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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Region

Schools Division Office-MALABON CITY

(attachment no. 1)

Learning Area Grade Level

English Grade 4
Activity Title:
- Graphic Organizers to show Sequencing of Events
Content Standard Performance Standard
Demonstrates an understanding to identify the Organize events/information using different kinds of
different kinds of graphic organizers and their uses graphic organizers
Competency Codes Learning Competencies
EN4RC-IIe-30 Using appropriate graphic organizers to show the
sequence of events in a text read (story)
I. Overview of Learning Activities
1. Learners have been introduced to identify the main idea, key sentences, and supporting details from text
listened. They will do the guided practice and independent practice activities on using appropriate graphic
organizers to show the sequence of events in a text read in a provided activity sheet.
2. For this activity, learner listens critically to various text types and expresses ideas accurately in both oral
and written forms; demonstrates confidence in the use of the language to meet every day needs; and reads
independently and gets relevant information from various text types.
II. Assessment Criteria
Learners demonstrate understanding of different kinds of graphic organizers and their uses.

Learners will be able to:
1. organize events/information using different kinds of graphic organizers; and
2. use graphic organizers to show understanding of texts (story sequence organizers)
III. Assessment Method/Methods (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)
_____ Observation _____ Analyses of Learners’ products
_____ Tests _____ Talking to Learners (Question and Answer)
IV. Assessment Activity/Activities
1. The learners will ask to fill in the KWL chart K and W columns about the
story “Online School” by Meredith Polsky. Suggested picture is given:

2. The learners will read the following sentences and they will determine the meaning of the underlined
words through context clues. (see lesson plan)

3. The learners will read again the short story entitled “Online School” and they will fill out the details
needed in the appropriate graphic organizers.
Sample Story:
Online School
by Meredith Polsky
My school building is closed right now. Third, my teacher is in charge of online school, just
I can’t go to my school building, but I can go to like they are in charge of my classroom. They
online school. usually write on the whiteboard or the smart board,
I didn’t know I could go to school on the computer, and now they write on the computer screen. That’s
but for now, that’s how I see my teachers and their job. It’s not my job, unless my teacher gives
friends and it’s also how I learn new things. me a turn.
Fourth, I stay at my computer at online school, just
like I stay in my seat at regular school. My teacher
Even though online school feels really different will give me breaks, and I can go to the bathroom
from regular school, there are lots of things that are or get a snack.
still the same. I was really used to regular school. I knew just
First, I need to go to online school every day, just what to do. But I can get used to online school, too.
like regular school. This is new for all of us, so following these rules
Second, I wait my turn when I have something to helps everyone. I like seeing my teachers and
say. At regular school, I raise my hand and wait to friends, and I can learn a lot at online school until
be called on. At online school, I wait for my teacher we go back to regular school.
to unmute me or tell me that it’s my turn to talk.

4. The learners will answer the following questions about the story. Using pictures of graphic organizers to
help them answer the questions. Suggestions for the pictures are given below:

5. Display the graphic organizers chart (see Attachment 3A). Recall the important details and giving
feedbacks to each group.

6. The learners will arrange the jumbled letters to guess the type of graphic organizer that is described by the
following clues.
1. PETOCCN PAM – used for brainstorming activities and formulate ideas.
2. QESNCUEE THRCA – used to arrange series of events in proper order
3. NEVN MADIRGA – used to illustrate the similarities and differences
4. SCEAU NDA CTFEEF – used to show relationships of events or details
5. ASTIDEL ARCTH – used to present hierarchical relationships of major events and sub – details.

7. The learners will read another short story “Why I Can’t I Go to School?”. Then they will use a graphic
organizer to summarize it.
“Why Can’t I Go to School?”
By Abbi Kruse & The Playing Field

Most days I go to school.

I like to play with my friends.
My teachers love me a lot!
I can’t go to school right now.
At school, there are a lot of other children.
When a lot of children are together, they
sometimes share their sneezes and coughs.
Sharing sneezes and coughs can make everyone
I am staying home until all my friends and my
teachers are healthy.
When everyone is healthy, we can go back to
My teachers love me and they are thinking of me.

V. Recording Methods (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)

_____ checklists (see attached) _____ marks
_____ class grids _____ anecdotal records
_____ grades _____ comments on learners’ work
_____ portfolios _____ self – assessment records
_____ audio recordings, photographs, video footages
VI. Making Consistent Judgements (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)
_____ Rubric linked to the assessment criteria
_____ Mark’s scheme linked to the assessment criteria
VII. Feedback (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)
_____ Oral feedback from peers/teacher/others
_____ Written feedback from peers/teacher/others (see attached written feedback sheet)
_____ Self – reflection

Attachment no. 2
Graphic organizers charts:

Attachment no. 3
Written Feedback Sheet for Group Activities

Level of Achievement Description

High (5 marks) You’ve got it! Well done!
Satisfactory (3 marks) You’re doing well – keep practicing
Needs assistance (1 mark) Here are some tips to help you.

Assessment Criteria Level of Tips for Improvement (Comments)

1. organize events/information using different kinds
of graphic organizers
2. use graphic organizers to show understanding of
texts (story sequence organizers)

Attachment no. 4
Graphic Organizer Rubric for Evaluation:

Name: Date: April 29, 2021

Title of the story: Why I Can’t I Go to School?
Assessment Criteria Level of Achievement
A – achieved NA – not achieved
1. The graphic organizer has an appropriate title and labels.
2. The information in the graphic organizer is accurate.
3. The relationships presented in the graphic organizer are correct and clear.
4. The graphic organizer demonstrates an understanding of the topic, its
relationships & related concepts.
5. Overall, the graphic organizer represents the student’s full potential
showing understanding of texts (story) read.
TOTAL _____/5

Tips for Improvement (Comments)

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