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Use arrows ( ) to show the relationship among the four background factors leading to the outbreak of the First World War 1914-18
2. Write in the boxes below the significance of each factor in leading to the War.

a. Formation of alliance system
b. Arms race
c. Heightened the war tension in Europe

a. It increased tension and mistrust
among powers.
b. It helped tighten relations among
some power
c. The increased nationalist rivalries
led to many local conflicts

a. It increased mutual suspicion,
hostilities and tension between
the two rival camps.
b. It increased the influence of
military men in government.
c. War plans were developed to
prepare for possible warfare e.g.
a. Powers followed a more aggressive foreign policy
the Schlieffen Plan
b. A local quarrel might turn into a general war
d. The tension of war increased
c. Triggered armament race among the powers

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