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The Good life

What is life with technology

Over the years, technology has
revolutionized our world and daily
lives. Technology has created amazing
tools and resources, putting useful
information at our fingertips. ... With all
of these revolutions, technology has
also made our lives easier, faster,
better, and more fun.

What is life without technology

Technology is inevitable in our everyday
lives. This is because life without
technology is pointless in today's dynamic
world. Technology, which brings together
tools to promote development, use and
information exchange, has as its main
objective of making tasks easier and the
solving of many problems of mankind

What is life with Science

Science affects us all, every day of the year,
from the moment we wake up, all day long,
and through the night. Your digital alarm
clock, the weather report, the asphalt you
drive on, the bus you ride in, your decision to
eat a baked potato instead of fries, your cell
phone, the antibiotics that treat your sore
throat, the clean water that comes from
your faucet, and the light that you turn off at
the end of the day have all been brought to
you courtesy of science. The modern world
would not be modern at all without the
understandings and technology enabled by
What is life without Science
We might take for granted that we can
switch a button to turn light on and off at
will, ignoring the fact that many years of
basic research were spent to understand
how we can produce and use electricity to
be able to read a book before falling asleep
at night without firing up the house. It took
about 278 years from William Gilber’s early
description of electricity and magnetism in
1600 until Thomas Edisons’s commercially
available long-lasting light bulb was lit in
Without science there is no human growth,
no technological advances, no knowledge
generation and the world stagnates. Science
is knowledge and without an investment in
science the world as we know it would not
be possible.
Without science the world would stop

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