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Case study:

In this case study it is described that there is a class in which both youngsters and
adults are included. There is also a young man. Young man name is Tobias who is different from
others. His hair style is different which is punk hair style that is totally different from his class
fellows. He has a lot of tattoos on his arms which are shown because he always uses to wear t-
shirt with half sleeves. It means he is totally different from his class fellows.

 Problem Arises:
When in class there is a time of group work ‘’no one in class wants to work with
him or even not wants to sit beside him’’. This is only because of his different look and

That’s why;

Tobias feels excluded from the group and he makes him dead set against to participate
in class activities. He can’t share his ideas and plans with others because no one wants to talk
with him.

 Activity:
If in class you are making groups for a project in a class. Then how can you help Tobias to
accept in the group?

 Steps for Acceptation:

 Mutual interest:
Try to know the interest of Tobias. There will be may be some interests
of Tobias and his class fellows are mutual. On mutual interests there should be
discussion. There should be participation of every student in discussion on the topic
which has been selected. In discussion Tobias should not be ignored. Try to engage the
Tobias in discussion. When Tobias will share his point of view and his ideas with other
fellows. There are two advantages of discussion:
 It will help Tobias to enhance his confidence.
 Due to discussion there is chance that all class knows about Tobias and also like
his ideas and point of view.

 Reason of different outfit and style:

Try to know the reason of his different outfit and style. We know that we
dressed up according to our own culture, religion as well as our own liking and
disliking. There will be surely a reason behind his different outfit and style. After
identifying the reason of his different outfit and style, it will help us to know about his
different style.
 Expectedness as a consequence of being usual:
First of all in this step you have to communicate with whole class
that why they are not making group with Tobias. Try to convince class that his style can
be different but he is also a human being as you.
Secondly, it should be considered that why only we except normality. If any person
has different style and outfit we should accept him rather than only normality.

….. The End….

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