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Module 2 Assignment 1

1.What is the main distinction between primary source and secondary source?

- Primary sources are original scientific studies, journals, and books written by experts. The
original formats of primary sources are commonly used. Main sources are restated in
secondary sources. In order to convince people, it describes or analyzes primary sources.

2. Why is primary source important in the study of history?

- Primary sources enable students to connect with historical events on a personal level,
promoting a greater comprehension of history as a collection of individual events. Since
primary sources are fragmented fragments of history, each one is a puzzle that students
can only solve through uncovering new proof.

3. What is the purpose of a secondary source?

- Secondary sources include a criticism or analysis of what the primary source has written
or presented. They will also have second perspectives on a subject that is being debated.
Secondary sources, which are mostly dependent on primary sources, study, measure, or
describe a historical occurrence, period, or phenomena.

4. At present, how do you discriminate between contradicting reports of a single event

from different sources?

- Look up the name of the room. Examine the three letters at the end of the site's space
word, such as "edu" (educational), "gov" (government), "org" (nonprofit), and "com"
(commercial) (commercial). Generally speaking, but be wary of places that use these
postfixes to trick you. Nonprofit websites may also have useful information, but take some
time to consider the organization's purpose and inspiration to see if it's one-sided.
Commercial blogs, such as those of legitimate news agencies, may also be valuable tools,
but perform some analysis to check for indicators of trustworthiness.

5. Why should official records of the government be made accessible to the public?

- Such accountability to the public fosters confidence and a positive partnership between
the government and the people it governs.

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