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In partial fullfilment of the requirements in

Work immerson

Submitted by

Catabay Joshua E.


Submitted to

Mrs.Myra C. Cuevas
Table of contents
I.Accomplished forms

II.picture of work site and nonwritten output/projects with captions.

III.illustration of activities performed as needed

IV.Weekly diary (naraative/ account of learnings and achievement

issues face and corresponding resolutions

V.Sampke written output

VI.Work immersion highlights

VII.Other relevant picture and documents

Endings and beginnings are more important than the
middles this particularly true as a trainee of spokesperson
in our barangay beginning on a high note in ending with
a bang will not happen accident you need to plan for it
after weeks of successfully training as a student trainee in
our barangay for a position of spokesperson it should be
scripted and memorize demonstrate that your session will
be different at the beginning of your session demonstrate
your interactive and casual style and your intentions to be
Catabay Joshua
Address:#Rosal st Alangan,Limay,Bataan

Phone Number:09481945130

Secure a responsible career opportunity to fully utilize my training skills,
while making a significant contribution to the success of the company

Limay Senior High School
ICT(Information Community Technology, Programming)
Limay National High School
Sherly Doremon Elementary School
Terisita Dele Rea.
Barangay captain.

I hereby certify that all the above information is a true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief

Catabay Joshua
Applicant's Signature
Catabay Joshua E.
#0851 ilang ilang st.
July 5,2021

Myra C. Cuevas
Santa Rosa, Laguna

Dear Mrs; Myra Cuevas

I am writing to apply for the programming position advertised in the IT Inc group.As
request,I enclose a completed job application,my certification,my resume and other
In my role of programming position I proved to be an efficient,hard working and I believe
that my strong technical experience and education make me highly competitive for this
I studied computer programming,I have a comprehensive understanding of the full lifecycle
for software development project.I also have a experience in learning, Please see my resume
for additional information on my experience.

Catabay Joshua

Catabay Joshua

Date Activities Issues or Resolution Done

performed of problem
accomplished encountered
July 2,2021 Resume and Printing and lack Go to computer
application of time. shop.
July 3,2021 Illustration of Lack of time to Manage my
activities finish it. time.
July 5,2021 Narrative Not enough Borrow from
report. materials classmate.
Catabay Joshua
ICT 12-A


As a student and already experience the work immersion, I

realized it is very important not only to teach us as a student regarding
to our chosen career
But also to show to students to the reality about working.
Example of my task in programming
Pictures while doing my task in programming

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