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Final Project - Participative leadership in Emaar

Student Name:-
Rashed Ahmed
Dubai Arabian American Private School

Spring 2021
Table of Contents
Democratic/ Participative Leadership Style.........................................................................................2
Participative leadership.....................................................................................................................2
Impact On Organizational Culture-........................................................................................................3
Subtypes Of Participative Leadership Style..........................................................................................3
Example of Participative leadership in one Organization..................................................................4
Democratic/ Participative Leadership Style

Participative leadership

The style of leadership has been rooted from the democratic theory. The essence that
is involved include the team members within the process of decision making. As a result,
employees feel engaged, included, and motivated in their contribution. It also increases the
job satisfaction and employee motivation. Encourage the creativity of the employees thereby
leading towards a strong bond within the team and focus on high level productivity.
However, this creates a time-consuming decision-making process why leaders have high
probability and there can be a failure in communication.[ CITATION Bha16 \l 1033 ]

Participative style of leadership helps the organization for a long-term success that
helps in attaining consumer growth and satisfaction along with market dynamics. It also
creates a prolonged life within the organization. The implementation of Participative
leadership to boost employee morale, motivate them and encourage them to perform better by
listening to their ideas, opinions, and grievance.

It is up to leaders to ensure that they are actively skilling up their team members with
the skills needed for the future such as creativity, analytical thinking, decision making,
cultural intelligence, and active learning, among others. Leaders must play the most vital role
in creating an organizational mindset that promotes agility to drive their transformation

As the name mentions, democratic leaders offer guidance to group members, but they
also allow participation and input from the subordinates and their contributions are
acknowledged and accepted in the implantation of the guidelines and rules. Here the leader
considers the opinions and ideas from the group members, but the outcome is still decided by
the leader as they are held accountable by the higher authorities. [ CITATION Alk16 \l 1033 ].
This is the decentralized approach to power and authority. It focuses on two is better than one
philosophy and keeps the employees motivated by keeping them in loop.

Participative leadership is about letting multiple people participate in the decision-

making process as it directly relates to them and leads to higher engagement and productivity
by the collaborative groups. Examples of Leaders with this approach as Indra Nooyi of
PepsiCo, Ginny Rometty of IBM etc.

 It seeks the inputs, feedbacks, and opinions of all the group members in decision
 There is an emphasis on equality among the subordinates by the leader and opinions
are considered irrespective of the ranks.
 There is more creativity in the solution towards aby problem due to different
perspectives involved.

Impact On Organizational Culture-


 There is a lot of collaboration and higher level of productivity engagement among the
team members.
 The outcome is supported by the majority as the decision is inclusive of variety of
 Group members also feel more involved and committed to projects, making them
more likely to care about the end results


 There can be complete communication failures due to various opinions involved.

 Sometimes wrong expertise and lack of quality contributions lead to uncompleted
projects and poor decision-making skills.
 When the ideas contributed are not considered, this can lead to lower employee
satisfaction and morale.

Subtypes Of Participative Leadership Style

 Transformational Leadership: This leadership style believes in the concept of

transforming something into better results and gives team members opportunities to
expand their creativity and give different approaches and ideas to problems.
 Coaching Leadership: It can be defined by the collaboration, support and guidance
given by the leader to the workers in making them better at achieving goals and
clearing obstacles. There is a two-way communication and collaboration which
involves constructive feedback and facilitates personal and professional development.

Example of Participative leadership in one Organization

Thus, an organization like Emaar properties has been successful in developing a

participative culture characterized by high organizational commitment through effective
application of transactional leadership. The transactional style of leadership applied in
Emaar properties has been successful in encouraging a transactional relationship between the
organization and its employees in which employees are rewarded through the system of
compensation, in exchange of their contributions towards the organization. Thus, the
employees have a clear understanding of their tasks and the time withing which they are
expected to complete them. There is no room for any sort of compromise on quality in terms
of output on part of the employees. In this way the employees know that they will be only
rewarded if they complete their tasks on time resulting in output of a high quality. [ CITATION
Alk16 \l 1033 ]

This is how Emaar properties has been successful in emerging as one if the global
leaders in the real estate business. A transactional style of leadership practiced at Emaar
properties has helped the company to increase its value in the market as it had been building
shopping malls, retail outfits, hotels and other venues of leisure and entertainment. The
participative culture developed at Emaar properties through the effective application of
transactional leadership has also been a constant source of innovative ideas and creativity.
Due to the transactional style of leadership the channels of communication in the company
are well developed and clear. [ CITATION Bha16 \l 1033 ]

This is one of the hallmarks of participative and inclusive organizational culture

which is developed through the effective application of transactional leadership. In such a
culture the employees are also free to convey their grievances and problems to the leadership
of the organization. The spirit of innovation and creative ideation at Emaar properties is an
important component of the participative and inclusive culture which characterizes the

The example of Emaar properties is a typical example of transactional leadership in

practice for developing an organizational culture which is not only participative and inclusive
but is also highly productive. When the employees of an organization can clearly understand
the transactional relationship between them and the organization, they feel motivated to give
their best. This is because such employees know if they work hard with integrity, they would
be rewarded by just remuneration in exchange of their efforts. [ CITATION Mos03 \l 1033 ]


Alkahtani, A. H. (2016). The influence of leadership styles on organizational commitment:

The moderating effect of emotional intelligence. Business and Management Studies, 2(1), 23-34.

Bhargavi, S. & Yassen, A. (2016). Leadership styles and organizational

performance. Strategic Management Quarterly, 4(1), 87-117.

Mosadeghrad, A. (2003), “The role of participative management (suggestion system) in

hospital effectiveness and efficiency”, Research in Medical Sciences, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 85-9.

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