pressure,
if any, are you trying to bring on him to ensure that whatever happens he tried to include Abdullah
Abdullah, or Abdullah Abdullah’s people in any future government?

Ambassador Dobbins: We’re not making any presumptions about who might be the winner or who
might be the loser, and we think it’s premature for anybody to be doing so. We’ve made clear to
both candidates that two things need to happen. First of all, there needs to be a robust and transparent
process for determining the winner; and there’s still a good deal of work to be done there. And
secondly, we believe that both candidates need to begin discussing the formation of a government
that would have the support of all important components and elements within the country, a
government of national unity that would ensure that all of the significant sectors of Afghan society
feel included.

BBC: You’re saying it’s all a bit hasty to say whether one side or the other has won or lost. It is
difficult, is it not, to see this result being overturned? This is a flat margin of victory at the moment
-- 56 percent to 44 percent. It would be extraordinary to see that overturned in the space of a couple
of weeks.

Ambassador Dobbins: I think both candidates have agreed that there was extensive fraud in the
electoral process. Both candidates have agreed that the suspect ballots need to be audited. They
haven’t agreed on exactly how to go about that.

We believe it’s the responsibility of the electoral institutions to go ahead and conduct that kind of
broad audit, whether or not the candidates have agreed on every precise element of the process, they
will have to do it, and we believe until they’ve done so it’s premature to be coming to any judgments.

BBC: It is worrying though, isn’t it? I suppose it was all too predictable that democracy is an
imperfect thing in Afghanistan and that undoubtedly there has been fraud, we’ve heard all sorts of
reports that project there have been a measure of fraud, and whoever was going to lose in this
election was going to say it’s been by unfair means.

Ambassador Dobbins: I agree with you that Afghanistan is a relatively new democracy. That
countries at this stage of democratic development often have difficulties of this sort. That there’s
not a tradition of good losers in societies at this level of political development. And in that sense,
the problem we face is not unparalleled. There are other countries who have gone through similar
difficulties. Nevertheless, the fact is that millions of Afghans went out and voted in the expectation
that their vote would count. That numerous polls indicate that most Afghans are prepared to support
either candidate as the victor. That is that most Afghans have said that they could accept the person
they didn’t vote for winning the election if that was the result.
So, while the problems we face are not unparalleled, the Afghan voters expect something better.

BBC: James, I am so grateful to you. I hugely appreciate you answering it and answering all the
other questions as well.
Ambassador Dobbins: Pleasure.

This the end of Part 2 of the interview.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on what you have just heard.

Q6: What is the interviewee think bother candidates need to do?

Q7: What was the margin victory at the time of the interview?
Q8: Who should be responsible for dealing with fraud in the election?
Q9: What does the interviewee think of the problem in Afghan election?
Q10: What is the interview mainly about?


Section A Multiple-choice Questions
【解析】移民涌入进而人口增长,促进了经济的发展。原文第 2 段线索:They are keenly aware
that without a strong flow of immigrants into the workforce the development the Australian
economy is unlikely to proceed at the ambitious pace currently envisaged”。B 项是经济向好的表
现,C 项归因错误,D 项本身基本事实,但与问题不符。第 3 段更提到了大量涌入的移民,
促 进 了经 济发 展 。 原文 线索 : “Migration……and has contributed greatly to the country’s
impressive economic development.”
【解析】推断澳大利亚欢迎来自不列颠移民的主要原因。第 3 段提到,澳大利亚人多是
不列颠人后裔,两者语言相通,习俗相近。第 5、6 段提到,澳大利亚吸引了很多意大利和
希腊移民,但因为语言和习俗原因,移民难以融入,continental migrants have to struggle with
an unfamiliar language and new customs”,于是便自行结为民族群体(第 7 段总结概括为
national groups),排除 B 项。与之相比,不列颠人因为前文所述的优势,故容易融入,与
当 地政府宣称的目标一致,“a substantially homogeneous society into which newcomers, from
whatever sources, will merge themselves”。所以选 C 项。而正因此,澳大利亚仍旧青睐不列颠
移民,对他们并不那么“挑剔(selective)”,A 项与此不符。
【解析】第 7 段作者提到了比起欧洲移民扎堆,还有一个更为严峻的问题:很多现有移民重
返欧洲。第 7 到 11 段中提到了诸多原因,包括:交通费用较以前低、澳大利亚经济增长放
人的素质问题等。概括起来,即原因多样,动机不同。所以选 B 项,其他三个选项可包括
义)即可做判断:前三项文中意义都不是词语本义,D 项是文中意义就是词语本义,并不是
【解析】对原文第 11 段的理解和推断。作者引用某杂志,指出澳大利亚人喜欢将自己粉饰
为慷慨、热心的人,“are just too fond of painting the rosy picture of the big, warm-hearted Aussie”;
但事实上,忙于吹嘘,疏于实践,“we are so busy blowing our trumpets that we have not got time
to be warm-hearted and considerate”。作者本人说到,“find out just how expansive the Aussie is
to his immigrants”,实为反语(irony)。可以根据“expansive”反推之,ungenerous 似乎可以;
还 可 从 前 文 “big/warm-hearted/considerate” 反 推之 , big 对 ungenerous , warm-hearted 和
considerate 对 unsympathetic。A、B 项貌似都可接受?!
expansive: (of a person or their manner) open, demonstrative, and communicative
unsympathetic: not feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy
sympathy: feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune
ungenerous: not generous; mean
generous: showing a readiness to give more of something, showing kindness to others
unsympathetic 更多指对别人的困难和痛苦冷漠不关心,ungenerous 有不愿付出金钱或者善
举的内涵,还有“卑鄙、小气、不豪爽”的意思。A 和 B,到底谁能够更多涵盖“big/warm-
选择 B 项。

【解析】理解全文的一个大背景:沃尔夫假说(Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,语言相对论)是关
本题属于细节理解,在原文中可以直接找到线索,“advantages of bilingualism include
better performance at tasks involving “executive function””,该“功能”亦可预防痴呆(不是避
免,D 项排除)。而其他研究所声称的双语改变人的性格( personalities)甚至世界观
called “Whorfianism”, this idea has its sceptics, including The Economist”。故 A、C 存在争议。
据上述分析,只有 B 项所提到的这个功能,争议鲜见,推知被广泛接受。

【解析】双语者的思维受语言的影响主要表现在哪方面?文中在第 4 段有直接的交代,“In
part this is because working in a second language slows down the thinking”,而且可根据这一段

以说,这个问题更多是文化和习俗原因,并非语言本身的内在因素(inherent properties)决
族语者的自嗨表现(rather self-flatteringly),形成了刻板印象。原文线索,“We also see some
unsurprising overlap with national stereotypes and self-stereotypes: French, rigorous; German,
logical; English, playful. Of course.” 希腊语,也是这样的套路。据分析,故选 A。

【解析】细节理解题型。根据第 9 段原文,可以很快判定 A(前文已经指出这个论点的不
如何理解这里的 features?理解为希腊语语法和说话行为之间的这些关联特征?还是把
features 理解为动词前置的语法规律?
从字面意思看应该是前者,毕竟 features 最直接的文中意思便是指希腊语的动词前置。C 项
提法正确,但也需要从第 9 段推导,并不是直接内容。在 change in personality 的说法中,
change 到底有多大的程度,这也是个问题。个人认为选项 C、D 设计的不是很好,如果
按照出题人意图择其一,我更倾向于选择 C。

【解析】首先要明确,discussing the issue”是什么“issue”。回到第 2 段,Yet it is different to
claim…to have a different personality when using a different language. …what is going on here?”
中的 critical 含有“指出缺陷、挑剔、思辨、辩论”的内涵,作者对于双语(bilingual)和双
澄清了很多观念。但如果说是 critical 可能有些过度解读,毕竟作者还没有到纠错辩理,
语气强烈的程度。故选择 B 项。

前,是为了寻到工作机会。原文线索,“To avoid a certain indefinable shame, she felt at being
caught spying about for a position”, 下一个线索 “assumed an air of indifference supposedly
common to one upon an errand”,这个短语就暗示了女主想要装作在那里办事工作
(one upon an errand)。她加快了脚步融入街上的来去匆匆的人群(后文描写很多人物时,
女主人公,那么对于答案,自然更有把握。另外,若是 stranger 的选项,逻辑上也不通。熙

【解析】原文第 1 段皆为处的线索,“she paused, hesitating. She looked helplessly around,
and then, seeing herself observed, retreated. It was too difficult a task. She could not go past them.”

【解析】从第一段末尾,我们知道,女主人公没进这家公司的大门,让她如释重负她。第 2
King and Strom 后的愉快心情。

【解析】原文中的第 4 段到 7 段,女主人公试图在一家店找工作未果,但仍受到礼貌对待,
这样她心情变好,信心倍增。原文线索,The pleasant nature of her reception rather astonished
her. She had expected that it would be more difficult, that something cold and harsh would be said…”

Section B Short Answer Questions

Passage One
25. What do “promise” and “should” in Para. 2 imply about the author’s vision of Australia’s
【参考答案】The future of Australia’s economy is promising.
及其原因。第 3 段提到澳大利亚幅员辽阔但人口稀少,人口与经济的关系不言而喻。回
答从关键词“promise”、 should”和“vision”三个词来入手。作者对于澳大利亚经济的“vision”,

26、【参考答案】Growth of ethnic communities of people from continental Europe.

【解析】结合第 12 题的分析,我们可知,这个短语的意思是欧洲大陆移民群聚一起,呈
现增长。尽可能在 10 个字限制内,解释到位,以符合释义题设置的要求。

27、【参考答案】Shifting from one language to another makes significant difference.

近的表达,“priming”是先要解决的问题。原文第 6 段,提到 Experiments in psychology have
shown the power of “priming”—small unnoticed factors that can affect behavior in big ways.可以
推知,priming 指能够影响行为发生重大改变的微小因素。换言之,指能够产生大改变的小
因素。据此,可把问题中的 priming 理解为 something that can make significant difference or
distinction. 题外话,如果你熟悉认知科学术语,那么的这里的 priming 的意思不用分析原文

28、【参考答案】Asymmetrical ability and priming.

【解析】第 7 段分析“使用不同语言感受不同”的原因时,提到了两点:asymmetrical ability
和 priming(文中提到的第三个可能原因作者最后反驳了,所以不成立)。

【参考答案】Languages don’t necessarily confer personalities./ Whorfianism arguments
do not need to be valid.
结合第 20 题的分析,作者的焦点我们已经清楚。回答的方式可以是如参考答案这样的结
论形式,也可以是采用提问的形式,如“Can languages confer personalities?”,“Can bilingualism
change our personalities?”等等。围绕“双语\语言和性格及其归因”的关系来展开就好,又如
“Reasons for multilinguals' different personalities or feelings in different languages.”我认为都可

30、【参考答案】这里列出的原文词或短语(直接描写和间接描写),写出来其中 3 个即可
(注意别超字数):lacked courage,indefinable shame,being caught spying about,an air of
indifference,without once glancing,without relaxing her pace,weakening heart,shame,rising
hope,looked helplessly。
词和短语,只要从原文找出来 3 个,就可以得分。题目要求是用原文提取,个人认为自己归

31、【参考答案】The failure to enter strongly made her feel more frustrated.


32、【参考答案】Contented feeling after being treated kindly 或者;Contented psychological

condition after kindly reception.



1. 在 in 和 case 间插入 the,即将“in case of”改为“in the case of”。前者的意思是“万一”,而

后者的意思是“从…来看;在…情况下”。根据上下文,后者的意思符合,形式也要改为 in the
case of。

2. (a)将 as 改为 like。表“例如”,这里要列举,可以用 like,或者 such as,单

独用 as 不正确。(b)可以在 as 前加上 such。改错题只能改动一处(“In each case only ONE
word is involved”),如果将 as 改成 for instance 或者 for example 的话,不符合规则,且形式

3. 比较级。将 small 改为 smaller,前面的 much 是修饰 smaller,也是这一题的线索。

4. 分句间是转折关系(句首的 By contrast 是线索),缺少连接词。可以在 specialty 前加(a)

while 或者(b)but。注意 while 在整句话句首和后半句句首,意思是不一样的。这里在后半

5. 词义混淆。Rise 和 raise 是容易区别的,rise to 形式上也才对,raise sth. to,但不说 raise


6. 分句间是转折关系,应该在 it 前加上 but。

7. 固定搭配。“in nature”意思是“本质上”,所以去掉定冠词 the。

8. 谓词时态。将 were 改为 are,时态与上半句保持一致,整句话是客观事实规律描述,用


9. 将 when 改为 while。第 4 空,提到了 while 的用法,这里放在句首的 while 表示“尽管”,


10. 词汇搭配。“the key to”中的 to 是介词,跟 key 固定使用。所以,understand 改为分词形

式的 understanding。



Life is not always quite the way we want it to be, but literary works enable us to live in a more
wonderful world in which water can be clearer, the sky can be bluer than in reality. There is no such
thing as perfect love, but the eternal Butterfly Lovers and Romeo & Juliet do exist in fictions. So,
reading literary works is a remedy for the harsh and the unbearable in our life.



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