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The Behavior Analyst 1993, 16,67-74 No.

1 (Spring)

Comments About Morris's Paper

Hayne W. Reese
West Virginia University

Morris's paper (1993) would have ben- major philosophers of science identify
efited from distinguishing between on- them as part of the hard core of presup-
tology and epistemology and discussing positions that are not directly testable but
mechanism and behavior analysis in these that scientists nevertheless adopt (e.g.,
two domains separately. Overton and I Feyerabend, 1978, p. 31; Kuhn, 1970;
also did not explicitly make this distinc- Lakatos, 1978; Laudan, 1977). Although
tion, perhaps contributing to our partly a hard core is not directly testable, a hard
erroneous classification of Bijou and core that leads nowhere, or nowhere in-
Baer's position as mechanistic (Overton teresting, is eventually abandoned. Thus,
& Reese, 1973; Reese & Overton, 1970). although an ontology is adopted by pre-
We correctly noted that their position is supposition, it is retained on the basis of
consistent with the "reactive organism evidence: It is abandoned if it does not
model," which reflects a mechanistic on- provide a useful, fruitful, effective "mod-
tology, but we should not have implied el of the organism" (e.g., Reese, 1986a,
that it is consistent with a mechanistic p. 169).
epistemology. We did not discuss the The ontology adopted by behavior an-
worldview Pepper (1942) called contex- alysts includes, among other things, con-
tualism, because at that time it had little crete instances of the elements in the
if any influence within developmental three-term contingency-stimuli and re-
psychology, which was the topic of our sponses and, implicitly in many analyses,
analysis. an organism that receives the stimuli,
The relevance of these issues to Mor- performs the responses, and has had a
ris's paper is discussed in the rest of this specific history of stimulation and re-
commentary. A preliminary point is that sponding. This ontology does not include
behavior and response are used synony- disembodied, Platonic ideal forms; all
mously in the commentary, as they are mental events that it includes are as-
in Morris's paper, because even though sumed to be embodied materially as par-
response implies "reply to" or "elicited ticularized qualities. This ontology is for-
by" a stimulus (Reese, 1986b, among mally consistent with the ontologies of
other commentators), substituting be- the "natural sciences" (biology, chemis-
havior for response risks confusion in tra- try, and physics, according to usual def-
ditional phrases such as "response class," initions), but it does not include the spe-
"SD-R-SR," and the like. cific elements of these sciences, such as
enzymes and DNA, chemical elements
Ontology and hydrocarbons, and subatomic par-
ticles and energy fields.
An ontology involves assumptions
Several writers have concluded that this
about the nature of reality, that is, as- ontology-this model of the organism-
sumptions about what exists and how is consistent with the mechanistic world-
whatever exists operates or functions. view defined by Pepper (e.g., Baltes &
Whether or not Bridgman-as quoted by
Reese, 1977; Hayes, Hayes, & Reese,
Morris via Skinner-was correct in as-
sociating these assumptions with "faith," 1988; Marr, 1992; Overton & Reese,
1973; Reese, 1982a, 1986a; Reese &
Overton, 1970). This worldview is ele-
mentaristic, but the only kind of reduc-
Correspondence concerning this article should be
addressed to Hayne W. Reese, Department ofPsy- tionism it entails is reduction of wholes
chology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, to the elements that constitute them.
WV 26506-6040. Thus, the mechanistic world consists of


elements that are described (defined) in inition of mechanism that Morris quotes
different ways in different sciences, and from Zuriff, mechanism denies "the
nothing in the mechanistic worldview causal intervention of consciousness,
demands reduction of the elements of one spirit, or a soul." This definition is about
mechanistic world, such as that of be- ontology; but although it refers to an as-
havior analysis, to the elements of an- sumption that is indeed made in all ma-
other mechanistic world, such as that of terialist ontologies, this assumption is not
biology, chemistry, or physics. In short, made in some mechanistic ontologies.
the mechanistic ontology of behavior The concepts of consciousness, spirit, and
analysis does not require the kind of re- soul have no counterparts in any mate-
ductionism that, as Morris correctly rialist ontologies, which assume that only
points out, is rejected by behavior ana- matter and matter-in-motion exist; but
lysts. The elements are stimuli and re- they do have counterparts in mechanistic
sponses, not enzymes, DNA, chemical ontologies in which the maker-of-the-
elements, hydrocarbons, subatomic par- machine is taken seriously and is as-
ticles, energy fields, or any other elements sumed to have a nonmaterial existence.
from a science other than behavior anal- An example-perhaps the only exam-
ysis. ple-of the latter is the assumption of
God's will as an antecedent determinant
Epistemology in theological mechanism (Moxley, 1991;
Reese, 1992).
Epistemology involves assumptions
about knowledge: What is known and ureGranted, complaining about the fail-
to distinguish between materialism
how is it known? Or, what is knowledge and mechanism is a quibble, given that
and how is its truth established? The the maker-of-the-machine is not taken
epistemology adopted by most behavior seriously and materialism is adopted in
analysts is not consistent with the mech- all modem mechanistic sciences; but
anistic worldview. Rather, as pointed out nevertheless, the implicit equating ofma-
by Morris and others, it is consistent with terialism with mechanism is an error be-
the worldview Pepper called contextual- cause materialism is also consistent with
ism (Morris gives relevant references in contextualism. In any case, Morris leaps
his second footnote). An epistemology is from ontology to epistemology in com-
"the philosophy that defines adequate menting that the negative assumption de-
methodology" (Reese, 1986a, p. 169) and nying such nonmaterial entities is equiv-
that makes "the rules of the [science] alent to a positive assumption embracing
game" undogmatic (Reese, 1982a, p. "naturalism." Naturalism is an episte-
154). Much of Morris's argument, that mological assumption, asserting that all
behavior analysis is not mechanistic, is phenomena can be adequately explained
actually an argument that the behavior- by scientific laws (its detractors call it
analytic epistemology is not mechanistic. "scientism").
I agree, but the point can be made more Malone's definition. In Morris's quo-
convincingly, I have come to believe, by tations
referring explicitly to the epistemology of materialofcauses
Malone, the denial of non-
is equated with deter-
behavior analysis. minism. However, determinism is an
ontological assumption when it refers to
Meanings of Mechanism the nature of cause-effect relations and
The everyday definitions of mecha- is an epistemological assumption when
nism that Morris discusses are not rele- it refers to explanation. Epistemological-
vant to a philosophical or scientific anal- ly, it is a denial of final and chance cau-
ysis of behavior analysis. The other sality, but it does not require denial of
definitions that he discusses are exam- the nonmaterial antecedents assumed in
ined in the present section in the same theological mechanism and in versions
order as in his paper. of "objective idealism" in which the te-
Zuriffs definition. According to the def- los is conceptualized as the beginning as

well as the end (Hegel's philosophy is an A relatively minor point is that Morris
example). Evidently, then, Malone erred says that the subject matter of behavior
in equating mechanism-actually, ma- analysis is described in the grammar of
terialism - with determinism. verbs (i.e., gerunds) such as "behaving,"
Mechanism as natural science. Morris "constructing," and "thinking" rather
says that mechanism means "natural sci- than in the grammar of nouns such as
ence"; but as usually defined, natural sci- "behavior," "constructs," and "cogni-
ence refers to a science that is consistent tion." Actually, however, in most behav-
with materialism, not necessarily with ior-analytic reports, nouns rather than
mechanism. gerunds are used to refer to behavior, and
Pronko's definition. The definition of when the gerund-form is used at all, it is
mechanism that Morris quotes from usually used as a gerundive, modifying a
Pronko requires that phenomena be ex- noun, as in "eating behavior," "smoking
plained "in terms of the principles of behavior," and "key-pressing behavior."
physical mechanics." This definition re- Furthermore, the gerundive seems to be
fers to epistemology, but not the mech- used often to identify a form, structure,
anistic epistemology of classic mecha- or topography or to identify a class of
nistic psychologies, such as Watson's forms, structures, or topographies.
theory reducing thinking and other com- Wolman's definition. The definition
plex processes to simple behaviors (Berg- Morris quotes from Wolman includes the
mann, 1956), Loeb's (1912/1964) theory assertion that in mechanism, "Free will,
reducing complex behavior to tropisms, motivation, and purpose are denied as
Kuo's (1921) theory reducing instincts to important variables in attaining ends."
learning, and stimulus-response (S-R) The juxtaposition with "free will" and
learning theories (e.g., Spence, 1956), in- "purpose" seems to indicate that "mo-
cluding, for example, Munn's (1965) tivation" was denied any teleological
learning-based theories of psychological function, which is true; but motivation-
development. Thus, although behavior or "drive," as it was also called-was a
analysis is not mechanistic in this sense, crucial variable in mechanistic S-R
neither is any other psychology. learning theories (e.g., Brown, 1961;
Runes's definition. Morris quotes a def- Spence, 1956, chapter 6). Thus, although
inition by Runes that again confuses ma- behavior analysis is not mechanistic ac-
terialism and mechanism, and ontology cording to the "motivation" part ofWol-
and epistemology. Also, according to man's definition, neither is any other psy-
Morris, Runes's definition indicates that chology.
mechanism is atomistic, elementaristic, Two incidental points: (a) I agree with
associationistic, and essentialistic. Mor- Morris that "free will" cannot be a cause
ris argues that behavior analysis does not of behavior in behavior analysis. The
fit this definition of mechanism because reason is that it does not exist in the be-
behavior analysis deals with functions havior-analytic ontology. However, (b) I
and process and is not atomistic, ele- disagree that "purpose" cannot be a cause
mentaristic, associationistic, or essen- of other behavior. For example, when a
tialistic "in these senses." These are too purpose is stated as part of a rule and
many "istics" to deal with in a brief com- when the organism has had a relevant
mentary, other than to note that S-R history with respect to the rule, the pur-
learning theory, which is certainly mech- pose can cause other behavior. Further-
anistic, is elementaristic but not atom- more, its being a dispositional concept is
istic, is associationistic, and is realistic irrelevant, because dispositional con-
rather than essentialistic. That is, Runes's cepts are "explanatory" when they ap-
definition does not fit classic mechanistic pear in a law that is used to explain some
psychology; therefore, its not fitting be- phenomenon.
havior analysis is uninformative with re- Philosophical definitions. Morris cites
spect to whether or not behavior analysis some philosophers who have classified
is mechanistic. behavior analysis as an S-R psychology

with only one behavioral process-reflex Rignano, 1923, p. v). Thus, the kind of
or respondent conditioning-and who reductionism Morris attributes to mech-
therefore have classified it as mechanis- anism was never taken seriously in be-
tic. He points out that they erred in this havioral research and theory. (b) Morris
classification, and he concludes that be- conflates "elementarism, associationism,
havior analysis is therefore not mecha- and reductionism," but as already noted,
nistic. However, (a) no mechanistic S-R mechanism is not reductionistic except
psychology admitted only one behavioral in the sense of elementarism, and even
process. For example, S-R learning the- then it refers to elements only within a
ory, which is probably the best articulat- domain, not across domains. As noted
ed mechanistic S-R psychology, admit- herein in the section entitled Ontology,
ted two conditioning processes (classical behavior analysis is also reductionistic in
or Pavlovian conditioning and instru- this sense. (c) Morris's conflation of as-
mental conditioning) as well as other be- sociationism with elementarism reflects
havioral processes (generalization and historical fact: Classical associationism
motivation are examples). Thus, the fact and S-R behaviorism were mechanistic,
that behavior analysis is not in the phi- hence elementaristic, and were also as-
losophers' class of "mechanistic" S-R sociationistic. However, if (as in classic
psychology is irrelevant to the issue of British associationism) associationism is
whether behavior analysis is mechanistic understood to mean the reduction of
in any important sense. (b) Not all S-R mind (or any complex phenomenon) to
psychologies are mechanistic; for exam- an "and-summation" kind of combina-
ple, Tolman's is contextualistic (Pepper, tion of elements, as opposed to a chem-
1934). Thus, the question of whether be- ical compound kind of combination, then
havior analysis is consistent with S-R associationism is not a necessary by-
psychology is irrelevant to the Question product of the mechanistic world view.
of whether behavior analysis is mecha- Conclusion. Morris's concluding point
nistic. (c) Morris implies that operant be- on meaning and definition is not alto-
havior is inconsistent with mechanism. gether clear to me, but it seems to reflect
I have argued elsewhere against this no- the well-known superiority of contingen-
tion (Reese, 1986a, pp. 170-172). cy shaping to rule governance with re-
Other definitions. Morris cites diction- spect to language. If so,. the point is not
aries of psychology in which mechanism limited to behavior analysis; it is the
is identified with reductionism, which is learn-by-doing principle, which is en-
an ontological principle when it refers to dorsed not only by mechanistic S-R
elements that are assumed to exist and is learning theorists but also by dialectical
an epistemological principle when it re- materialists (e.g., Kautsky, 1908/1953,
fers to explanations of epiphenomenal pp. xii-xiii; Lisina, 1985, pp. 8-9; Mao
wholes. For example, Morris quotes Re- Zedong, 1937/1965), dialectical idealists
ber as referring to reduction of psycho- (Annas, 1981, pp. 276, 292; Ong, 1958,
logical principles "to basic principles of p. 197; Piaget, 1983), and contextualists
physics and physiology." Three points are (Kozulin, 1984, p. 131). One implication
relevant: (a) Some behaviorists, includ- is that one should stay close to the sources
ing Skinner (1974), posed this kind of of the issues; thus, to find out how to
reduction as an ideal, and some, includ- define "mechanism," one should read the
ing Bugelski (1982), Hebb (1949), and actual reports of actual mechanists, such
Hull (1943), even gave physiological- as Hull and Spence, rather than the sec-
sounding names to some of their inter- ondhand discussions in philosophies,
vening variables and hypothetical con- dictionaries, and glossaries.
structs. However, this "neurologizing" is
not truly reductionistic (Reese, 1982b);
Model Issues
it is lip-service reductionism and was ex-
hibited not only by some mechanists but The advice at the end of the preceding
also by some non mechanists (such as paragraph is especially relevant to Mor-

ris's discussion ofthe six corollary model constituted, together with stimuli, the
issues that Overton and I discussed, be- "elements" into which more complex
cause Morris misinterprets all six ofthem. psychological phenomena, such as dis-
Elementarism versus holism. Mecha- crimination learning and paired-associ-
nism is elementaristic in the sense that a ates learning (Spence, 1956, chapter 7)
whole is conceptualized as completely re- and personality and psychotherapy (Dol-
ducible to interrelated parts; organicism lard & Miller, 1950), were analyzed. De-
is holistic in the sense that this elemen- fining responses functionally does not
taristic principle is denied. Overton and contradict this elementarism; Morris
I (Reese & Overton, 1970) contrasted the therefore errs in concluding that on this
holistic assumption with an extreme form issue, behavior analysis is not mechanis-
of elementarism, a form that was used in tic.
"physicalistic behaviorism" but not in Antecedent-consequent versus struc-
"methodological behaviorism," as de- ture-function. Morris misinterprets the
fined by Bergmann (1956). The physi- antecedent-consequent assumption; it
calistic behaviorists wanted to describe actually involves accepting material and
responses in terms of molecular ele- efficient causality, ignoring formal cau-
ments-muscle twitches and glandular sality, and rejecting final and chance cau-
squirts-but although their elements have sality (in modem versions of Aristotle's
sometimes been attributed to Watson and senses ofthese causes). Morris points out,
the methodological behaviorists, the fact correctly, that behavior analysts reject this
is that most S-R behaviorists defined re- assumption, but the point is irrelevant
sponses in the same way as Skinner did. because the assumption is epistemolog-
For example, Spence (1956) discussed the ical.
distinction between molecular move- Morris raises the issue of essentialism
ments (or actions) and molar acts and in connection with this principle, but I
commented, think he has a different concept of essen-
tialism from mine. I think he uses "es-
For the most part learning psychologists employ sentialism" to mean that every abstract
this second class of response concepts. Certainly all
the responses involved in instrumental condition- concept reflects some physical or struc-
ing and selective learning situations would be clas- tural property of real objects. My under-
sified as acts rather than movements, and contrary standing is that it means that every con-
to common belief, even the responses employed in cept, whether abstract or concrete, reflects
classical conditioning appear to fall into this cate-
gory.... As long as the measuring operation defin- some real property of real objects, and
ing the response variable ignores variations in the furthermore, contrary to Morris, the
pattern of muscular action involved and specifies property that is reflected is not necessar-
the response only in terms of some environmental ily either physical or structural but can
outcome or change in the organism-environment be functional. According to my under-
relation, it falls into the class of responses called
acts as distinguished from movements. (pp. 42-43) standing, behavior analysis is consistent
with the essentialism of the mechanistic
Spence then discussed at some length (pp. ontology.
43-45) the concept of response chains, Behavioral change versus structural
specifically citing Keller and Schoenfeld change. The questions here are: What
(1950) and concurring with their com- changes during development? What is the
ment that the segmentation of such chains nature of these changes? What is the di-
is arbitrary because the behavior is ac- rection of these changes? In mechanism,
tually a continuous flux. (Spence did not the elements (e.g., stimuli and responses)
cite a page; their p. 202 is relevant. He do not change but their relations change;
could also have cited Skinner, 1953, p. the changes do not reflect dialectical leaps
224.) The continuous-flux assumption is (discontinuities) in structures but rather
ontological; but when the mechanistic are continuous; and the direction of
model is adopted, this ontology is re- change is determined not by final causes
placed by the elemental ontology. but by efficient causes. If the function or
Thus, behaviors defined in a molar way role of a response changes, it changes not

because of changes in structure but be- are instances of "acts" in Spence's sense.
cause of efficient causes. I see no incon- Given that Skinner used the same defi-
sistency here between behavior analysis nition of responses, the point illustrated
and mechanism. by Morris's examples can be interpreted
Morris adds another issue-changes in to refer to simple stimuli and responses
relations among formal stimulus and re- rather than to stimulus and response
sponse elements versus changes in func- classes in the strict behavior-analytic
tional relations among stimulus and re- sense. So interpreted, Morris's point re-
sponse classes. Four counterpoints can be mains irrelevant to the issue of whether
made: (a) As already noted, mechanism the behavior-analytic ontology is consis-
is not essentialistic in this way . (b) Be- tent with mechanism.
havior analysts in fact deal with changes Continuity versus discontinuity. The
in the number, strength, and association continuity-discontinuity issue refers to
of stimulus and response elements, which whether all changes that occur are trace-
they refer to as changes in response rate, able to antecedents (continuity) or some
but this point is also not relevant. (c) changes are emergent (discontinuity). The
Mechanism embraces changes in func- issue does not refer to the predictability
tional relations among stimuli and re- versus unpredictability of changes, nor to
sponses as well as changes in formal re- gradual versus saltatory changes; it refe~
lations. (Incidentally, "formal" is used to whether the state of an object or event
here to mean "of or pertaining to form"; after change has occurred can be deduced
it does not refer to "formal logic.") (d) from the state of the object or event be-
Nobody has ever observed a stimulus class fore the change occurred (for discussion,
or a response class. These concepts refer see Overton & Reese, 1981). According
to inferences, or as behavior analysts to mechanism, the deduction is in prin-
might prefer to say, they refer to evidence ciple possible; according to organicism,
about stimulus and response functions. it is in principle impossible. However,
Specifically, a stimulus class as such is the principle is epistemological and
not observed; it is a shorthand phrase therefore is not relevant to the issue of
used when certain stimuli are found to whether behavior analysis is ontologi-
have the same function with respect to cally mechanistic.
responses. Similarly, a response class as Unidirectional and linear causality. In
such is not observed; it is a shorthand the so-named section in his paper, Morris
phrase used when certain responses are conflates two issues that Overton and
found to have the same relation to stim- Reese (1973) called "unidirectional ver-
uli (usually without direct conditioning sus reciprocal causality" and "linear cau-
of the relation for some of the responses). sality versus organized complexity." The
Thus, although stimulus and response issues are complex, but they can be put
classes are not ontological concepts in simply as follows: According to the
mechanism, they are also not ontological mechanistic conception of causality, the
concepts in behavior analysis. They have cause-effect relation between two events
the same epistemological status as such involves efficient causality and elemen-
intervening variables as habit strength and tarism; it is a one-way antecedent-con-
drive strength in S-R learning theory. sequent relation, and multiple causes can
Therefore, the purported emphasis of be- interact only in the additive sense of in-
havior analysts on stimulus and response teraction in an analysis-of-variance mod-
classes is not relevant to the issue of el (Overton & Reese, 1973). In contrast,
whether the behavior-analytic ontology the organismic conception involves final
is consistent with mechanism. causality and mutual interpenetration of
This argument hinges on what is meant events such that neither is identifiable as
by "class." Morris uses as examples "ini- antecedent or as consequent to the other.
tiating a conversation" and "social rec- These issues are epistemological, and
iprocity"; but by the definition used in Morris's argument that the understand-
classic mechanistic psychologies, these ing of causality in behavior analysis does

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