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GT Power 2nd Exercise: Modelling 6-Cylinder Diesel Engine with Turbocharging


Model: 6-cylinder diesel engine with turbocharging (compressor, turbine, common shaft, charge air

A. Convert 1-cylinder DICI engine into base for 6-cylinder engine

1. Use previously built 1-cylinder compression ignition diesel engine

1.1 Open your previously built complete model of 1-cylinder diesel engine or GT-Power template model
of the same type and save it as a new file (e.g. new file name: 6_cyl_diesel_engine_turbo.gtm)
1.2 From the model, delete the inlet EndEnvironment, orifice connection 1, exhaust runner, orifice
connection 4 and the outlet EndEnvironment.
1.3 Delete also the link between the cylinder and the crankTrain.
1.4 Copy the remaining objects (except the crankTrain) and paste them 5 times, one group below the
other, so that there are 6 engine cylinders and a crankTrain.
1.5 Modify in the FIRING ORDER folder of the crankTrain object as there are now 6 cylinders for the
engine. Most commonly used firing order for in-line 6 cylinder engines 1-5-3-6-2-4

1.6 Connect the cylinders in sequential order (look at the part numbers) one by one to the crankTrain
object. (E.g. Cylinder 1 should be connected to port 1 of the crankTrain and so on).

1.7 Add to your project library some additional templates: EndFlowCap-def, FlowSplitGeneral,
PipeRectangle, bellmouth orifice connection (Implicit), nocond orifice connection (Implicit).
These templates will be necessary later on.
B. Building Intake System with Charge Air Cooler
Build Charge Air cooler (Intercooler)

Let us start building a Charge Air cooler in a new .gtm file. Open a new file without Preloading of
Application Templates and save it with a name suggesting intercooler or charge air cooler.

From the Flow group of the Template Library, bring in templates to your project library:
EndFlowInlet, EndEnvironment, FlowSplitGeneral, PipeRound, nocond orifice connection.

2. Flow Inlet (flow rate imposer)

2.1 Use EndFlowInlet template to add compressor Flow Inlet object. This object describes a boundary
condition that imposes flow rate into (or out of) an attached component.
- Mass Flow Rate/ Air scfm: 0.25 kg/s
- Temperature: 450 K
- Composition: FluidMixture > air

3. Cooler Inlet Pipe

3.1 Add inlet pipe to intercooler using the PipeRound template

- Diameter: 70 mm
- Length: 40 mm
- Discretization Length: 40 mm
- Initial State Name: initial (can copy from previous model)
- Imposed Wall Temperature: 350 K (same as in the initial object)

4. Flow Split from inlet pipe to cooler body

4.1 Add flow split object (name it cooler-in) using the FlowSplitGeneral template.
This object will connect the intercooler inlet pipe to a bundle of small pipes that will represent the
heat exchange core.

- In the MAIN folder:

o Volume: 190 000 mm2
o Surface Area: default
o Initial State Name: initial
o Roughness from Material: steel

- In THERMAL folder:
o Check Calculated Wall Temperature
 Wall Layer Properties Object: new WallThermalProperty object from
Template Library
 Layer 1- Surface Emissivity: 0.8; Layer Thickness: 3 mm; Layer
Material Object: StainlessSteel
 Wall External Boundary Conditions Object: WallThermalBoundary object
from Template Library
o External Convection Temperature: 300 K
o External Convection Coefficient: 15
o External Radiation Sink Temperature: 300 K

 Initial Wall Temperature: 350 K

- In BOUNDARY DATA folder:

o Define Boundary #1 and Boundary #2:

5. Main body of the intercooler

5.1 Make Intercooler main body by using the PipeRound template. The intercooler main body will be
made up of a number of identical pipes.

- In the MAIN folder:

o Diameter at Inlet End: 7 mm
o Length: 300 mm
o Discretization Length: 40 mm
o Initial State Name: initial
o Roughness from Material: steel
o Number of identical Pipes: 100

- In THERMAL folder:
o Imposed Wall Temperature: 350 K
o Heat Transfer Multiplier: 10

- In PRESSURE DROP folder:

o Friction Multiplier: Parametrize as [friction]
This parameter will be adjusted to match a certain pressure drop across the
intercooler. (Say the measured pressure drop across the cooler is 20 mbar.)

6. Flow split from cooler body to cooler outlet pipe

6.1 The flow split object from the pipes representing cooler main body to the cooler outlet pipe will be
identical to the already built flow split object. You can copy and rename this object or just use two
instances of it later in the project map.

7. Cooler outlet pipe

7.1 The cooler outlet pipe will also be identical to the cooler inlet pipe (cooler-in object).

8. Cooler downstream boundary condition or environment

8.1 Add a new object using EndEnvironment template to represent cooler downstream boundary
- In MAIN folder:
o Pressure: 2.5 bar
o Temperature: 320 K
o Composition: air
Note that the pressure should be set equal to what would be measured at the intercooler outlet.

9. Bring the objects to the project map and build model for charge air cooler

9.1 Bring to project map and link the objects in order: flow inlet, inlet pipe, flow split, nocond orifice,
intercooler body, nocond orifice, flow split, outlet pipe, and downstream end environment.

10. Case setup, Output Setup, Run Setup

10.1 In Run Setup:

- In TIME CONTROL folder:
o Time Control Flag: continuous
o Maximum Simulation Duration (Time): 0.5 s
o Minimum Simulation Duration (Time): ignore

- In FLOW CONTROL folder:

o Time Step and Solution Control Object: Explicit

10.2 In Output Setup:

- In DATA_STORAGE folder:
o RLT Calculation Interval (Continuous Circuits): 0.05 s
10.3 In the Case Setup, start one case with the Friction Mulitplier parameter [friction] of value 1.

10.4 Run the model and check if the pressure drop across the cooler (between inletPipe and
outletPipe) is close to what would be the measured/ experimental pressure drop. (For now, let’s
assume a pressure drop of about 20 mbar is OK). If needed. pressure drop can be adjusted by
changing the Friction Multiplier parameter [friction].

C. Bringing the Charge Air Cooler model into the engine model
11. Charge Air Cooler Model in Engine project map

11.1 From the Charge Air Cooler project map, copy all objects except the end environments and
paste them in the project map of the 6-cylinder engine model. Place the objects in a logical area;
you can rotate the whole group (select and right click) in the map to place them vertically.

11.2 In the engine project map, edit the already built EndEnvrionment object inletEnv with these
- Rename it as comp-out (because we will treat it as an environment output from a
- In MAIN folder:
o Temperature: 400 K (temperature of air after compressor is hotter)

12. Intercooler Effectiveness Table

12.1 To ensure that the compressor is rejecting the correct amount of heat we need to add a template
called IntercoolerEff and assign some effectiveness table that would be available from the
intercooler supplier.

12.2 Add a new intercooler effectiveness object called IC-Eff using the template IntercoolerEff
- In the MAIN folder:
o Effectiveness Table or Function Object: XYTable with following array

o Coolant Temperature: 300 K

12.3 Links have to be created between the Intercooler parts and the IntercoolerEff object
- Create a Link from the cooler flow split object upstream the cooler body to the IC-
Eff object using Temperature (Static) of flow split with Upstream Temperature of IC-
- Create another Link from the orifice connection object upstream the cooler body to
the IC-Eff object using Mass flow rate of orifice with Upstream Flow Quantity of IC-
- Now create a Link from the IC-Eff object to the intercooler main body using Pipe
Wall Temperature of IC-Eff with Wall Temperature of the intercooler main body.

D. Building Intake Manifold

13. Bringing additional templates

13.1 The intake manifold geometry will be simplified so that only one flowsplit object and one pipe
object are needed to completely built the manifold.
You must already have the templates FlowSplitGeneral, PipeRectangle and EndFlowCap brought
to your project library at this point. We will be using these templates to create objects necessary for
defining intake manifold.

14. Intake Manifold Flowsplit

14.1 Add flowsplit object named ‘man-fs’ or such using the template FlowSplitGeneral
- In the MAIN folder:
o Volume: 80 mm x 80 mm x 40 mm = 256000 mm3
o Surface Area: default
o Initial State Name: initial
o Roughness from Material: cast_iron

- In THERMAL folder:

o Check ‘Calculated Wall Temperature’

o Wall Layer Properties Object: new WallThermalProperty object with:

 Surface Emissivity: 0.8

 Layer Thickness 3.0 mm
 Layer Material Object: Choose Iron

o Wall External Boundary Conditions Object: new WallThermalBoundary

object with:
 External Convection Temperature: 300 K
 External Convection Coefficient: 15
 External Radiation Sink Temperature: 300 K

o Initial Wall Temperature: 350 K

- In BOUNDARY DATA folder gives values as below:

15. Intake Manifold Pipe

15.1 Add a pipe object named ‘manifold-pipe’ or such using the template PipeRectangle
- In MAIN folder:
o Height at Inlet End: 80 mm
o Width at Inlet End: 80 mm
o Length: 92 mm
o Discretization Length: 40 mm
o Initial State Name: initial
o Roughness from Material: cast_iron

- In THERMAL folder:
o Check ‘Calculated Wall Temperature’ option
o Wall Layer Properties Object: WallThermalProperty object created before
o Wall External Boundary Conditions Object: WallThermalBoundary object
created before for intake manifold flowsplit
o Initial Wall Temperature: 350 K

16. Pipe from Intercooler to the Manifold

16.1 Create a pipe object using PipeRound template, that will connect the intercooler to the manifold.
- In MAIN folder:
o Diameter at inlet End: 70 mm
o Length: 100 mm
o Discretization Length: 40 mm
o Initial State Name: initial
o Roughness from Material: steel

- In THERMAL folder:
o Check ‘Calculated Wall Temperature’
o Wall Layer Properties Object: WallThermalProperty object created before for intake
manifold flowsplit
o Wall External Boundary Conditions Object: WallThermalBoundary object created
before for intake manifold flowsplit
o Initial Wall Temperature: 350 K

17. Connecting intercooler to the intake manifold

17.1 We now bring the objects we have defined so far onto the project map to build the intake system
consisting of the charge air cooler and intake manifold. Note that we will have to use the non-
default orifice connections called bellmouth orifices between pipes and flowsplits (figure
17.2 Also remember to use the default EndFlowCap to cap off the outgoing flow port (port 2) of the
Last manifold flowsplit (man-fs-6 or such).

18. Changes to the intake runners

18.1 Open any intake runner (intake pipe) part and then in the resulting window select its ‘parent’
object and make the following changes:
- In THERMAL folder:
o Check ‘Calculated Wall Temperature’
o Wall Layer Properties Object: Choose WallThermalProperty object already
defined for intake manifold
o Wall External Boundary Conditions Object: Choose WallThermalBoundary
object already defined for intake manifold
o Initial Wall Temperature: 350 K
E. Exhaust System

The figure below represents the geometry of an exhaust manifold system- from the exhaust ports to the
turbine inlet that we will be using in this 6-cylinder engine model.

19. Connecting the Exhaust System

19.1 We will copy the exhaust system represented by figure above from another GT-POWER inbuilt
Template model.
19.2 First, remove the exhaust runners (after default orifices) from your engine model if you have not
done already so.
19.3 Copy into your project map the exhaust system from the template model found in:
File -> mycourses_LE-3 assignment material> template.gtm Choose “Keep existing” in the
resulting message that might appear after making the copy-paste.

19.4 Before connecting the individual exhaust ports to the copied exhaust system, change the default
orifice objects downstream the exhaust ports (as well as upstream the intake ports) into
nocond type. You can do this by selecting them all, right clicking and using “Change Parent
Object” option.
19.5 Now, connect individual nocond orifices downstream the exhaust ports to the exhaust runners.
19.6 Let us clear the project library of unused objects and templates by going to Data -> Delete
Unused Objects or Objects and Templates
20. Run the model so far

20.1 Our model now has charge air cooler, intake manifold and exhaust system with necessary
connections and links. Before, we add turbocharger we can run the model and look at the engine
performance. This also provides opportunity for early detection of likely sources of errors.

Turbocharging the engine with a FIXED GEOMETRY Turbocharger

F. Adding the Compressor

In the beginning, we will keep the turbine inlet boundary modeled with the EndEnviornment objects
and proceed to make the compressor.

21. Bringing in the compressor related templates

21.1 From the template library, bring the templates: Compressor, SpeedBoundaryRot
21.2 Delete the EndEnvironment object that represents the compressor outlet conditions.

22. Define Compressor

22.1 Make a compressor object using the template Compressor

- In MAIN folder:
o Inlet Pressure Flag: total
o Outlet Pressure Flag: total
o Rack Position: ignore
o Rack Array: ignore (because turbocharger is fixed geometry type)
o Map object or File: new CompressorMap object from reference template
In the CompressorMap reference object:

 In MAIN folder:
 Compressor Type: radial
 External SAE File Name: ignore
 Reference Pressure: 1 bar
 Reference Temperature: 294 K
 Reference Gas Constant: default
 Reference Ratio of Specific Heats: default
 Wheel Diameter: Default

 In DATA folder:
 Flow Rate Input: Mass_Flow_Rate
 Array data: Copy from Tutorials -> Turbo_Step5-final.gtm
23. Compressor inlet pipe

23.1 Use PipeRound template to create a new compressor inlet pipe object
- In MAIN folder:
o Diameter at Inlet End: 80 mm
o Length: 100 mm
o Discretization Length: 40 mm
o Initial State Name: initial
o Roughness from Material: smooth_plastic

- In THERMAL folder:
o Imposed Wall Temperature: 300 K

24. End environment object representing compressor


24.1 Create a new compressor inlet environment object

using the EndEnvironment template to represent
ambient conditions entering the compressor
- In MAIN folder:
o Pressure: 1 bar
o Temperature: 298 K
o Composition: air

25. Compressor driver

25.1 We will make a driver object for compressor using the

template SpeedBoundaryRot. This object will force
the compressor to turn at the speed specified in
Imposed Speed attribute.
- In MAIN folder:
o Imposed speed: 96200 RPM
(assume it is measured so)
o Initial Angular Position: 0 deg

26. Connect the compressor objects onto project map

26.1 Bring the compressor inlet environment, compressor

inlet pipe, compressor and compressor driver onto the project map and link them in logical

Note that the outlet port of the compressor has to be set to zero.

27. Run the model

27.1 Once every object is defined properly and linked correctly, run the model. In GT-POST, take note
of the outlet pressure and temperature. Pressure should be 3.52 bar and temperature 479 K.
G. Adding the Turbine (without the compressor)
28. Deleting compressor parts temporarily

28.1 Let us model the turbine independently of the compressor for now. Save your current project
with a new name and make changes to this new file so the current project remains as a backup.

28.2 Delete the compressor related parts such as the compressor, compressor inlet pipe, compressor
driver and compressor inlet environment.
28.3 Replace these compressor related parts by bringing in the compressor out (whatever name you
have given) EndEnvironment object into the project map. Change the pressure to 3.52 bar and
temperature to 479 K for this object.

29. Define Turbine object

29.1 Make a turbine object using the Turbine template

- In MAIN folder:
o Inlet Pressure Flag: total
o Outlet Pressure Flag: static
o Wastegate Diameter: ignore
o Rack Position: ignore
o Rack Array: ignore
o Map Object or file: new TurtbineMapSAE object from reference template
In the TurbineMapSAE reference object:
 In MAIN folder:
o Turbine Map File: ignore
o Plots: Check
o Reference Gas Constant: 289 J/kg-K
o Reference Ratio of Specific Heats: 1.35
o Maximum Pressure Ratio: 4
o Maximum Speed (Reduced): 3600 RPM
o External SAE File Name: ignore
o Wheel Diameter: default

 In DATA folder:
o For array data, copy and paste from Tutorials ->
Turbo_Step5-final.gtm or from Excel File.

30. Define Turbine outlet pipe

30.1 Use PipeRound template to make a pipe from turbine outlet

- In MAIN folder:
o Diameter: 60 mm
o Length: 100 mm
o Discretization Length: 55 mm
o Initial State Name: initialExh object or such
o Roughness from Material: steel

- In THERMAL folder:
o Check ‘Calculated Wall Temperature’
o Wall Layer Properties Object: heat object defined earlier
o Wall External Boundary Conditions Object: heatWallLayer defined earlier
o Initial Wall Temperature: 700 K

31. Bringing the turbine to the project map

31.1 Delete the two EndEnvironment objects at the end of the current exhaust system from the map
31.2 Find the turbine inlet EndEnvironment object you have created before and rename to ‘turbine-
outlet’ and change its Pressure attribute to 1 bar, temperature to 298 K and Reversion Flow
Composition attribute to track.
31.3 Now bring the turbine related parts- turbine, turbine outlet pipe, turbine-outlet EndEnvironment
object and compressor driver object onto the map and link them in logical fashion.

Note that the turbine outlet port should be set to port number zero.

32. Run the model

32.1 You can now run the model and check the predicted mass flow rate in GT-POST. If the resulting
mass flow rate is different from the measured mass flow rate, we can adjust it by changing the
‘Mass Multiplier’ attribute of the turbine object in its OPTIONS folder. For now, assume that the
mass flow rate is correct.

H. Completing the Turbocharger

33. Calibrating Compressor and Turbine Power

33.1 For this exercise, we will not make any calibration of compressor and turbine power. Please refer
to Tutorial Chapter 7.4 for understanding about calibrating compressor and turbine power.

34. Connect the compressor and turbine

34.1 Delete the compressor inlet EndEnvironment object.

34.2 Bring back the compressor related parts onto the project map (compressor, compressor driver,
Compressor inlet pipe and compressor inlet EndEnvironment object).
34.3 At this point, both the turbine and the compressor should be giving the proper air flow rate.

34.4 From the template library, bring the template ShaftTurbo and create a new object from it. This
will become the common shaft that connects the turbine with the compressor.
- In MAIN folder:
o Initial Speed: 96 000 RPM
o Shaft Moment of Inertia: 1 kg-mm2
o Inertia Multiplier: new ProfilePeriod template object with value 1e7 for first
3 computational periods and then 1.0 for the fourth.

34.5 Delete the 2 compressor driver parts from the map and instead connect the turbine and
compressor with the created shaft object.

35. Run the simulation model

35.1 Before running the model, verify the Case Setup, Plot Setup and Run Setup.
35.2 In Run Setup:
- Time Control Flag: periodic
- Maximum Simulation Duration (Cycles): 100
- Minimum Simulation Duration (Cycles): 4
- Initialization state: previous_case
- Time Step and Solution Control Object: FlowControlExplicit -> Explicit

35.3 You can request plots and maps from turbine, compressor and shaft before running the
35.4 Live plots for turbine and compressor can be requested by right clicking those objects. With Live
plots, you can view how the simulation model converges.

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