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4 Step H.

Pylori Natural Treatment Protocol 6/13/19, 11(17 AM


H. Pylori Natural Treatment Protocol

Follow this H. pylori natural treatment plan to get rid of this
common stomach infection.


Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) can

cause a wide range of problems,
from chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer
disease, iron deficiency anemia,
and stomach cancer to diseases of
the liver, cardiovascular system,
skin, and many other body systems.
If you suffer from this infection, an H.
H. pylori natural treatment may include probiotics,
pylori natural treatment plan can be herbal supplements, and vitamin supplements.
© Viktoria Kabanova |
a safe solution. H. pylori infection is
closely linked to coronary heart
disease, rosacea, asthma, Parkinson’s disease, migraines, and
fibromyalgia.[1] Page 1 of 34
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Testing for H. pylori can be done through multiple avenues, including a blood
test to check for the presence of H. pylori antibodies, a breath test, or a stool
antigen test to check for H. pylori in stool samples. If you are at risk for ulcers
or stomach cancer you’ll want to know how to utilize H. pylori natural treatment

H. Pylori Natural Treatment

Treatment for H. pylori can take both a conventional and natural path. H. pylori
natural treatment cannot only help eradicate H. pylori infection, but also reduce
inflammation of the stomach lining and even help prevent the risk of stomach

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help to maintain the health of the
intestinal tract, aid in digestion, and help keep potentially harmful organisms in
the gut, such as H. pylori, under control. Many studies have demonstrated that
probiotics, including Saccharomyces boulardii and Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacterium species, are a useful H. pylori natural treatment.[4]

Although some studies have reported that probiotics alone are an effective H.
pylori natural treatment, they may be more useful when used as a
supplemental therapy along with either conventional or natural antimicrobial
drugs or herbs. Most studies have looked at probiotics in conjunction with
standard conventional drug treatment. Researchers recently analyzed the
results of 21 studies involving thousands of participants, concluding that
supplementing with probiotics along with standard therapy significantly
improves the cure rates and reduces the risk of antibiotic-associated side

Whether you are treated with conventional medications or not, the addition of a Page 2 of 34
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probiotic supplement both during and after your H. pylori eradication treatment
is recommended. The ideal dose depends on the type of probiotic used.
Generally, at least 10 to 20 billion CFU’s per day is recommended, away from
antibiotics and/or herbal antimicrobials.

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is a natural antioxidant and mucous-dissolving

nutrient that destroys the biofilm of H. pylori. H. pylori’s biofilm is what helps it
to survive in the stomach and resist antibiotic treatment. Like probiotics, NAC
supplementation has been shown to help treat H. pylori infection and
overcome antibiotic resistance.[6] A typical recommended dose is 600 mg three
times daily between meals.

Herbal extracts and phytonutrients, many with antibacterial actions, are

often used by natural practitioners to help eradicate H. pylori. Some
researched herbal extracts shown to be effective against H. pylori include:[7]

De-glycyrrhizinated licorice extract (DGL)

Ginger root extract
Garlic extract
Capsaicin (from red peppers)
Sulphoraphane (from Brassica family plants like broccoli sprouts)
Red ginseng extract
Epigallocatechin gallate (one of the green tea catechins)
Red wine extract and resveratrol
Quercetin (a flavonoid)

Vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium supplementation will help lower your risk
of dying from stomach or esophageal cancer after H. pylori infection has been
treated. This combination of antioxidant nutrients was studied in a large Page 3 of 34
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placebo controlled trial involving thousands of people with H. pylori.[8]

Patients received vitamin C (250 mg), vitamin E (100 IU as alpha tocopherol),

and selenium from yeast (37.5 μg) or placebo; taken twice daily for 7.5 years
after their original H. pylori infections were treated with standard drugs
(omeprazole and amoxicillin). The researchers then followed up with the
patients after another seven years.

The long-term antioxidant supplementation was statistically significantly

associated with reduced death from stomach and esophageal cancer.

A good quality, high-potency multivitamin and mineral supplement should

provide vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium in amounts close to those used in
the study above, although you may need to supplement with extra vitamin C to
reach the full daily dose of 500 mg.

Conventional H. pylori Treatment

The standard conventional treatment is referred to as “triple therapy.” It
consists of a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) along with two antibiotics—
clarithromycin and amoxicillin. Quadruple therapy with three antibiotics is also
used. However, even quadruple therapy is no longer efficacious in many cases
because of rampant antibiotic resistance.[3] The standard drugs used also
cause many side effects, including bloating, diarrhea, and taste disturbances.
The side effects often lead patients to fail to take the full course of antibiotics
as prescribed, further reducing effectiveness.

H. Pylori Natural Treatment: What to Try First Page 4 of 34
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If you’ve been diagnosed with H. pylori infection you have the option of trying
Helicobacter pylori natural treatment in place of, or in conjunction with,
standard drug treatment. Whether it’s best to use an all-natural approach or to
use natural therapies alongside conventional ones will depend, in part, on how
much damage has already occurred to the stomach lining.

If your H. pylori infection is mild and the damage is minimal, starting with an all-
natural approach makes sense. While there are many different H. pylori natural
treatment options, here’s a recommended protocol based on the natural
remedies discussed above:

Probiotic: such as Primadophilus Optima by Nature’s Way, containing 35

billion CFUs per capsule. Take 1 capsule twice daily for 1 month, then 1
capsule per day for 2 additional months.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC): 600 mg three times daily between meals for 3
Deglycyrrizinated Licorice (DGL): such as DGL by Enzymatic Therapy.
Chew 2 tablets (760mg) 20 minutes before each meal for 3 months.
Garlic extract: such as Kyolic Reserve Aged Garlic Extract. Take 1 tablet
(600 mg) twice daily with meals for 3 months.

In addition to the supplements above, take a multivitamin and eat the following
foods as often as possible:

Fermented foods, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi

High-phytonutrient foods, such as green tea, ginger, turmeric, and berries,
and broccoli sprouts.

Share Your H. Pylori Treatment Experience Page 5 of 34
4 Step H. Pylori Natural Treatment Protocol 6/13/19, 11(17 AM

Have you treated an H. pylori infection with natural medicine? Please share
your experience so others who are interested in natural health can learn from
you. Just scroll down the page to leave a comment below.

For related reading, visit these posts:

Gastritis Treatment: Medication and Lifestyle Changes

Gastritis: How to Recognize Common Symptoms
Gastritis Definition: What Is Gastritis, and Why Is the Term So
Gastritis Diet: Foods That Heal and Foods to Avoid

This article was originally published in 2016 and is regularly updated.

[1] World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Sep 14;20(34):11950-61.

[2] Medscape. Drugs and Diseases. H. Pylori Infection. Last updated Dec.
27, 2015.

[3] BMJ. 2015; 351: h4052.

[4] World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Oct 7; 21(37): 10644–10653.

[5] Exp Ther Med. 2015 Mar;9(3):707-716.

[6] J Clin Gastroenterol Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Nov-Dec; 45(10): 841–843.

[7] Ann Transl Med. 2015 Jun; 3(9): 122.

[8] JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst (2012) 104 (6): 488-492. Page 6 of 34
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 Comments
ghazi August 29, 2016

a cup of tea made from boiling a little of Senna alexandrina aka Cassia
Angustifolia and Foeniculum vulgare aka Fenouil commun, and drink the
mixture tea early morning before anything else. You can repeat the same
after one week and always drink it before eating or drinking anything else.
Also in addition to that chewing a little bit of ajwain and clove occasionally is
good as a sterilizer to the upper part of the body.

Naomi September 9, 2016

Thank you very much for this information, I will try it – natural approach
alone. I will let you know how I get on.

Lizzy October 1, 2016

I take Mastic gum capsules every night. Also if my stomach feels a bit uneasy
I take two teaspoons of pure slippery elm powder in warm water before bed. I
eat organic as far as possible, avoid sugar, all refined or processed stuff and
gluten and try to eat more vegetables than anything else. I find munching
through a raw carrot first thing in the morning helps me “go” which is a great
help. I have recently decided I had to give up coffee (even organic decaf.)
and alcohol as they were the two triggers of pain in my case. I attend a
herbalist who gives me a lovely mixture that keeps me calm, so I am not
stressing so much.
Before discovering Mastic gum I kept my HP under control using a frequency
I had one antibiotic treatment some years ago which cleared the problem for
about 10 years, then it came back and I was reluctant to go for the heavier Page 7 of 34
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dose since the importance of the microbiome and its role in immunity is now
becoming more clear, so I have tried all sorts of natural things. I think if I can
make the time I will do a full detox, starting with enemas, then clear the
kidneys with herbs and finally flush the liver until no stones come out. Its
important to do it in the right order so that the elimination routes are clear
before you release the toxic load from the liver. Bacteria and viruses lodge in
the debris that builds up in the liver. By getting rid of this the liver functions
better and there is less chance of reinfection. That’s the theory.
Thanks for the tips in the article. I will add these to my arsenal.

Fran October 4, 2016

Has anyone really irradiated H pylori with these natural remedies or do they
just keep symptoms minimal? I am looking to get rid of this Bacteria but I’m
not sure where to begin.

Julia October 9, 2016

To Lizzy – and anyone else doing the detox route – I would definitely add in
colonic hydrotherapy to the mix. You are exactly right in that you need to do
your detox in the right order but don’t forget that it is through your colon that
everything is eventually eliminated from the body so if your colon is in any
way clogged then your detox will not be as effective as it could be and the
toxins will just recirculate and cause more problems.
A good colonic as you start the detox and regularly through the process to
ensure full elimination will be of great benefit. Your Colon Hydrotherapist
should be able to advise you on the frequency you require. Everyone is
different so there is never a one size fits all in colonics. To find a good,
trained and safe therapist visit the ARCH website (Association of Colonic
Hydrotherapists) and that will give you the ones in your area. ARCH Page 8 of 34
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registered therapists are guaranteed to have been checked out and be safe.
Also don’t forget if doing the Liver and Gall bladder flush to have at least an
enema pre flush – colonic is better as clears more thoroughly – and definitely
a colonic post flush (Andreas Moritz recommends this too in his book). If
possible do include a coffee enema in your post flush colonic to ensure that
all the oil is flushed through your gall bladder.
Good digestive health to all.

Stephanie October 10, 2016

I have seen test resultd where Matula tea along with a good diet has
completely removed the bacteria. The mastic gum is supposed to work as

Susan October 12, 2016

I have just been prescribed the three prong antibiotic therapy for the 3rd time
and having a lot of stomach pain. Wondering if I’m foolish to think it will work
this time! And I’ve never had a follow up test to see if the meds worked
before, so I may have had H Pylori for years. i just wonder f what doctors
think of the natural remedies recommended in this article.

Lizzie October 29, 2016

Dear Susan
Doctors stick to the mainstream treatment and won’t know much about the
latest research unless they are very diligent. It takes years for research
results to reach GPs. I first had ulcers in the late 1980’s and read about
Helico Bacter, in Readers Digest, I think. I was begging my doctor to test me
but he laughed at me and said it was nonsense. He did test me eventually,
just to get rid of me, and the consultant said “you have quite a colony there”.
It’s easier to do your own research now with the internet, so I would say try Page 9 of 34
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everything you can before going through a 4th round of antibiotics. To ease
the pain in the meantime take pure slippery elm – (you probably won’t find it
in a health shop – they tend to stock brands with little slippery elm, mostly
wheat and sugar – no good at all – check out Amazon). I was taking several
doses a day at one point, and it doesn’t hurt – as long as you mix it with the
recommended amount of water. I get an organic and kosher brand from
America – costs a lot but is much better than any others I’ve tried, mixes
easily in cold or hot water. I start with cold then top it up with hot.
As far as cost goes I made a conscious decision that good food and
whatever I need for my health would take priority over holidays or clothes. I
get my clothes from charity shops and sunbathe in my back garden! I would
suggest cutting out the main gut damaging allergens ie gluten, dairy and soy
and try to track down any other sensitivities preferably with the help of a good
nutritionist. I cut out sugar and all oils except organic cold pressed olive oil,
coconut or avacado. Don’t get oils from the supermarket – they are probably
old and are not even packed in dark bottles. Go as organic as you can afford
to (Abel and Cole are good, and also Graig Farm). I cook very simply and
everything from scratch to avoid additives.
I went to a Medical Herbalist back in the 1990s and she prescribed a sub-
lingual multi vitamin and mineral from G&G because she said my gut was in
no shape to absorb from capsules or tablets. She also gave me pre and pro
biotics. I wouldn’t be swayed by advertising into buys loads of different
supplements. You really need a good practitioner to guide you. If you want to
go it alone there is a good website called run by
Michaela Rose which is good for getting tests done at cost and she will
comment on the test results for a small fee but doesn’t take on patients as
such. Page 10 of 34
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Mastic Gum is definitely worth a try. I get mine from

because they are pure. I knew a man whose health had deteriorated
drastically but he still got relief from mastic gum. Also if you are adventurous
google Dr Clark zapper. That took away my pain in about three or four days.
Finally check your vitamin D level. Its a cheap test. Make sure you get out in
the sun when there is any – without sunscreen – or take a supplement – also
cheap. According to Tom O’Bryan vitamin D is essential to every cell in the
body and nearly everyone is deficient.
My current herbalist says the key is to make the gut as healthy as possible so
that it is not a hospitable environment for bad bugs.
Good luck.

Lizzie October 29, 2016

Thank you so much for that advice. I will look into it. I have ordered a 3-
month colon cleansing program of herbs and psyllium so I’ll do that first and
see how I get on.

Angel November 20, 2016

Wow.. Reading this is giving me life. I have tried the triple therapy, four times.
Now this is my fifth. I’m so sad and confused. I wanna start on ginger and
garlic juice for one month. This bacteria is about to ruin my life. God help us

Rebecca November 29, 2016

This is such a wonderful message board. I suspect I have H. Pylori and will
be doing an Endoscopy in a week. I have been researching natural treatment
options, as I do not want to go the antibiotic route at all! I have just started
gently adding HCL with Pepsin at mealtime and have noticed great Page 11 of 34
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improvement with the indigestion, burning and epigastric pain. I will continue
to follow this board to see the other suggestions. I have also changed my diet
and switched to organic. As previously mentioned in another post, I have also
decided that reprioritizing where I spend my money, eliminates the “I can’t
afford natural.” Cheers to good health for us all!

Tina December 4, 2016

Tnx for all the good inputs.I’m trying to combat my H.Pylori too,just done w/
Triple therapy but my bloat & acid reflux still persist,so i guess i still have
H.Pylori.Trying ur suggestions this time.Many tnks!!

Robert B. December 5, 2016

I just started my firts triple therapy for H bacteria I can use all help I can get

Sabine1988 December 8, 2016

Muszę się wam pochwalic w koncu zrzuciłam – 5

kg. Przewaliłam chyba cały polski internet żeby znalezc cos na
odchudzanie i znalazlam. Wygoglujcie sobie: xxally
radzi jak szybko schudnąć

Samira December 11, 2016

There’s a famoso german phytoterapist calle Joakim Kaeser who Says that 8
to 10 gramms of spirulina + probiotics a day May cure h pylori.

Irongaint December 28, 2016

Hi all,
I have had this nasty bug sing Aug 20 2016, when i was diagnosed i was
given the triple therapy but it failed to work, so again in November had triple
therapy again it failed to work. The triple therapy just made me more sick and
down so have now decided to go down the natural route. Page 12 of 34
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I am current taking turmeric (1/2 teaspoon), with black pepper (pinch) and
cold pressed coconut oil or virgin olive oil (1 table spoon) in luke warm water.
I take this in the morning before breakfast and the same in the evening, it has
really relieved my symptoms and thank God I do feel much better, it has only
been a week but i will continue this for the next month. I have also order
Mastic Gum (helps kill the HP) , DGL (Liquorice) & L Glutamine (helps with
the healing of the stomach).
Hope this helps someone I have found this information after searching
various bloggs, everyone is different so it is advisable that you check with a
specialist before taking any sort of natural medicine.

Mm December 30, 2016

I started the triple theraphy last monday but i already stopped. Cant handle
the side effect ,especially the bitter taste on my mouth. I want to try mastic

Murray P. January 3, 2017

I have been diagnosed with H Pylori and looking for eradication other than
antibiotic triple therapy. I have found this. Seems mastic gum not at all useful.
Either in vivo or humans.

Murray P. January 6, 2017

I been reading this forum. Best information site I have found. Up to date,
scientific expert help

Manish January 13, 2017 Page 13 of 34
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I am dealing with pylori infection from last an year. I have taken antibiotics 4
times, but still no resolution. I am trying to find out natural medicine to treat
this infection as I had to deal with lot of side effects from antibiotics. Has
anyone tried natural medication resulted in complete eradication as I am still
not sure if complete eradication is ever be possible?Let me know.

Cris January 16, 2017

Hi there, glad to hear that others are still trying natural remedies. I gave in to
antibiotics since some natural remedies did not work well enough. And I
totally regret doing so. So as of today, I will commit to a bowel detox along
with some suggestions others have mentioned.

Cris January 16, 2017

The detox is Dr. Richard Schulze. Thanks for the suggestions.

Nawal February 1, 2017

My naturopathic doctor prescribed: Mucosagen, pyloricil, and DGL for four

Nawal February 1, 2017

Also, i’m taking IV H2O2 and Vitamin C IV, and glutathione IV beside the
supplements above

Dawn February 18, 2017

Thanks for the info and comments. Just came back w a positive HP year and
suspect I have had it for years. I don’t want to do the triple conventional
method. So this gives me hope. I look forward to the day I have rid myself of
numerous HP symptoms. Page 14 of 34
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Carlene February 28, 2017

I turned to articles such as this in part because the triple medication pack that
I was prescribed cost hundreds of dollars … So I didn’t fill the prescription VI
also strongly dislike the idea of putting more antibiotics in my body, as I see
that approach as counterintuitive. Since I baked at helping support big
pharma and have long preferred natural remedies anyway, I gathered a list of
beneficial supplements, headed to town, and bought almost$60 with of
supplements. That’s was two days ago, the day after I was diagnosed with h.
pylori, and I already feel much better!!!

Jucole March 9, 2017

I was told by my primary care doctor back in 2006 that the H. Pylori tests
were inaccurate and she did not wish to perform them, but after 10 other
unless tests including a gastric study and endoscopy I demanded to be
tested and one test came back positive. I chose the triple antibiotic treatment
and was much better within a month or so. I now think the infection is back
and even worse and I was told the antibiotics can even cause throat and
stomach cancer. I think my 2 kids have it as well this time. This time around
I’m having a lot of acid reflux and even back spasms. The first time I had a lot
of stomach cramps, bloating, & diarrhea. So we are all trying natural
remedies this time. Organic Pineapple juice first thing in the morning has kept
our symptoms at bay and garlic immediately stopped by back spasms. I now
take 2 odorless garlic capsules a day 600mg by Solaray. I started the garlic
almost 2 weeks ago. I haven’t decided whether to put my kids on the garlic
yet or not, but I’ve also decided to sterilize all silverware and stay away from
red meat, because I do believe red meat was the culprit. We have been
getting mighty sick lately from eating hamburgers from various well known Page 15 of 34
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restaurants such as five guys & outback. I believe we even contracted worms
from beef as well numerous times which swiss kriss laxatives and pineapple
juice really helped eradicate.

Heather March 12, 2017

I just did a breath test for H-pylori and it came back positive. The reason I
was even tested is because I’ve been dealing with horrible hives all over my
body for the past 6 weeks. Has anyone else dealt with hives. Just wondering
if this is even a symptom of H-pylori. My dermatologist is the one who tested
me and said that this could be the reason for my hives.

Agnes April 6, 2017

I have been dealing with h pylori since late 2015. I have had a very sour
stomach feeling so my family doctor has put me on acid reflux medicine.
Unfortunately it didn’t help and my blood and stool testing were negative for h
pylori. I started feeling like a hard ball was stuck in my rib cage..but I was told
it is probably just a muscle since I am very active but I couldn’t believe it. 6
month have past and after an endoscopy they diagnosed me with h pylori.
My stomach was so swollen and infected that it was pushing against my ribs.
I’ve got the treatment for 10 days which was harsh on my stomach but I think
it hasn’t helped me completely. I couldn’t count on stool or breath tests since
it was always negative even while I was infected with h pylori. So I started
taking probiotics, NAC, DSL and something called bio clean to help my gut
get healthy and clean. I dropped the DGL and NAC 3 months ago and
replaced it with mastic gut 2 a day 500mg and 2 a day and teaspoon of
manuka honey. I will take both for the next 3 weeks and take a break for a
half year. I won’t ever stop with my probiotics and bio clean. It definitely
helped me to improve my immune system and the bio clean helped me a lot Page 16 of 34
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with my bloating. For right now I feel great and hope that I have kicked h
pyloris butt…but I will always stay aware of any symptoms since I don’t want
to go thru this nightmare again..I wish you all the best and hope this post is
helping some of you fighters..

Cathy S. May 24, 2017

I started taking “Restore3” 4 months ago. How long should I take this before I
start a prevention plan. I felt completely healed from my fibromyalgia the
second week but stayed on it for the three months that are recommended for
H Pylori.
“Restore3” ingredients are; Protease Blend: Bacterial the Protease, Protease
S, Serrapeptase 200,000 HUT. Glucoamylase 100 AGU. Amylase 5000 DU.
Probiotic blend: Bacillus Coagulans, Bacillus Subtillis (DE 111) 2 Billion CFU.
Cellulase 1,600 CU. Hemicellulase 2000 HCU. Lipase 200 FIP. Magnesium
palate 46 mg.
Dosage; 2 capsules on an empty stomach per day.
Should I stay on this for the rest of my life to prevent H Pylori coming back?

Cindy June 21, 2017

This is so frustrating! Was in Costa Rica for a week. Came back 4/1/17 and
within a week got bruises on arms and legs and was tired. Got a lab test to
see why I was bruising and I had Low platelet count of 8,000. They admitted
me with a diagnosis of new onset thrombocytpenia. Gave me platelets, IVIG,
etc but did not think to test me for H pylori. Once home, I did reading and
learned that hpylori can cause thrombocytopenia. My blood test did come
back positive for Hpylori but my breath test was a false negative I believe due
to PPI meds. I completed a 14 day Flagyl, amoxicillin and clarithromiacin and
PPI about 10 days ago. My stool is pretty much thick and muddy not formed. Page 17 of 34
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Currently, my platelets are not dropping as fast as they did prior to the
antibiotics but they are still going down so I am worried that the hpylori was
not totally eradicated. I am trying to eat to get rid of it, cranberries, lean
proteins, berries, apples, brussels, green tea, probiotics, manuka honey,
tumeric, mastic gum, NAC, garlic, onions, peptobismol. I did a stool test
today and it might come back false negative due to pepto but if it is positive
i’ll do another round of different antibiotics. It is such a difficult thing to figure
it all out! I am working so hard to eradicate the h pylori so I can get rid of this
thrombocytopenia hopefully caused by the hpylori. Do you all see infectious
disease doctors and/or gastroenterologists for the hpylori? Any thoughts or
ideas are appreciated!
Thanks and be well, Cindy

Liz June 30, 2017

I do think that these endoscopies do complicate things. It was not til I did my
first endoscopy that my throat started to hurt, like a sore throat. I have been
taking DGL, ginger capsule and / or dried, Dandelion capsule, as prescribed
on bottles, Dr. Prescribed Probiotics 50 Billion, but will try Primidophilus
Optima, Lily of the Dessert Stomach Formula, multivitamin and HemaPlex
capsules for iron. This is my third endoscopy and they said it was not as
much but H Pylori was present and inflammation. I have hard time
swallowing, so I use powdered or capsule supplement that I can open and
add to water or grape juice and swallow. I will try the natural regiment that
was posted, plus L Glutamine from Repairvite which has been good to repair
my gut and matula tea which has gotten lots reviews , multivitamin with extra
liquid calcium and Vit D and sunshine, mastic gum, black seed oil, olive leaf
extract. Nature’s Sunshine Paw Paw Extract, seems to work well to
strengthen the immune system to destroy cancer. It is better to buy fresh Page 18 of 34
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from company than Amazon, though Amazon is great to read reviews . I will
look into Bio Clean and IV H202 vit C and Glutathione. And Restore 3. Will
probably add cranberry juice or capsule and cabbage juiced 3x a day to heal
stomach and possible ulcer. Will also drink Aloe juice. Eat a plant based diet
of non sweet fruits fruits one meal then Amy after 3 or six month also to deal
with Candida, nuts – alkaline almonds -brazil- some cashews for dressings ,
seeds – sunflower, tahini and sesame seeds, chia, hemp, flax, pumpkin, ,,
whole grain flute free- rice – Millet cooked with pineapple juice- coconut milk
– stevia- vanilla, water , quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, Gluten Free Oats
cooked or raw soaked over night and blended with nuts stevia vanilla –
frozen berries, nut milks, beans, raw veggies and cooked in other meal not
mixed wit fruit ad no more 3-4 combinations whether fruits or veggies. Lemon
juice squeezed into warm water daily with breaks, lemon juice fresh in one
tablespoon 15 min before each meal for acid to digest food- has worked
great with stress related illness.. Simple is better and less expensive. also will
do lifestyle practices like: Exercise on trampoline or rebounder 6x week with
Saturday off, walking or mowing lawn for 45 min or more, gardening with
sunshine on as much skin 3-5 hours, water according to weight divided by 2
equals ounces per day then divide by 8 ounces gives me minimum cups to
drink but more better. I may add that plus half that amount.example 140/ 2=
70 / 8= 8.75 + 4= 12 cups. I will stay away from processed and toxic things
foods, no coffee or chocolate or sugars, but will do colon, liver and gall
bladder cleanse either go to our Home Lifestyle Center or Belle Vita or d at
home but better under supervision, lots of rest especially get to bed by 8:30
or 9 pm so my body can go into repair mode between hours of 9pm – 12am
though new info says 8pm- 3 am is actual. Then put my trust fully in God that
as I put His true doctors of nutrition, exercise, water, abstinence from harmful Page 19 of 34
4 Step H. Pylori Natural Treatment Protocol 6/13/19, 11(17 AM

things, sunshine, lots of deep breathing in fresh air while doing outdoor
activities or driving, proper rest and trust in Him, it will restore my body and
the assistants that are the herbs will support the true doctors to bring back
restoration and preservation of health to my body.

lucyh4 July 8, 2017

One faithful day on the internet I saw some post’s about
perfecthealthherbalmedicinehome,so many people was talking about their
herbal medicine that they cures different kinds of deadly diseases,so i
decided to give it a try ,i contacted them via their email,
(perfecthealthherbalmedicine gmail’com) website;
(www’perfecthealthherbal’weebly’com),so they replied me,and told me that
they will cure me within 5-6 weeks ,then i purchased the herbal medicine and
they sent the herbal medicine to me via courier service,which i received
within after 5 weeks of usage all my symptoms disappeared totally
,then i went for medical check-up and doctor confirmed i am totally cured and
parkinson’s diseases please viewers my testimony is a true life
story,all thanks to perfecthealthherbalmedicinehome…
Best Regards
Foster Kelis

Lisa September 14, 2017

I was looking up the Nature’s Way Primadophilus Optima Probiotic and was
surprised to see that it contains milk. A lot of people with these stomach
conditions can’t tolerate the milk unless the lactose is removed.

Brendan P. September 25, 2017 Page 20 of 34
4 Step H. Pylori Natural Treatment Protocol 6/13/19, 11(17 AM

Hi thank you for the article, I was curious using the NAC treatment with the
garlic etc. how quickly on average would you expect to see/ feel results? Also
I am adding Mastic Gum hopefullly as another killer to work with the biofilm
suppressor. Have you experimented with that? Thanks again!

Joe C. October 22, 2017

“British Journal of General Practice” notes that aloe vera decreases irritation
and enhances healing and repair of ulcers in the stomach and intestines.
Aloe vera juice also helps to decrease inflammation in irritable bowel
syndrome, colitis and other inflammatory disorders of the gut. Additionally,
aloe vera can increase healthy bacteria in the intestines that aid digestion.”

chriscat November 7, 2017

You can order a bottle of Pylori-Plex from It contains: mastic
gum 1000mg licorice root(dgl) marshmallow root and slippery elm bark. It’s
made by Douglas Laboritories.

Leib December 2, 2017

Great article. However, everywhere I go everyone talks about the benefits of

green tea. I agree, but unbeknownst to many, white tea is far superior to
green tea and more studies need to be done on it. White tea comes from the
same tea tree as green tea but is far less processed and has 3 times the

SHANA March 22, 2018

Given that the Hpylori release urease to lower acid in stomach to make it a
hospitable enviro for them to survive.I ahve looked into herbs and foods that
decrease urease in stomach. These that were found to be effective were
cranberry make sure its undiluted and no sugar added.along with oregano( i Page 21 of 34
4 Step H. Pylori Natural Treatment Protocol 6/13/19, 11(17 AM

believe the oil is best) broccoli sprouts 250 mg 2x a day or equivlent in food.
Taking HCLbefore a meal as well.Ialso read in a study that cloves were very
effective against the organism.It seems that you need a multipronged attack
in eradicating this little bug.

anamar May 11, 2018

Thanks for all the feedback. After two rounds of antibiotics since 2016 and
still having heavy pain I will be diligent with the natural remedies suggested

Irfan June 19, 2018

I was diagnosed with H.pylori last month, I took HP-PAC 2 antibiotics and
one acid reflux. after 7 days I had swelling in my right elbow and infection
was spreading so doctor gave me 7 days of 500MG 4 capsules per day of
kflx antibiotics. double course of antibiotics left me energy less and so tired
as all my blood is drawn out. This is 4th week of completing H-pylori
treatment and I felt so much acidity for 2 days that I had to take prazole acid
reflux. After reading blogs I realized that it is not an easy bug to get rid off. I
am going to see my doctor today and ask for re-test. Also I am going to start
all the natural remedies. A combination of everything is needed to kill this bug
or at least drop its colony to a level where it cannot do damage to stomach.

sunil July 12, 2018

I am struggling with H.pylori from last one year. tested positive in July 2017
and completed tripple therapy 3 times but no improvement. tried mastic gum
for one month but no improvement. sometime getting blood in stool. severe
chronic gastric and intestinal metaplasia was detected in endoscopy 4 Page 22 of 34
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months back but doctor said that nothing is serious. please any suggestion
can save my life. i am feeling like i am going to die the way my heath went
down. lost 11 kg weight

sunil July 12, 2018

please can someone suggest me any way forward. looking for some advice
to save my life as health is going down day by day. h. pylori is going to kill
me. help please.

Gurdev S. July 31, 2018

In 2011 I was tested positive for H.Pylori. The Doctor prescribed antibiotics.
But I started searching natural way to treat this.After a long time I was able to
get a negative report with the following natural treatment. Ii started taking first
thing in the morning Kefir made with the help of Kefir grains. I also started
taking coconut oil and no sugar or sugar products. Green leaves including
wheatgrass juice. Barefoot walking and fast running for an hour. No junk food
or fried food. Indian type bread made from sprouted wheat both times. It took
about three years to get a negative report. But now I have gas problem and
with that I have blood pressure ranging from. 150 to 180. But after exercise
and yoga the gas releases and it comes to near normal. I am 80 and take
part in World Masters Athletic Championships in different countries. I won a
gold in 2013 World senior games in Utah. I feel that the bacteria might have
done some damage to my gut and am unable to treat this condition.

Philippa W. August 9, 2018

To the commenter who had hives, I too have concluded after 4.5months of
hives (all over) after an ADR to Clarithromycin on 27th March 2018. I reacted
to ONE pill, was bedridden for 3 weeks and unable to work for any length of
time since. Page 23 of 34
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I have hereditary Coeliac Disease, and Hashimoto’s and the doctor’s

favourite phrase: IBS and we all know what that stands for.
I have concluded that I have H.Pylori and my husband tested positive for it
some years ago. The doctors would not test me as they said it is not
infectious (so how do you get it???????)
I am using a combination of the approaches discussed above and am
hopeful that for the first time in 10 years (since I met my DH) of regaining my
health. He is doing it too and the dog, a modified version.
Good luck to all those that seek answers; and thank you for this article.

Rick R. October 4, 2018

Turmeric keeps H.pylori from attaching to the stomach lining. The herb
Moringa will kill the bacteria.

Liz November 5, 2018

I was just diagnosed after almost 2 years. I knew something was wrong and I
kept changing my diet and seeing my doctor, but they could find nothing viral
or bacterial. I sought out an Indermal Medicine doctor and finally got a
colonoscopy and endoscopy. They found H-pylori, ulcers, hiatal hernia and
my throat is damaged from laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) I eat healthy
(pescatarian and organic and now vegan) and yet my entire upper digestive
tract is a mess. The doctor put me on the Triple Therapy. Like one of the
prevous comments I feel worse than I did before taking them and it has only
been 4 days. I called my doctor this morning and said I am not taking the
antibiotics anymore. I knew better in the first place….I just didn’t know what
to do so to the internet I went and found this page on the journey.
after much research over the past week, I have gathered a supply of orgainic
herbal treatments;many of which have been suggested here. So, I thank Page 24 of 34
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everyone who has offered their experiences and information. I have found
many videos on Youtube that are amazing. I hope to come back in a month
and have a happy ending and healthy result.

Liz November 5, 2018

I do have a question for anyone who has recovered from H-Pylori using the
natural approach. Approximately how long does it take for the herbs,
probiotics and other supplements to work? Or how long should I treat myself
before being retested? Thank you

Robert C. November 14, 2018

just start taking them, It was my experience that they helped a little right
away. Depending on how bad it is you may need antibiotics from the doctor.
Get an endoscopy, take the meds then maintain with probiotics etc from

Ann November 28, 2018

I have been diagnosed with H.pylori since 2013. It reocurred this year. I was
diagnosed to be clarithromycin resistant. I am also lokohing for natural
remedies for H. Pylori.

dededed December 9, 2018

propolis melted in alcohol spirit … 4- 5 times daily

Lou December 17, 2018

Has anyone tired

Maureen December 31, 2018 Page 25 of 34
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I think lifestyle changes is all we need. It’s not about how long it will take
before we see results but how long we are able to maintain healthy diet and
healthy lifestyle. I have taken the H pylori kit 3 times and am still testing
positive. I decided to try changing my eating habits and use probiotics on
daily basis and within 3 weeks the symptoms had completely vanished. I
have decided to maintain this lifestyle forever. As long as we can make our
bodies alkaline then H pylori bacteria will not be able to thrive in an alkaline
environment. The overall idea is to make the body alkaline. Eat plenty of
Green leafy vegetables (steamed), drink carrot juice on an empty stomach,
eat plain or natural yoghurt frequently, avoid acidic and processed foods. I
also take glutathione and multivitamins to keep health. If you really want to
forget about H pylori adjust your lifestyle for good and don’t keep thinking
about the bacteria otherwise you will be depressed. God is our healer and
there is no disease or sickness that is greater than Him, we shall all be well
and Pylori will be defeated. Let’s keep healthy lifestyle, steam or boil our food
and avoid fried foods, Red meat etc.

Nina January 11, 2019

When I first got my result of ‘borderline positive’ for the bug, i did not find this
page and that was back in 2015. Doctor immediately prescribed me the 7 day
course antibiotics but i was not able to start the treatment right away cos of
family situation, which then gave me time to research on the bacteria which
really made me have a second thought about the drugs i was about to take
after reading all the side effects others had. So i went back to work and
asked around, quite a few people had been diagnosed in the past and they
had taken the antibiotics, non of them had gone back to re-check after the
course and almost all still had stomach issues. One of them had to go
through 3 rounds of stronger and stronger drugs and it was painful to see her Page 26 of 34
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struggle through.
So at that time i considered myself not having much symptoms at all but alot
of them came after the diagnosed probably was in fact from stress and
anxiety about the bug, so i started to have excessive bloating or burping ,
fatigue, loss of appetite, and just overall unwell. I did not really have much
pain or heartburn. So I started taking Manuka honey UMF10+ day and night,
started eating garlic if i have them in my dishes, probiotics, mastic chewing
gums, and after about a year I felt abit more relaxed and conditioned seemed
to have improved abit but always new symptoms come and go. In 2017 I
bought broccoli sprout powder and started eating a teaspoon with rice every
night, and manuka honey was taken less than before because I was lazy. I
also started oil pulling with coconut oil in 2017 to heal ease my teeth problem
which some people claim would also help stomach issue. By now, I rarely
have discomfort in my stomach, except appetite change periodically which I
think relates to my menstrual cycle. So i am not sure which of the things i did
helped. But thought I’d post here for others in the same boat and hopefully
you will feel great again soon.

jenny s. January 31, 2019

No one has mentioned nausea in relation to h.pylori. Anyone had it? Any way
to address it?
By the way, they know have proven that the bacteria dies as it is excreted,
which is why the most a stool sample can tell you is that you have had
h.pylori. And you have to wait 4-6 weeks after the triple therapy is complete
to get an accurate blood (which will have antibodies if you still have it), or
breathe test).
I think the reason that there is so much resistant strains isn’t that the Triple
treatment doesn’t work, but that it is really tough to do it complete adherence Page 27 of 34
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(and keep it down, in my case). My doctor told me to use pepto bismal (which
is known to kill it), but prescribed it while taking doxycycline, which is known
to reduce the effectiveness of the latter by 20%. I didn’t want to take the PPI
because prior use (more than OTC dose) really hurt my kidney function.

Kimberly N. February 4, 2019

The comment from Rick R. seems interesting, simple and worth a try. I was
heading to the gastroentologists this week for chronic hives (which are
almost gone) and arthritis in my hands. But I seem to be turning a corner, so I
am going to cancel that appt. I Had Sibo, and gastritis several 7 years ago.
The antibiotic treatment and short course of protein pump inhibitors helped
completely for that. But 7 years later i developed chronic hives after a
vacation and arthritus in my hands, and was burping too much. I know its my
gut. I seem to be turning a corner with natural stuff. Multivitamin, ginger slices
in hot water, and 1 strain of probiotic. Keeping a food diary helped me realize
I had an severe allergic response to only fresh citrus. Which is ironic cause I
was eating tons fresh citrus instead of orange juice or cookies, cause it was
the healthier option. Turns out oj and cookies are not as bad as fresh cirtus
for me. It is tough being sick because that in itself stresses you out and the
more stressed you are, the more your gut can’t do its job. Doctors are going
to treat you with pharmaceuticals, which sometimes work and sometimes
create more problems. There are so many viruses, bacteria, vector illnesses
out there. I know this was about h-pylori. But, here is my advice for gut
problems. Bot times I had stomach problems I kept a food and vitamin
journal. They help one to see patterns and might be usefull. We are looking
for solutions and forums like this help.

FMG February 16, 2019 Page 28 of 34
4 Step H. Pylori Natural Treatment Protocol 6/13/19, 11(17 AM

Wow wow wow! So much information, a lot of people running around and
around and around trying to figure this out, even wearing themselves out
seemingly with all the busyness of trying to heal this.
Any of my faith-based friends who know there’s a spiritual enemy, research
“resting in Him.” The enemy seeks to take you out of rest so that he can
attack your health & finances. Meditation is known to heal gastrointestinal
disorders, and that time of resting in Him brings healing, grace & profits to all
I can personally attest that organic, raw crushed garlic kills antibiotic resistant
After an emergency appendectomy surgery and 11 days of three very strong
antibiotics that don’t kill Pylori, I had the worst ulcer pain ever in 15 years
from anti-biotic resistant Pylori. Researched and took the garlic as above,
and two treatments cured the pain. Now I use that anytime there is pain and
anytime I have slipped up with any kind of sweets, because sugar enables
the bacteria to grow fast & causes inflammation.
Sugar is the biggest enemy. Stay away from that, 100%. The keto diet and
raw foods including raw milk from a safe dairy farm (includes probiotics) and
BarleyMax healed me from the anti-biotic onslaught which threatened arthritis
and more. Stopped it cold.
Garlic as above (not just any garlic) worked better than mastic gum, too!!
(Raw, organic, fresh, crushed 10 minutes to release allicin before taking).
I believe the raw garlic as above is better than any antibiotics. Just be sure to
take it separately from probiotics as you would with any anti-biotic.
Now on to try the suggestions by this article as well as serrapeotase and
amalase for dissolving microbione and then hitting it with garlic and probiotics
while on a cabbage juicing fast. Page 29 of 34
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Joannie February 19, 2019

I have had excessive bloating and felt as if something was under my right rib
cage for over two years. Went to a gastrointestinal doctor who said I was only
constipated and needed a colonoscopy. He then wrote me a huge
prescription for Miralax. After drinking lots of water and taking a probiotic to
regulate bowel movements I returned to the doctor to let him know my
symptoms remained. He did an x-ray of my abdomen area and continued to
press me to get a colonoscopy. At this time I decided to try a different
gastrointestinal doctor. Went to see the new doctor, same thing wanted a
colonoscopy. I gave in and did the colonoscopy – no problems there and will
not need another one for 10 years. I kinda gave up on doctors at this point
and changed my diet to fresh fruit and vegetables – no bread, dairy or sugar.
Lost about 10 lbs (which I did not need to lose) but no help for the bloating. I
had not symptoms of acid reflux or nausea. Went back to doctor and said we
have to find out whats wrong – I know my body and somethings no right. He
then did a CT scan, blood work, and thyroid test, everything was good. I
pressed him to do more testing and finally got an endoscopy and test for H.
Pylori. I have been on the triple antibiotic treatment for 8 days now. It is very
hard the first 3-4 days, I feel a little better each day. Along with the
medication I have been taking a probiotic 2 hours after the antiobotics twice a
day. I have cut out all sugar, dairy and wheat, eating only lean meats
(chicken & salmon), lightly cooked vegetables and lots of spring water,
broccoli sprouts and tsp of manuka honey each day and greek yogurt to
lessen antibiotic side effects. I have to wait two weeks after the triple
antibiotic treatment to be retested. I will continue with this diet and increase
my probiotics during the two weeks. I will come back let leave the results
when I am retested. Page 30 of 34
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Madeline February 21, 2019

This is my first visit to UHN Daily. I found it after a fair amount of internet
searching following a month of nausea and strange smell/taste experiences.
Thank you for providing such a balanced, practical and easily digested
article. I’m awaiting the results of a urea breath test for h. pylori and this
article has made me feel much better prepared if this turns out to be the

AmazingMarcin February 27, 2019

Manuka Honey – waste of money,works only invitro

Drink as much as you can cranberry juice,,unsweetened,,with oregano oil
first thing in the morning(250 ml)+10 drops of oregano oil,+NAC,wait 10-15
min then drink 3-4 glasses (250 ml) of water and induce vomiting, do it 3×
This is the oldest technique to get rid of the bacteria and fastest route of
elimination toxins and bugs from your stomach.
It’s only 20 inches from your stomach to your mouth.Rinse your mouth with
coconut oil afterwards.

Jen March 3, 2019

I took aloe, silver and helicobactrin and it totally cleared it up. What my
natural dr gave me

Zylstra March 6, 2019

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is not mentioned in the study of footnote 6.

Chandra J. March 7, 2019

Hi Zylstra, thank you for your comment. The footnote has been edited.

Robin M. March 14, 2019 Page 31 of 34
4 Step H. Pylori Natural Treatment Protocol 6/13/19, 11(17 AM

Just reading about Berberine. Anyone tried that?

Suze April 5, 2019

It’s humbling to read the experiences of ppl suffering w/H Pylori. Just gotten
the diagnosis, and thanks to all of you for your sincerity and your articulation
of this condition. Am on the way to the Natural food store to get some of the
supplements. Am into the 2-wk antibiotic course already, so perhaps a
second round won’t be on the agenda. Good luck and good health to all;
meditate, practice yoga if you can, eat as well as you can. And as one person
noted, buy the best you can and shop the thrift stores and take some walks
instead of exp. vacations!

John April 22, 2019

Did anyone here Got any positive results after eating garlic, or brocoli
sproud?, And if have you tested your stomach to confirm if the bacteria
population has reduced.

Victor May 5, 2019

Has anyone tried Allicidin capsules along with probiotics + green tea +
manuka honey? If so, let me know the results. Each allicidin capsule contains
the main ingredient in Garlic.

Ken May 8, 2019

Regular dose of this combination cured me in about 1-2 months.
1) Broccoli sprouts
2) DGL
3) NAC
4) Mastic gum
5) Curcumin Page 32 of 34
4 Step H. Pylori Natural Treatment Protocol 6/13/19, 11(17 AM

6) Cranberry extract
7) Propolis
8 ) Olive leaf extract
9) ​Bismuth subsalicylate
10) Omeprazole (PPI)
11) Collagen
12) L Glutamine
13) Cabbage juice
14) Vitamin B12
15) Ginger
16) Reservatrol
17) Probiotics

Ken May 13, 2019

Addendum to previous post: the herbal treatment succeeded when
conventional triple-therapy antibiotics with PPI failed.

b May 15, 2019

I must recommend a Dr David Michael at the Wellness Center in Tel Aviv. He
injected 1 plastic tube of Ozone, Helium (to keep local), Nitric Oxide to dilate,
and C02 to alkalanize (just repeating what he said) through an IV into a
lymph below my belly button ( I recorded a video but he asked me not to
post, cause he’s 70 something and says life as a neurosurgeon with 20,000
operations gave him some tools, but only he knows how to administer it, and
somebody tried to copy this technique and self administered , dying of an
embolism! …?) anyway, he said, “There is a SHTORM (Russian accent for
storm) of healing in your stomach now. More than a Tsunami… ” the take
away was after chronic pain and bloating and very little ability to eat, I had a Page 33 of 34
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5 day reprieve of about 95% of bloating , burping etc. Went back for a 2nd
treatment ($1000 Usd about) and it has continued to be good besides some
burping which hasn’t stopped. Now going for a rife treatment. Still doing
mastic,metula, etc. And have the antibiotics on standby. Dr Michaely also
says he can make a vaccine from the blood but its 3g a pop and he says is
about 60percent chance of being effective but will develop a resistant
defense for the body against the Pylori.
Good luck. oh, too the person above. Yes MMS for about two weeks
HOURLY! may have done some good, but nothing like the shots of gas in

Healthy Consumer F. June 4, 2019

@ FMG February 16, 2019

Hi, when to take the raw crushed Garlic and for how long?

Ann June 9, 2019

Garlic or Allicin should be taken three times per day. Page 34 of 34

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