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MAY 2015

Biology Paper I

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 30

1. Read each question carefully.
2. Answer the questions on the separate answer sheet provided. DO NOT write your answers on the
question paper.
3. There are 100 answer numbers on the answer sheet. Use answer numbers 1 to 30 only.
4. In each question there are four choices A, B, C, D. Choose ONE. On the answer grid black out
the circle for your choice with a pencil as shown below.

Candidate’s Signature

5. If you want to change your answer, ERASE the first answer completely with a rubber, before
blacking out a new circle.
6. DO NOT write anything in the answer grid. The computer only records what is in the circles.

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1. A cell is placed in a hypotonic condition. The hypotonic environment will cause

A. no movement of water.
B. water to leave the cell.
C. water to enter the cell.
D. salt to enter the cell.

2. All of the following are successful adaptations in animals to terrestrial mode of life EXCEPT

A. presence of multi-layered keratinized skin cells.

B. presence of waxy exoskeleton in insects.
C. consumption of diet which is high in salts.
D. production of concentrated urine.

3. The feature of the excretory system of a cockroach that makes it different from other animals is

A. presence of a network of closed tubules without internal openings.

B. presence of an internal opening immersed in coelomic fluid.
C. association of excretory structure with its digestive tract.
D. excretion of nitrogenous waste as uric acid crystals.

4. 'Chlorosis' is a condition that appears in plants due to

A. excessive production of chlorophyll.

B. short supply of mineral nutrients.
C. decreased availability of oxygen.
D. exposure to high temperature.

5. Auxins and gibberellins are plant hormones. The common role of these hormones is to

A. promote leaf senescence and delay bud initiation.

B. promote bud initiation and delay leaf senescence.
C. promote both bud initiation and leaf senescence.
D. delay both bud initiation and leaf senescence.

6. The components in the central and peripheral nervous system of the body with no sensory or
motor activity is the

A. axons.
B. ganglia.
C. dendrites.
D. neuroglia.

7. A female produces two eggs and both are fertilized independently forming two zygotes. This
may result in the birth of

A. a boy and a girl.

B. two identical girls.
C. two identical boys.
D. a boy with 47 chromosomes.

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8. Which of the following features makes oestrous cycle different from menstrual cycle?

A. In oestrous cycle, luteinizing hormone prepares the uterus for conception.

B. In oestrous cycle, a physical stimulus is required for the release of egg.
C. Oestrous cycle involves shedding of broken endometrium as blood.
D. Oestrous cycle takes place in humans and monkeys only.

9. Which of the following types of chromosome is shown in the given diagram?

A. Acrocentric
B. Telocentric
C. Metacentric
D. Sub-metacentric

10. The leading strand and lagging strand of DNA replicate in opposite directions and hence have
different replication mechanisms.

Short length DNA segments of the lagging strand are joined by the enzyme

A. ligase.
B. primase.
C. helicase.
D. polymerase.

11. Which of the following is a type of sclerenchyma cells which is found in nut shells and
provides protection?

A. Fibre
B. Vessel
C. Sclereid
D. Tracheid

12. Which of the following body structures is used in brachiation in vertebrates?

A. Tail
B. Wings
C. Forelimbs
D. Hindlimbs

13. Interphase of mitosis and meiosis are different from each other in terms of the

A. synthesis of enzymes.
B. increase in cell size.
C. synthesis of DNA.
D. storage of energy.


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14. Following are two events of one of the stages of prophase I of meiosis.

• Complete pairing of homologous chromosomes

• Formation of chiasmata

Which of the following stages of prophase I is indicated above?

A. Diplotene
B. Pachytene
C. Zygotene
D. Leptotene

15. Which of the following is TRUE about lateral meristem?

A. It increases the length of stems.

B. It increases the diameter of roots.
C. It increases the thickness of root cap.
D. It increases the height of shoot apex.

16. The fertilized egg of an ascidian contains cytoplasm of different colours. The yellow cytoplasm
is responsible to

A. produce neural tube.

B. give rise to gut.
C. produce larval epidermis.
D. give rise to muscle cells.

17. A cat with heterozygous black fur coat is crossed with a cat with white fur coat. The chances of
black coat offspring in F1 generation will be

A. 75%
B. 50%
C. 25%
D. none

18. The risk of erythroblastosis foetalis appears when

A. mother is Rh– and foetus is Rh+.

B. mother is Rh+ and foetus is Rh–.
C. both mother and foetus are Rh+.
D. both mother and foetus are Rh–.

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19. Study the given cross between red-eyed female drosophila and white-eyed male drosophila.

First step cross:

P1 red-eyed female X white-eyed male
Xw+Xw+ XwY

Gametes 100% Xw+ Xw+ 50% Xw Y

X w+ Xw

Xw+ Xw+ Xw
Xw+ Xw Xw+ Y

Xw+ Y

Xw+ Xw Xw+ Y
F1 generation red-eyed female red-eyed male
50% 50%

All of the following statements are supported by the given cross EXCEPT that

A. eye colour in drosophila is a sex-linked trait.

B. female drosophila is hemizygous for eye colour.
C. red eye colour is dominant over white eye colour.
D. white eye colour appears in drosophila males only.

20. Huntington disease is a disorder in which

A. patients develop numerous infections of the respiratory tract.

B. there is an abnormal growth of bone marrow cells.
C. nerve cells in some parts of the brain degenerate.
D. T and B cells of the body do not mature.

21. The structure and formation of different soils is studied as a/ an

A. topographic factor.
B. edaphic factor.
C. climatic factor.
D. biotic factor.


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22. The diagram below shows a food chain.

grass grasshopper frog eagle

minimum maximum
The factor labelled as X is

A. energy.
B. biomass.
C. number of consumers.
D. size of individual organisms.

23. The diagram shows which of the following environmental processes?

A. Greenhouse effect
B. Ozone depletion
C. Eutrophication
D. Acid rain

24. All of the following messages are conveyed by the given symbol EXCEPT

A. recycle waste material.

B. reuse natural resources.
C. resale damaged land.
D. reduce the use of fossil fuels.

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25. Following are some steps in the evolution of the eukaryotic cells.

I. Invagination of plasma membrane

II. Enlargement of nuclear genome
III. Duplication of genetic material

Which of the following is the CORRECT sequence of the given steps?

A. II, III and I

B. III, II and I
C. I, III and II
D. III, I and II

26. Which of the following provides a visual record in a complete series of the evolution of an

A. Anatomical similarities
B. Distribution of species
C. Remains of organisms
D. DNA and proteins

27. Which of the following animals has been declared as extinct in Pakistan?

A. Marbled teal
B. Indian rhino
C. Indus dolphin
D. Houbara bustard

28. Which of the following are the characteristics of the littoral zone of a lake?

I. Shallow water
II. Insufficient light
III. Adequate nutrients
IV. Contains decomposers mainly

A. I and IV
B. I and III
C. II and IV
D. II and III

29. Grassland ecosystem is mainly found in

A. Gilgit and Kashmir.

B. Kaghan and Chilas.
C. Shogran and Neelam Valley.
D. Mianwali and Bahawalpur.


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30. Which of the following is MISMATCHED?

Type of Ecosystem Animal Life

A Desert Horned lizard and burrowing owl
B Temperate deciduous forest Monkey and deer
C Tundra Snake and kangaroo
D Grassland Sheep and goat


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