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Geometry, like other branches of mathematics, was born centuries ago from the real
conditions of the daily life of a group of people. For example, more than 2000 years ago the
Egyptians had a habit of working on the basis of geometry, due to practical considerations
such as the periodic floods of the Nile which always washed away the boundaries of their
property. Thus forcing them to reconstruct the boundaries of the land. The Greeks who were
heavily influenced by the Mediterranean region had a slightly more advanced view of
geometry. Geometry has been considered as an abstraction from the real world or a model
that helps thought or logic. Until finally in 250 BC, Euclide produced his Monumental work
which was translated into the book Element, which until now his work is still being studied
and used.
In general, these two books will explain the basics of geometry such as points, lines, planes,
spaces, rays, segments, angles, curves which are mostly the result of Euclide's thought.
Although in its current development there have been many touches from modern geometry
experts such as David Herbert and G. D. Birkhoff.
After studying these two books, it is hoped that they will explain the meaning of points, lines,
fields and space. Definition of line rays, segments and angles. Curve definitions and curve
types. To help you achieve this goal, these two books are organized into three Learning
Activities as follows: Points, Lines, Planes, and Space, Lines, Segments and Angles, Curves
and Types of Curves.


All praise to God, who has given me the convenience so that we can complete this Critical
Book Report paper in a timely way. We also thank to God for His healthy gifts and favors,
both physical and resourceful, so that we are able to complete the creation of Critical Book
Report papers as a task of Shape and Space Geometry.

At the same time, we express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Hasratuddin, as a lecturer in Shape
and Space Geometry who has given up his trust to us to complete this Critical Book Report
paper in a timely way.

We also sincerely hope that this Critical Book Report paper will be useful and useful in
improving knowledge and insights related to the basics concept of geometry .

In addition, we are also aware that in our Critical Book Report paper, there are many
shortcomings and far from perfection. Therefore, we are really looking forward to criticism
and suggestions to be revised and we write in the future, for once again we realize that
nothing is perfect without constructive advice.

At the end we hope our Critical Book Report paper is understandable to any party reading.
We also apologise very much when in OUR paper there are words that are not pleased in the

Medan, February 2021



EXSECUTIVE SUMMARY.....................................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER I...............................................................................................................................4
A. Rationalization of The Importance of Critical Book Report (CBR).................................4
B. Purpose of Writing Critical Book Report (CBR)..............................................................4
C. Benefits of Critical Book Reports (CBR)..........................................................................4
D. The Identitiy of The Books...............................................................................................4
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................................6
A. Discussion of The Contents of The Book.........................................................................6
B. Advantages and Disadvantages of The Book..................................................................11


A. Rationalization of The Importance of Critical Book Report (CBR)

Critical Book Reports can be interpreted as an evaluation of a book to be reviewed.
CBR is not only a report or writing or writing but rather an evaluation, such as reviewing,
interpreting and analyzing and not a proof of right or one of the books. CBR is not just a
report or writing about the content of a book, but focuses on the evaluation (explanation,
interpretation, and analysis) of the advantages and weaknesses of the book, what is
interesting about the book, how the content of the book can affect the reader's way of
thinking and increase the reader's understanding of a particular area of study. In other words,
through CBR the reader (reviewer) tests the author's mind based on the reader's point of view
based on the knowledge and experience possessed. The skill of creating a CBR in a writer
can test the ability to summarize and analyze a book, recognize and rate and criticize an
analyzed paper.

B. Purpose of Writing Critical Book Report (CBR)

1. To complete assignments in the Geometry of Shape and Space course.
2. To increase knowledge about one of the topics in the Geometry Form and Space
course, namely the basic concepts of geometry.
3. To improve the ability to analyze books.
4. To disciplines after analyzing and criticizing and comparing books.

C. Benefits of Critical Book Reports (CBR)

1. Can increase the ability to conclude the contents of the book.
2. Can increase the ability to analyze, critique and compare books.
3. Can train yourself to take a deeper explanation of the contents of the book.

D. The Identitiy of The Books

 The Main Book

The title of Book : Geometry

Edition : First Edition

Author’s name : Ron Larson

Laurie Boswell

Lee Stiff

Publisher’s name : McDougal Littell

Publisher’s city : Evanston,Illinois

Publication year : 2004

ISBN : 0 – 618 – 25022 – 0

 The Comparison Book

The title of Book : CK – 12 Geometry

Edition : First Edition

Author’s name : CK12 editor

Publisher’s name : CK – 12 Foundation

Publisher’s city : California

Publication year : 2012



A. Discussion of The Contents of The Book

I. Patterns and Inductive Reasoning

One type of reasoning is inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning entails making

conclusions based upon examples and patterns. Visual patterns and number patterns provide
good examples of inductive reasoning. 

1. Using inductive reasoning :

- Look for a Pattern Look at several examples. Use diagrams and tables to help
discover a pattern.
- Make a Conjecture Use the examples to make a general conjecture. A is an
unproven statement that is based on observations. Discuss the conjecture with others.
Modify the conjecture, if necessary.
- Verify the Conjecture Use logical reasoning to verify that the conjecture is true in all

Looking for patterns and making conjectures is part of a process called inductive reasoning

Example 1

A dot pattern is shown below. How many dots would there be in the 4th figure? How many
dots would be in the 6th figure?

Draw a picture. Counting the dots, there are 4+3+2+1=10 dots.

For the 6th figure, we can use the same pattern, 6+5+4+3+2+1. There are 21 dots in
the 6th figure.

Example 2

Look at the pattern 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, … What is the 19th term in the pattern?

Each term is 2 more than the previous term.

You could count out the pattern until the 19th term, but that could take a while. Notice that
the 1st term is 2⋅1, the 2nd term is 2⋅2, the 3rd term is 2⋅3, and so on. So, the 19th term would
be 2⋅19 or 38.

II. Points, Lines, and Planes

In geometry, some words, such as point, line, and plane, are undefined terms.
Although these words are not formally defined, it is important to have general agreement
about what each word means.

A point has no dimension. It is usually represented by a small dot.

A line extends in one dimension. It is usually represented by a straight line with two
arrowheads to indicate that the line extends without end in two directions. In this book, lines
are always straight lines.

A plane extends in two dimensions. It is usually represented by a shape that looks like a
tabletop or wall. You must imagine that the plane extends without end, even though the
drawing of a plane appears to have edges.

A few basic concepts in geometry must also be commonly understood without being
defined. One such concept is the idea that a point lies on a line or a plane.

Collinear points are points that lie on the same line.

Coplanar points are points that lie on the same plane.

III. Segments and Their Measurment

In geometry, rules that are accepted without proof are called postulates or axioms.
Rules that are proved are called theorems. In this lesson, there are two postulates about the
lengths of segments.

1. Using segment postulates

Postulate 1 (Ruler Postulate)

The points on a line can be matched one to one with the real numbers. The real number that
corresponds to a point is the coordinate of the point. The distance between points A and B,
written as AB, is the absolute value of the difference between the coordinates of A and B.

AB is also called the length of AB.

Example (Postulate 1) : Measure the length of the segment to the nearest millimeter. 

Solution :

Use a metric ruler.  Align one mark of the ruler with A, then estimate the coordinate of B. For
example, if we align A with 3, B appears to align with 5.5 as shown below.  

Now, we have

AB  =  |5.5 - 3|  =  |2.5|  =  2.5

The distance between A and B is 2.5 cm. 

Postulate 2 (Segment Addition Postulate)

If B is between A and C, then, we have

AB + BC  =  AC.


If AB + BC  =  AC, then B is between A and C.

It has been illustrated in the picture given below.

Reflect (Segment Addition Postulate)

The Segment Addition Postulate can be generalized to three or more segments, as long as the
segments lie on a line. If P, Q, R and S lie on a line as shown, then 

PS  =  PQ + QR + RS

It has been explained in the picture given below. 

2. Using the distance formula

The distance formula is a formula for computing the distance between two points in a
coordinate plane.

IV. Angles and Their Measurment

Angle in geometry is the quantity of rotation of a segment from one point of origin to
another. In addition, in an ordered two-dimensional structure, an angle can also be interpreted
as the space between two intersecting straight lines. The angle of the 360 ° circle. The angle
of the 180 ° right triangle. The angle of the 360 ° square / rectangle. To measure angles, a
protractor can be used.

- The rays of the BC and BA lines form the angle ABC (ABC) or angle CBA
- B - The rays of the lines BC and BA are called the leg of the angle

- B is the vertex

Types of angles

a. Acute angle
An angle whose magnitude is less than 900 and greater than 00 (00<  <900 )

b. Right angle
An angle whose magnitude is 900

c. Obtuse angel
An angle whose magnitude is less than 1800 and greater than 900 (900 <  <1800 )

d. Straight angle

An angle whose magnitude is 1800

e. Full circle corner

An angle whose magnitude is 3600

V.Segment and Angel Bisector

The of a segment is the point that divides, or the segment into two congruent segments. In
this book, matching red congruence marks identify congruent segments in diagrams.

A is a segment, ray, line, or plane that intersects a segment at its midpoint.

You can use a and a (a ruler without marks) to a segment bisector and midpoint of m . A is a
geometric drawing that uses a limited set of tools, usually a compass and a straightedge.

If you know the coordinates of the endpoints of a segment, you can calculate the coordinates
of the midpoint. You simply take the mean, or average, of the x-coordinates and of the y-
coordinates. This method is summarized as the Midpoint Formula.

After you have constructed an angle bisector, you should check that it divides the original
angle into two congruent angles. One way to do this is to use a protractor to check that the
angles have the same measure.

Another way is to fold the piece of paper along the angle bisector. When you hold the paper
up to a light, you should be able to see that the sides of the two angles line up, which implies
that the angles are congruent.

VI. Angle Pair Relationships

Two angles are if their sides form two pairs of opposite rays. Two adjacent angles are a if
their noncommon sides are opposite rays.

Two angles are if the sum of their measures is 90°. Each angle is the of the other.
Complementary angles can be adjacent or nonadjacent. Two angles are if the sum of their
measures is 180°. Each angle is the of the other. Supplementary angles can be adjacent or

VII. Introduction to Perimeter, Circumference, and Area

The measurements of perimeter and circumference use units such as centimeters, meters,
kilometers, inches, feet, yards, and miles. The measurements of area use units such as square
2 2
centimeters ( cm ), square meters ( m ), and so on.

B. Advantages and Disadvantages of The Book

1. In terms of writing and grammar, the first book and the second book have used proper
and correct writing rules and language.
2. In terms of material, the first and second books do not have much difference, the
difference is that the second book is easier to explain than the first book. In basic
geometry material, the second book explains the classification of polygons and
triangles, while in the first book explains the introduction of perimeter, circumference,
and area.
3. In terms of appearance, the first book is more interesting to see because it has many
examples of explanatory pictures and also the first book is more colorful than the
second book
4. In terms of questions, the first book has more questions than the second book, but the
problem is not much different from the second book


A. Conclusion
Of the two books, I think the main book is easier to understand than the second book.
Because the main book deals in more detail in the derivation of the formulas and examples of
questions given are more varied.

B. Reccomendation
From this discussion, I recommend in studying the material about the basics concept
of geometry from the main book because there is a more detailed explanation given so that
for readers who want to learn more about this material it is easier to understand it and there
are question given based on the daily life. It’s conciseness and clarity help the students focus
on, and understand, crtical concepts in geometry without them getting bogged down and lost
in excessive and unnecessary detail.


Larson Ron, Boswell Laurie, Stiff Lee. 2004. Geometry. Evanston, Illnois : McDougal Littell

Editor CK12. 2012. CK – 12 Geometry. California: CK – 12 Foundation



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