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Individual Report Plan: A comparative analysis of consumer behavior for the selected eight
footwear brands
By (Student Name)

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Chapter I: Introduction
This study is designed to determine the consumer behavior of buying sports shoes, their
preferences about various sports shoe brands. The aim of the study is to evaluate the factors
influencing the consumer in purchasing sports shoes. To achieve this, aim the study gathered
data of 8 footwear brands (Puma, Under Armour, Lululemon, Nike, Adidas, Converse, Reebok,
and Asics.) and compare them through different variables to find out the factors that affect
consumer behavior while purchasing shoes and what brand they prefer most.
Statement of Problem
Every organization must consider the role of its brands in the market by positioning
techniques, but it is also important to determine consumer-based brand equity since customers
are the ones who contribute to the market position (Burillo, and Pérez González, 2016).
Therefore, it is always a matter of high concern to evaluate the factors that affect consumer’s
perceptions and buying behaviors regarding a particular brand,
Purpose of the study
The main purpose of this study is to provide a detailed insight into the factors affecting
consumer purchasing behavior towards buying sports shoes.
Objectives of the study
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to consider the following objectives into account:
1. To determine the brand value of the chosen brands and compare them to see which one
has higher equity among the customers.
2. To find out the differences in male and female footwear buying habits.
3. To evaluate the factor affecting consumer purchase behavior, particularly with respect to
buying sports shoes.
Research Question
1. Which factors determine the preference of consumers to purchase sports shoes?
2. Do the factors affecting their buying behavior vary across the gender and age of
3. Which brand/retail mostly influences consumer preferences and what is the current state
of brand loyalty and satisfaction amongst consumers?

H1: Factors affecting consumer buying behavior does not vary across gender and age
H2: Brand loyalty and consumer satisfaction are the main factors affecting the buying behavior
of the consumers.
Chapter II: Proposed Research Methodology

Qualitative and Quantitative are two types of methods that are commonly used in
research studies for the purpose of data collection and subsequent guidance for the analysis of
the collected data (Lakshman et al., 2000). Quantitative research requires the collection of data in
some measurable format that can be further analyzed through different statistical evaluations to
get insight into the possible inferences between the dependent and independent variables (Quick
and Hall, 2015). Whereas the qualitative data collection method involves a detailed in-depth
evaluation of a subject matter through observations, interviews, and identification of a common
pattern of meanings (SOFAER, 2002). For the purpose of this research quantitative research
methods will be chosen as per the requirement of the study because the complete research is
based on the primary data collection and will need SPSS analysis to find possible inferences
between the selected variables.
Research Design
In this research, the descriptive type of research has been selected with the objective to
get accurate results from participants. The core and fundamental discussion of this selection
emerge when particular data regarding research is required to be collected (Nassaji, 2015). The
collection of information that is conducted during the surveys and utilized to examine the
hypothesis arisen in the research will be demonstrated as findings later in the conclusion.
Population and Sample
The purpose of this research is to find out consumer behavior for 8 different footwear
brands. This research will include the US participants that purchase any of the 8 footwear brands
in the last 12 months that’s why the sample is not decided. The participants that will be targeted
are mostly voluntary that they are free to go whenever they feel uneasy when participating in the
data collection process.

For this research paper, primary data needs to be collected through a designed, electronic
questionnaire. A questionnaire is used to collect such data in order to standardize the facts and
allow for easy comparison (Roopa and Rani, 2012). Data collection instruments, such as
questionnaires, will be used to obtain information from different populations according to the
The research will use IBM SPSS statistics Version 24 for statistical analysis of the data.
The questionnaire responses can easily be coded through IBM SPSS. It can easily handle large
and complex data and derives out most relevant results.
Data Analysis
Research contains data of total 635 participants but after deleting invalid data, the final
dataset would comprise of 599 entries. Different statistical approached including descriptive
statistics, Pearson’s Correlation, Regression Analysis, Independent sample t-test will be used to
test the hypothesis of this research paper.
Briefly explain dependent and independent variable
Independent Variable
1. Gender
2. brand awareness/associations
3. perceived quality
4. Brand loyalty
Dependent variable
1. Consumer behavior of the selected brands
Intended Content page
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Research problem
1.3. Significance of the study
1.4. Research aims and objectives
1.5. Research question
2. Literature Review

2.1. Factors affecting consumer purchase behavior

2.1.1. Brand Loyalty
2.1.2. Customer Satisfaction
2.1.3. Quality of Projects
2.1.4. Price of Products
2.1.5. Customer Management/Service
3. Methodology
3.1. Research Design
3.2. Data collection Method
3.3. Instrumentation
3.4. Sample and Population
4. Analysis and Findings
4.1. Descriptive Statistics
4.2. Regression Analysis
4.3. Correlation Analysis
4.4. Testing of Hypothesis
4.5. Discussion
5. Conclusion and Recommendation


Burillo, P. and Pérez González, B. (2016) ‘Analysis of consumer behaviour to the price factor on
the footwear market for runners’, SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del
Deporte. doi: 10.6018/254171.
Lakshman, M., Sinha, L., Biswas, M., Charles, M. and Arora, N., 2000. Quantitative Vs
qualitative research methods. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 67(5), pp.369-377.

Nassaji, H., 2015. Qualitative and descriptive research: Data type versus data analysis. Language
Teaching Research, 19(2), pp.129-132.

Quick, J. and Hall, S., 2015. Part Three: The Quantitative Approach. Journal of Perioperative
Practice, 25(10), pp.192-196.

Roopa, S. and Rani, M., 2012. Questionnaire Designing for a Survey. The Journal of Indian
Orthodontic Society, 46, pp.273-277.

SOFAER, S., 2002. Qualitative research methods. International Journal for Quality in Health
Care, 14(4), pp.329-336.

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