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Chapter: 1
Life Function
Choose the correct option
1. What does locomotion uses up?
Ans: energy
2. Which of these functions is performed by all living things?
Ans: respiration
3. Which of the following is a waste product which humans exhale?
Ans: carbon dioxide
4. Fishes have a sixth sense, what is it?
Ans: a line on their bodies body allowing them to feel vibrations in water
5. How do reptiles reproduce?
Ans: They lay eggs.

1. The humming bird hovers while it feeds. (True)
2. Fishes do not chew food. (True)
3. Rafflesia makes its food by photosynthesis. (False)
4. Mammals take in carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen while breathing. (False)
5. The lateral line can be found in some mammals. (False)
6. A bean plant takes a few weeks to reach full size. (True)
7. Inhaling and exhaling air is called inspiration. (False)
8. Plants reproduce by producing seeds or spores. (True)
Plant Distribution
1. Plants usually lose water through their
Ans: leave
2. In order to climb trees, climbing plants have long
Ans: tendrils
3. These trees grow in swampy areas and their roots grow out of the water.
Ans: mangrove
4. This plant has a parachute of tiny hairs.
Ans: dandelion
5. Deserts usually have these conditions.
Ans: cold night/hot day

1. All produce seeds. (False)
2. Animals help to spread seeds. (True)
3. Mangroves grow well in the desert. (False)
4. A sycamore seed has hooks. (False)
5. A puffball contains spores. (True)

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