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A 215.

Photosynthesis is a process involved in the manufacture of

a. carbohydrates c. proteins
b. fats d. all of the above

D 242. Genetic code is:

a. universal c. continuous
b. composed of three nucleotides d. all are correct

D 219. The activation of pepsinogen requires:

a. NaOH c. acetic acid
b. bicarbonate d. HCI

D 204. What vitamin deficiency causes pellagra?

a. riboflavin c. pantothenic acid
b. thiamine d. nicotinic acid

C 191. Separates from cells when blood is coagulated

a. fibrogen d. thrombin
b. plasma e. none of the above
c. serum

A 175. Lactose can be differentiated from fructose by

a. Mucic acid test d. Iodine test
b. Barfoed's test e. Tollen's test
c. Fehling's test

A 134. The ff. are essential amino acids, except:

a. tyrosine c. methionine
b. lysine d. arginine

A 128. Process of converting liver glycogen into blood glusoce:

a. glycogenolysis c. glycolysis
b. gluconeogenesis d. glycogenesis

C 65. It is responsible for the storage and transmission of genetic information.

a. adenine c. DNA
b. RNA d. nucleic acid

B 41. The process of converting glucose into glycogen is called

a. gluconeogenesis c. glycolysis
b. glycogenesis d. glycogenolysis

B 27. Benedict’s reagent yield positive result to:

a. monosaccharide only b. reducing sugars
c. sucrose d. polysaccharides

B 33. Protein digestion starts in the

a. mouth b. stomach
c. intestine
d. pancreas
A 45. These are chemicals that are extracted from organism such as bacteria and can inhibit
growth or destroy other microorganisms:
a. antibiotic c. hormone
b. enzyme d. vitamins

B 81. The positive indication for the presence of glycerol in acrolein test:
a. yellow colored solution c. silver mirror formed in the test tube
b. black markings on filter d. play of colors, from blue to shades
paper of red

C 99. Specific test for galactose, due to the formation of highly insoluble crystals:
a. phenylhydrazine test c. mucic acid
b. fermentation d. molisch

B 120. Condition wherein acetone accumulates in the blood:

a. ketosuria c. ketosis
b. ketonemia d. ketonuria

C 135. The chief end product of purine metabolism in man

a. CO c. uric acid
b. urea d. ammonia

B 156. Conjugated proteins which are a combination of amino acids and carbohydrates

a. nucleoproteins c. phosphoproteins
b. glycoproteins d. chromoproteins

C 172. Concentrated dehydrating acids change monosaccharides to

a. simple sugars d. uronic acids
b. saccharic acids e. aldric acids
c. furfurals

B 176. Polymers that are responsible for the metabolic capabilities and morphology of organisms are
a. carbohydrates c. polysaccharides
b. proteins d. nucleic acids

A 184. Endocrine gland that is a small oval body situated at the base of the brain
a. hypophysis c. adrenal
b. pancreas d. none of the above

A 8. The ionic property of amino acid is exhibited by its

a. zwitterions form c. COO group
b. NH2 group d. positively charged groups

B 20. Milk curdling enzyme present in gastric juice of infants:

a. pepsin b. rennin
c. trypsin d. maltase

C 26. Iodine test is a reaction which may be used to identify carbohydrates. The reaction is due
a. presence of the free aldehyde group
b. presence of alcohol group
c. presence of amylose portion
d. presence of glucose

B 56. Hydrolysis of ATP is an

a. energy requiring reaction c. no energy is involved
b. energy producing reaction d. energy is absorbed

C 86. A mixed triglyceride contains:

a. three similar fatty acids esterified with glycerol
b. two similar fatty acids esterified with glycerol
c. three differebt fatty acids esterified with glycerol
d. all of the above
C 93. The reagent present is Molisch test which is responsible for the dehydration reaction:
a. sodium carbonate c. sulfuric acid
b. magnesium stearate d. NaOH

B 106. The complementary strand of CGACCTTGATCGACGTCGA:


C 107. Alkaline bismuth reagent is used to detect the presence of:

a. polysaccharides c. reducing sugars
b. dissacharides d. glycitols

A 140. What is the anticodon in tRNA that corresponds to the codon ACG in mRNA?

a. UGC c. GCA
b. TGC d. CGU

A 150. The metabolic degradation of hemoglobin takes place principally in

a. the reticuloendothelial system c. the white blood cells
b. the red blood cells d. the liver cell

B 189. The principal site of glucose production in the human body is the
a. blood c. pituitary gland
liver d. small intestine

A 203. Which of the following is NOT an ID test for proteins and amino acids?
a. Ninhydrin c.Biuret
b. Bial’s d. Xanthoproteic

D 209. All the amino acid below contain sulfur, EXCEPT:

a. cystine c. cysteine
b. methionine d. glycine
C 37. The steps of central states:
a. replication, translation and transcription
b. replication, translation and transmission
c. replication, translation and translation
d. transcription, translation and replication

B 243. Which of the following is called transamination?

a. conversion of amino acids to hydroxyl acids
b. conversion of amino acids to keto acids
c. lose of ammonia from amino acids
d. formation of ammonium salts from ammonia

B 255. The proteins that make the fur, wool, claws, and feathers.
a. collagen c. silk
b. keratin d. none of the above

B 300. Which sugar contains an aldehyde group?

a. ketose c. sorbitol
b. aldose d. mannitol

C 292. In the metabolism of protein, the liver

a. synthesizes amino acid c. absorbs blood
b. breaks down amino acid d. stores amino

A 278. The metallic salt of a high fatty acid:

a. soap c. inorganic salt
b. detergent d. glycerin

A 268. Known as good cholesterol:

a. HDL c. ACTH
b. ergocalciferol d. LDL

D 241. The ordered steps in protein sysnthesis:

a. transcription, transplantion, activation, elongation
b. activation, elongation, initiation, termination
c. initiation, activation, elongation, termination
d. activation, initiation, elongation, termination

B 231. Which among the following sugar is sweetest?

a. glucose c. sucrose
b. fructose d. galactose

A 218. Night blindness is a symptom of a deficiency in this vitamin.

a. vitamin A c. vitamin B
b. vitamin C d. vitamin D
B 206. The sugar that yields only glucose when hydrolyzed is:
a. galactose c. fructose
b. maltose d. sucrose

C 194. Which of the following tissues contains the enzyme glucose-6-Phosphatase and is
able to supply glucose to the blood?
a. heart c. liver
b. brain d. none of the above

B 180. Butter becomes rancid upon exposure to air due to formation of

a. acetic acid c. formic acid
b. butyric acid d. propionic acid

A 155. The proteinase that is found mostly in gastric juice of young animals
c. rennin d. ptyaiin
d. pepsin e. none of the above
e. steapsin

D 110. Central dogma concept wherein the RNA

molecule is used as template for the synthesis of
DNA molecule:
a. transcription c. mutation
b. translation d. none of the above

D 119. In man, the principal end product of protein metabolism is:

a. uric acid c. pyruvic acid
b. lactic acid d. urea

C 124. Amino acids positive for sakaguchi reaction:

a. gelatin c. arginine
b. alanine d. tyrosine

B 142. The ff. are non-essential amino acids, except:

a. glycine c. cysteine
b. leucine d. glutamine

C 163. Which of the following amino acids has a net positive charge at physiologic pH?
a. cysteine c. lysine
b. glutamic acid d. valine

B 181. The cholesterol molecule is

c. an aromatic ring c. a steroid
d. a straight chain acid d. tocopherol

D 200. Deficiency in this vitamins causes red blood cell fragility

a. vitamin A c. vitamin D
b. vitamin K d. vitamin E

D 220. Nucleosides upon hydrolysis will yield:

a. adenine + phosphate c. histones + ribose
b. quinine + phosphate d. cytosine + ribose

A 245. A genetic disease due to defective mechanism for pyrimidine dimers:

a. phenyl ketonuria c. albinism
b. xeroderma pigmentosum d. galactosemia

B 256. Liquid vegetable oils may be transformed into solid fats by the process of:
a. oxidation c. substitution
b. hydrogenation d. reduction

A 267. Normal pH of the blood:

a. 7.4-7.5 c. 5.5-5.6
b. 6.6-6.9 d. 4.8-8

A 279. The following are enzymes found in pancreatic juice, except:

a. papain c. chymotrypsin
b. trypsin d. carboxypolypepticase

B 294. An important protein in contractile muscle.

a. keratin c. elastin
b. myosin d. fibrin

C 299. It is a polysaccharide
a. lactose c. amylase
b. maltose d. fructose

A 240. Digestion of starch starts in the:

a. mouth c. small intestine
b. stomach d. large intestine

A 224. The following are proteins in milk, EXCEPT?

a. rennin c. lactoalbumin
b. casein d. lactoglubulin
D 205. All are pyrimindine bases, except:
a. cytosine c uracil
b. thymine d. guanine
D 116. Body functions of lipids:
a. transformation into proteins and carbohydrates
b. catabolism to provide body with heat and energy
c. insulation and paddings for organs
d. all of the above

C 98. General term for a group of polysaccharides present in the primary cell wall:
a. xanthan c. pectin
b. mucilage d. carageenan

C 66. Build up of urea in the kidney is called

a. ketonuria c. uremia
b. glycemia d. all of these
B 28. Hypertonic solutions will cause the cell to:
a. swell b. shrink
c. burst d. undergo hemolysis

A 23. What amount of glucose is present in the human blood?

a. 60 to 90 mg in 100 ml blood c. 2% of the total human body weight
b. 5 to 6 g in 100 ml blood d. none of these

A 13. In the Seliwanioff's test, the reaction of resorcinol and acid on the sugar forms___________.
a. hydroxymethyl furfural c. hydraxine
b. pyranose d. purine

B 1. The inhibition in noncompetitive

reaction _________________. a.
competes with the active site of the enzyme
b. binds simultaneously with substrate other than the active site
c. increases the rate of reaction
d. both b and c

C. 38. Optimum temperature for enzyme activity in the body:

a.40oC c. 37oC
b.60oC d. 10oC

A 51. It is a model which best explains the enzyme-substrate action

a. lock & key c. VSEPR
b. molecular d. Kreb

D 70. It is the molecule that directs the activity of the cells

a. DNA c. nucleoproteins
b. RNA d. hormones

C 95. The only sugar that readily forms insoluble osazone crystals:
a. lactose c. mannose
b.sucrose d. sucrose

B 102. Differentiating test between helical and linear polysaccharides:

a. Molisch c. Schweitzer
b. iodine d. fermentation

C 136. The principal end product of protein metabolism:

c. carbon dioxide c. hippuric acid
d. ammonia d. urea
D 141. Condition wherein bile pigment is present in excess in the blood:
a. jaundice c. cirrhosis
b. hepatitis d. cystic fibrosis

A 157. Gamma decarboxylation of aspartic acid produces

a. alanine c. glutamic acid
b. asparagines d. glycine
D 168. The monosaccharide most rapidly absorbed from the small intestine is
a. glucose c. mannose
b. fructose d. galactose

A 185. Cellular elements of the blood devoid of nucleus

a. RBC c. thrombocytes
b. WMC d. all of the above

D 207. Which is NOT a B-complex vitamin?

a. folic acid c. Riboflavin
b. nicotinic acid d. ascorbic acid

B 217. Which sugar will NOT give a red precipitate with cupric oxide when heated with Benedict’s
a. glucose b. maltose
c. sucrose d. fructose
D 250. In the secondary structure of RNA:
a. adenine will always pair with thymine
b. cytosine will always pair with thymine
c. cytosine will always pair with uracil
d. adenine will always pair with uracil

A 265. Alkaline hydrolysis of fat:

a. saponofication d. glucocortoids
b. corticosteroids e. all of the above
c. bile acids

A 270. Blood minus its cellular components:

a. plasma c. hemoglobin
b. serum d. fibrin
B 277. Are esters of fatty acids with glycerol:
a. phospholipids c. waxes
b. glycolipids d. fats

B 284. Rotation of polarized light is caused by solutions of all of the following amino acids,
a. alanine c. leucine
b. glycine d. valine
A 109. The ff. are the components of DNA nucleosides, except:
a. phosphoric acid c. adenine
b. sugar d. cytosine

C 132. Which of the following is responsible for the transfer of genetic information?
a. ATP c. DNA
b. GTP d. RNA

C 148. Transmission is:

a. conversion of amino acid to hydroxyl acid
b. loss of ammonia from amino acids
c. conversion of amino acids to keto acids
d. formation of ammonium salt from ammonia

B 166. Check the incorrect statement

a. ribose is an aldopentose c. galactose is an aldohexose
b. maltose is a ketohexose d. glucose is an aldohexose

C 186. Is the sum total of all acitivities directed towards the maintenance of life
a. catabolism d. photosynthesis
b. anabolism e. fermentation

C 283. Fruity odor of urine is indicative of acetone bodies, a diagnostic value in case of
acidosis in:
a. diabetes insipidus c. cretinism
b. porphyria d. diabetes milletus

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