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Post-Covid World

In 2019, with the outbreak in Wuhan, China, our world suddenly changed. We are in great
fear because of the virus, which is highly contagious and dangerous. The whole world was
suddenly closed to houses, and now the streets were empty. At first, we thought it was a
short-term and temporary epidemic, but it didn't happen. When all this started, we were
unaware of the change we were in. All our habits suddenly changed. Everything real was
suddenly behind the screens. Day by day, we became individual. All of this shows that our
lives will now be very different from before.

First, let's look at the changes. They are extroverted beings by human nature. It needs social
formations and interactions. Even the shyest, introverted of us need them. Covid and I have
all become individual, lonely. After this period is over, it will be difficult for us to adapt to the
social environment again. It will be harder, especially for young children, because they grow
up without learning the Old World. During this period, our business and educational life was
also very affected. We know that the online education system is inadequate. I think that
students in this period will face challenges in all aspects of life in the future due to the
decline in the quality of the education provided and the lack of development of our social
environment and outlook on life. After the end of this period, I think employers will want to
continue to stay in the online system to escape the cost of the office. But that would be a
disaster. The workload of people working from home has increased. Also, it's becoming very
difficult to focus at home now. It's not appropriate to work from home in terms of
motivation and for proper work conditions. People who have lost relatives because of Covid
and the psychology of people who have suffered damage to their body because of the
disease, and the psychological damage that remains, for this reason, are conditions that are
very difficult to treat. Unfortunately, even if these days pass, these are irreversible

In the post-Covid ERA, life seems to continue in the order that it is used to. We are now
becoming more dependent on technology and will continue to be. On the bright side, in
some cases, it would be nice to have a second option. No matter where we are in the world,
thanks to a computer and an internet connection, we will be able to get an education and
continue our work. It will be a good time saver.
As a result, in the post-covid era, it seems that our lives will not be the same. Either we apply
this change to our lives in the best way possible, or we get lost in this system. Maybe we can
all of a sudden go back to our old lives and go on as nothing happened. Human psychology is
in a form that can adapt to any situation. These days pass and we go back to our good old
life. Why not?

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