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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Of Batangas
Rizal St., Tuy, Batangas

Arts 6-Basic Composition Skills in Photography (see MUSIC and ARTS book for further information)

Photography is the process of making pictures by means of capturing light on a light-sensitive medium,
such as a sensor or film. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects are recorded onto a sensitive
medium or storage chip through a tired exposure. The most common process is done through
mechanical, chemical, or digital devices known as camera.

Week 5
Learning Task 2: Read and understand
Whether you are using the latest DSLR, a simple point-and shoot, or built-in camera in your
cellular phone, they all common parts that you should know about.

1. Lens- is the part that focuses and directs incoming light. A lens can be built in permanently or
interchangeable. Most point-and-shoot and phone cameras are fixed and cannot be adjusted
2. Viewfinder -a small window in traditional cameras through which you look with one eye to focus on a
picture. Most point-and-shoot and phone camera just make use of the LCD screen for the purpose.
3. Shutter Release – the button or mechanism that is pressed, clicked, or tapped to.
4. Image Sensor – converts the optical image to an electronic signal, larger sensors generally can
reproduce colors more accurately.
5. Memory card- where the images stored, comes in different size and speed capacity.
6. Flash- used to augment lighting when natural light is low or insufficient.

Week 6-7
Learning Task 2: Read and understand.
Here are the guidelines that you can use to improve the overall composition of our images.

Simplification- The easiest way to have a clear and strong composition is to keep things simple. Instead,
oh having too much going on in the frame, keep the focus on a single subject

2. Rule of Thirds – this basic composition technique is based on the idea that placing your subject off-
center yields a stronger, more natural-looking composition. Following this also serves as the perfect
opportunity to shoot your subjects from different angle.

4. Framing – it involves using or adding frame elements to emphasize and lead the viewer’s eye towards
your subject or to simply add interest to your image.

5. Leading Lines and Shapes – Road, bridges and even hallways are great for showing linear perspective.
They have lines that become narrow standards the far end, potentially leading the eyes to where your
main subjects may be.

6.Contrast – this can be used to make your subject stand out. It is simply surrounding the subject and fill
the frame with lighter colors

Gregorio Paradero Elementary School

Rizal St., Tuy, Batangas
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Of Batangas
Rizal St., Tuy, Batangas

Arts 6

Printmaking is one of the oldest forms where an image is transferred from one surface to another. There
are various methods of printmaking. One of these is silkscreen printing.
1. Silkscreen printing technique makes use of a woven mesh to support an ink-blocking stencil
acquired using stencil to apply ink onto another material, usually fabric, like t-shirts, pouches
caps or any material that can keep the image onto its surface. Silkscreen printing is a viable
business venture especially if you can come up with unique designs. As in most artworks, you
just need to be creative and make sure to use the elements and principles of art as you would in
traditional art.
Silkscreen printing demonstrates the wonders of textile paint on cloth to make a print. The materials
needed for silkscreen printings are:
a. Screen frame- commonly made of wood covered tightly with a fine mesh. The mesh is your screen
which the ink will pass through to transfer your image onto your chosen material.
b. Photosensitive emulsion and activator-sensitizer and emulsion are two different things you will have
to mix together to apply on the screen.
c. Screen printing ink or paint
d. Squeegee- this tool usually made of vinyl or rubber blade
e. Material to be printed- anything made from fabric such as t-shirt, bag or it can be a piece of paper or

Designing a t-shirt is another way to promote a place or a product. Creating a customized t-shirt using
technology, can come up with a customized unique design.

Learning Task 4: T-shirt Printing

Now, with your design ready, you can apply the printing method in a simple art activity. So, get
ready with your materials and enjoy doing it!
Materials Needed:
old folder prepared design in a 1⁄2 typewriting
cutting knife or cutter marker
tape watercolor or poster paint
paintbrush adhesive tape
white t-Shirt
Steps to follow:
1. Get your printed or hand drawing of your name design placed on a 1⁄2 typewriting. Use a sharp cutting
knife (cutter) and cut out the areas where you plan to apply the paint. Remember, as you move around
your paper, turn the paper not your hand. Also, ask help of any members of the family in using sharp
cutting knife.
2. Look for a short folder (any color) in your home. Choose a style of t- shirt.
3. Cut out your design and make sure it is big enough for your prepared design.
4. Put your prepared design above the t-shirt folder. Tape down your design on all four edges. Make
sure it is fixed and not moving.
5. Apply your preferred color for your design. Work your way from the outside edge to the middle.
6. Let it dry for a while then, carefully lift your design. You may set the paint if needed.

(Make a documentation photo of your work )

Gregorio Paradero Elementary School

Rizal St., Tuy, Batangas
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Of Batangas
Rizal St., Tuy, Batangas

Arts 6
Name:_____________________________ Grade/section:_________________________

Summative Test No.1

Choose the letter of the correct answer to complete the statement. Write your answer on the blank.
1. _______________ is the oldest form where an image is transferred from
one surface to another.
a. Painting b. Drawing c. Printmaking
2. Screen frame commonly made of _____________ covered tightly with a mesh.
a. Wood b. Plastic c. Paper
3. ___________technique makes use of woven mesh to support an ink- blocking stencil.
a. Silkscreen printing b. Intaglio printing c. Photo emulsion printing
4. A tool that usually made of vinyl or rubber blade is called ________.
a. Mesh b. Squeegee c. Emulsion

Fill in the blank.

5. _________________is one of the oldest forms where an image is transferred from one surface to
6._________________ is a viable business venture especially if you can come up with unique designs.
7. ________________commonly made of wood covered tightly with a fine mesh.

Summative Test No. 2

A. Fill in the blank.
a. ________________come in many shapes and sizes and each is used for variety of needs.
b. ________________is the process of making pictures by means of capturing light on a light-
sensitive medium, such as a sensor or film.
B. Match the parts of the point and shoot camera in Column A with the functions in Column B.
Write your answers on your answer before the number.
Column A Column B
1. View finder a. used to augment lighting
2. Image sensor b. the button or mechanism that is pressed.
3. Shutter release c. where the images stored
4. Flash d. a small window which you look with one eye
5. Memory card e. converts the optical image

C. If you will be given a chance to have your own camera what kind it would be? Draw it.
(3 points)

Gregorio Paradero Elementary School

Rizal St., Tuy, Batangas
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Of Batangas
Rizal St., Tuy, Batangas

Summative Test No. 3

Design this T-shirt, Create your own “Statement Shirt”.(10 points)

Sample only do not copy.

Gregorio Paradero Elementary School

Rizal St., Tuy, Batangas

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