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curso Ingles B1+

Task 2 Speaking production Forum


Cristian David Rico

Grupo: 47

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


Martha Liliana Torres

De Julio de 2021
This task consists of: 4 stages and all of them are required to prepare your job interview and get
the work of your dreams. So, it is important for you to follow and complete all the stages.

1.1. Check out and study the online content, Module 7 - lessons 1 and 2.
1.2. Check out and study the online content, Module 2- lesson 1 and Module 3, lesson 1.

Module 3

lessons 1
3. Communicative Output (Individual work)

3.1. Choose just one out of the following 5 scripts to do this exercise. The scripts reciprocate to 5
different questions from a regular job interview. Post in the forum: PREPARING MY JOB
INTERVIEW, the number of the script you chose, so no one else picks the same.

Question: Why do you think our company should hire you specifically
amongst our pool of candidates?

While I am not aware of the experience of the other candidates, I can speak to the

qualifications that make me the best candidate for this position. After working in

this same position with another organization for over eight years, I successfully led

a team of 6 in our marketing department, where I was responsible for approving

and managing budgets and developing creative campaigns. Now, I am ready to

spread my wings in a company of its size.

3.2. Divide the script you selected into small sentences using the Natural Reader tool.
video link.

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