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P1P2 040 R00

Work Description: Repair works of stainless steel sand traps

Work Location: HHR Madinah Station
Work Schedule / Duration: unknown / 15 d
Subcontractor of P1P2: El Seif

Requirements to can work on site:

- Solve the reviewer’s comments of the work documentation.
- List of workers with name and ID number that will work doing this activity. These workers have to receive the proper training indicated
in the following link: A sheet with the
signatures of workers about that have received and understand this training and the Pre Start Talk of the MS have to be sent previously
to ASC. ASC Security will ensure that the people of this list can enter to work in the station.
- In the work area can work alone this company. A Production Coordination meeting will have to be done previously and during works.
- Chemical products:

Item Document Section
Reviewer’s Comment P1P2 Response Comments
No. Reference
R00: a. P1P2 has to receive the Implemented Emergency Plan of the Station. After that, Included refer to APPENDIX 2
Method Statement P1P2 will do an adhesion to it.
Emergency Plan b. Evacuation Plan, emergency routes, meeting points,… diagram of contact
number of responsibilities in case of emergency.
R00: a. You write: “This method statement outlines the repair and argon welding work of Rectified
Method Statement stainless-steel sand traps.” After reading the MS I have not clear what king of
Work Procedure work will be done. No description about the welding work, no description about
the repair works. Appear in the MS: forklift, boom truck, safety line, scaffolding,
ladders, grinder machine, drilling machine,… works in Madinah Depot,… It is
necessary to know exactly the machinery used in this work.

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P1P2 040 R00
Item Document Section
Reviewer’s Comment P1P2 Response Comments
No. Reference
R00: a. It is necessary the MSDS of different chemical products used during welding. Included refer to APPENDIX 6
3 Method Statement
Chemical products
R00: a. It is necessary specify the H&S training of the workers: Included refer to APPENDIX 5
Method Statement  Work Inside The Fence, HHR2-ASC-HSM-GEN-GEN-PRO-DET-00002
H&S Training R00, (link first sheet)
 Specific for the use of machinery like: grinder, arc welding machine, power
3 generator,…. To give your workers a permit to use that machinery some
training they have had to receive. Normally, this training is given with the
machinery manual. In this manual is explained how use the machinery and
their risks. Remember that a Tool box talk is not a proper training.
 Pre start talk, previously to start works. It is a training based in the MS.
R00: a. It is necessary specify correctly PPEs according the works, MSDS,… Where are Rectified
4 Method Statement the PPEs for welding works?
PPE b. The MS have in different parts two points with PPEs.
R00: a. It is necessary add the collective protections according the work. Rectified
5 Method Statement b. The MS have in different parts two points with collective protections.
Collective Protections
R00: a. It is necessary use all parts of the scaffolding from same manufacture. Remove (This work doesn’t require scaffolding)
Method Statement b. It is necessary Third party certification of scaffolding if it has more than 6 meters
Scaffold in each specific location.
6 c. It is necessary the training for the assembly people.
d. What does competent person mean?
e. It is necessary training for the people about the tag system, and how people will
work on the scaffolding.
R00: a. Risk assessment has to be reviewed according the work procedure. The work Rectified
Method Statement procedure needs a revision, so the revision of the risk assessment will be done
Risk Assessment after solve this problem. In advance, are you working with safety line,
scaffolding, heavy machinery, in Madina Depot ….
b. About the welding risk assessment, it need to improve: this kind of activity has a
lot of risks like: electrocution, noise, optical radiations, burns, explosion,
particles projection, inhalation of gases,…

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