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Each of the following sentences has ONE mistake (grammar or spelling).

Find and correct

1. Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect in the environment.
=> on
2. The minister has announced that there will be no change in goverment policy.
=> government
3. The number of students choose to study abroad has increased by 23% since 2018.
=> who choose
4. That trip was an unforgetable experience for both of them.
=> unforgettable
5. Atmospheric pollution is lower two years ago than it is now.
=> was
6. Airplanes are one of the safest transports.
=> methods of transport
7. Cars use less fuel because their engines are becoming more efficiently.
=> efficient
8. In my experience, museums which sell tickets are often better than those that do not, in terms
of service and manage.
=> management
9. The bad condition of this road has made three accidents this year.
10. The cold whether has caused plenty of problems on the railways in recent weeks.
=> weather
11. August is the hottest month, which the average daily temperature is 35 degrees.
=> with
12. The introduction of domestic appliances have improved the way people live. 
=> has
13. For instance, washing machine saves people several hours of hard work each week.
=> a washing machine
14. From my view, implementing such measures may help reduce traffic jams.
=> In
15. The table give information on different means of transport used by overseas visitors to travel
in New Zealand.
=> gives
16. Approximately 10 percent tourists went to museums when they were on holiday.
=> of tourists
17. Children could play safe in the street, and there was little crime.
=> safely
18. The bar chart shows how much carbon dioxide each type of traveller produce.
=> traveler produces
19. In the cities, the amount of young people living alone is 28%.
=> percentage ((( amount + N ko đếm đc ))))
20. Working with children can be quite challenging. However it can be very rewarding as well.
=> However, it can be ...
21. The storm which occured at the end of January destroyed several houses.
=> occurred
22. Nowadays, more and more people are leaving to big cities to find employment.
=> leaving from small villages or leave for
23. You will eat more healthy if you grill food instead of frying it.
=> healthily
24. You can shop economical in markets than in supermarkets.
=> more … economically
25. The advantage of a laptop is that it does not take up too many space.
=> much 
26. Worldwide sales of the game are twenty millions every year.
=> million

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