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1. Define what soil is.
2. Identify the different types of soil based on their physical characteristics.
3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the different types of soil.


Soil: Its types and Characteristics
A. Materials:
Real object of a plant, graphic organizer, PowerPoint presentation, TV, Laptop
B. Reference: LM and TG of Science 4
C. Integrated Subjects:
EsP: Appreciation on God’s creation, Cleanliness and sanitation
Araling Panlipunan: Conservation of natural resources
EPP: Mga uri ng lupa

A. Preparation
1. Checking of assignment
B. Review
Where can we found plants, animals, houses and other organisms?
C. Motivation
Play a Game Pinoy Henyo

D. Presentation
Present a real plant/picture of a plant.

Can you see this? What is this?

What keeps the plant stay on its place?

E. Discussion
Set standard to pupils before allowing them to go outside of the classroom
where they can walk on the school ground. But if the weather is not good, just let the
pupils stay on the lobby or classroom where they can still see the school ground. Let
them observe for 3 to 5 minutes. Ask what covers the surface of the ground and what
contains. Ask them also if similar things are seen if one digs deeper into the ground. Do
all soils have similar characteristics?

Let us learn more about soil as we perform the next activity.

Divide the class into 5 groups.
Let them name their group.
Ex. Names of scientist
Different kinds of animals
Names of planets
Names of flowers

A. Group Activity
Activity –“Can you identify me?”
A. 1. Be with your group all the time and stay in our assigned area in the school for 5
minutes. Math Park
(Group 3)

2. Collect three samples of soil in your area and place on separate cups.
3. Label each sample with A, B and C.

4. Scoop at least two tablespoons of soil from each sample.

5. Place each sample on a separate bond paper.
6. Using hand lens and popsicle stick, observe each sample.
7. Write your observations using the table below in our Science notebook.

As soon as pupils have completed the assigned task, gather all your used materials
and go back in the classroom to finalize the output for posting and reporting.
Emphasize the use of senses in doing the activity.
Let the pupils answer the guide questions after the activity.
B. Reporting/Process the activity.

Let a presentative present their results or answers on the activity questions.

Present a video clip about soil and its types and characteristics.

Based on the video clip, what is soil?

What are the types and characteristics?
What is the similarity of clay and loam?
What is difference of clay and sand? Loam and sand?

F. Generalization
What is soil?
What are the three types of soil? Its characteristics?
What is the similarity of a clay and a loam?
What is the difference of a clay and a sand? Loam and sand?

G. Application
In the same group. Let the pupil choose the activity they want to do.
1. Create a song about the types and characteristics of soil.
2. Create a poem about the types and characteristics of soil.
3. Recite the types and characteristics of soil.
4. Draw the types and characteristics of soil.
5. News report on the types and characteristics of soil.

EPP: If you are going to choose between the three types of soil, which type do you like
best? Least?

Araling Panlipunan: Do you consider soil as a natural resources? Why? Why not?

ESP: If so, what should we do to show care for the soil as creation of God?


A. Fill-out the graphic organizer with types and characteristics of a soil below.

A. Soil

1. Clay 2. Sand 3. Loam

B. Fill out the Triad Diagram. Areas which are shaded and interlocking or intersecting with
other circles should contain the list of similarities and differences of soil types.


Let the pupils secure a handful of mongo seeds and soak it with a glass of tap water

Prepared by:

Teacher III
Checked by:

Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02
Division of the City of Ilagan
Ilagan San Antonio District
City of Ilagan

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