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One of the function of human blood cells is to ingest and destroy harmful agents such as
bacteria that find their way into the blood stream. In order to perform this function, you
could expect a white blood cell to have a higher than average number of

A. Ribosomes
B. Peroxisomes
C. Chloroplasts
D. Lysosomes
E. Chromosomes

2. Two brothers were under medical treatment for infertility. Microscopic examination of
their semen shows that although the sperm look normal, they did not move properly. The
brothers also suffered with chronic bronchitis.
The doctors studying the cases decided that both men had a problem with one particular
cell organelle. Which one?
A. Endoplasmic reticulum
B. Golgi body
C. Ribosomes
D. Microtubules
E. Mitochondria

3. Which of the following shows the correct sequence of cell structure involved in protein
synthesis and export from the cell?

A. Golgi apparatus → ribosome→ nucleus → plasma (cell) membrane

B. Nucleus → ribosome →Golgi apparatus → plasma (cell) membrane
C. Nucleus → plasma (cell) membrane → Golgi apparatus → ribosome
D. plasma (cell) membrane → nucleus → Golgi apparatus → ribosome
E. Nucleus → ribosome → plasma (cell) membrane → Golgi apparatus

4.. Convert 65.0 nm to µm

A. 650
B. 6.500
C. 65,000
D. 0.065
E. 0.65

5. The circle below indicates the position of the letter X as seen in the field of your
compound light microscope. To get the letter X into the center of the field, you
would have to move the slide
(A) to the right and down
(B) to the left and up
(C) to the left and down
(D) to the right and up
(E) it depends on the brand of microscope
6. Typical diameters are
A prokaryote, such as Streptococcus – 750 nm
An eukaryotic cell, such as a white blood cell--- 15µm
Given these measurements, the diameter of the white blood cell is how many times greater
than the prokaryote?

A. X 2
B. X 20
C. X 50
D. X 200


7. Crossing-over occurs
8. Anaphase2
9. Metaphase 1
10. Prophase I

11. If the mass of DNA in the G1 phase in the cell cycle is 15ng, what will the mass of DNA
be in metaphase?
(A) 7.5 ng
(B) 15 ng
(C) 30 ng
(D) 45 ng
(E) 60 ng

12. A cell undergo normal cell division. Microscopic observations are continuously done and
show that the time spent during interphase is 280 minutes and time taken by mitosis is 20
minutes. The number of cells produced after some time is 64 cells considering that at t0 the
cells were in interphase. The time required to produce these cells is:

A. 30 hours

B. 60 hours

C. 70 hours

D. 46 hours

E. 96 hours
14. A DNA molecule has 20% A and 30% G. The total number of nucleotides in the DNA
molecule is 20. The number of thymine nitrogenous bases in the DNA is:
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6


15. Which stage of meiosis is represented in figure A?

A. metaphase I B. metaphase II C. anaphase I D. anaphase II

E. telophase I

16. Which of the following CANNOT be a gamete produced by the cell in figure A?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
17. A single strand of DNA was base- paired with a single strand of RNA. Which of the
following processes must have occurred to produce RNA strand?

A. Replication
B. Transcription
C. Translation
D. protein synthesis
E. production of anticodons

Refer to the sketch of prokaryotic DNA as it commonly undergoes replication and
transcription simultaneously
18. If 2 is thymine, then B must be
A. Guanine
B. Cytosine
C. Thymine
D. Adenine
E. Uracil

19. If 4 is Adenine then D must be

A. Guanine
B. Cytosine
C. Thymine
D. Adenine
E. Uracil

20. Suppose you are provided with an actively dividing culture of Streptococcus aureus
bacteria to which radioactive thymine has been added. What would happen if a cell
replicates once in the presence of this radioactive base?
A. One of the daughter cells, but not the other, would have radioactive DNA.
B. Neither of the two daughter cells would be radioactive.
C. All four bases of the DNA would be radioactive.
D. Radioactive thymine would pair with nonradioactive guanine.
E. DNA in both daughter cells would be radioactive.

21 How many nucleotides bases and codons must be preset in a prokaryotic molecule to
determine the primary sequence of a portion of a protein that contains 120 amino acids?
A. 120 bases and 120 codons
B. 120 bases and 360 codons
C. 240 bases and 480 codons
D. 360 bases and 120 codons
E. 360 bases and 360 codons
22. The diagram above illustrates which of the following processes that occur in the
non-homologous chromosomes?
A. Mutation
B. Deletion
C. Translocation
D. Synapsis
E. Duplication

23. An experiment was conducted on mice to test the effect of different levels of
radiation on the formation of protein X. After many trials, scientists noticed that the
amino acid sequence in protein X formed by these mice was different by one amino
acid compared to the original one. The mutation that has occurred in these mice is:
I. nonsense mutation
II. silent mutation
III. missense mutation
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and II only
E. None of the above

Questions 24-25: Refer to the given below DNA fingerprinting uses gel electrophoresis
technology to show the genetic make-up of a living organism, it is mostly used in solving
crimes or paternity cases. The figure below shows gel electrophoresis representing DNA
samples from four suspects of a murder case (S1-S4), along with DNA found from hair
sample that belongs to the murderer.

24. Which one of these numbers

represents the largest DNA fragment?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3
D. 4 E. 5

25. Which one of these suspects is most

likely to be the murderer?
A. suspect 1
B. suspect 2
C. suspect 3
D. suspect 4
E. more tests are needed

Questions 27-28: Consider the following


27. The above procedure shows that the

tadpole originates from:
A. The skin cells of the green frog
B. The unfertilized egg of the brown frog
C. The enucleated egg of the brown frog
D. The fertilized egg having a diploid nucleus of
the skin cell of the green frog
E. Recombined egg having a diploid nucleus of
the skin cell of the green frog

28. The produced tadpole will grow to be a:

A. Brown frog
B. Green frog
C. Brown frog with small green dots
D. Any of the colors because its color depends
on the environment
E. Green frog with small brown dots
29. The gene code is show.

In a coding gene, the DNA triplet in the transcribed strand is changed feom AGG to TCG.
What would be the result of this change in the genome?

A. A non-functional protein
B. A different but functional protein
C. No change in the protein
D. Termination of the polypeptide

30. Two distinctly different beak sizes occur in a single population of finch called the
blackbellied seed cracker. These birds live in an isolated region in
West Africa; the oldest inhabitants of the region remember that all
these finches used to have the same length beak.
This change in the population is shown by this graph.
The best explanation for the change in beak length is:
A. Mutation
B. Stabilizing selection
C. Convergent evolution
D. Genetic drift
E. Diversifying selection
31. A population of mountain lions was almost completely eliminated by a forest fire 50
years ago. The lions that are currently in the area are genetically very similar to one another
because they are all descendent of the few individuals that survived the fire. This is an
example of
A. Genetic drift
B. Non- random mating
C. Gene flow
D. natural selection
E. Mutation

32. In a population of frogs at equilibrium, the frequency of the recessive allele color is 0.3.
The hardy- Weinberg equation would predict what percentage of this population to have
homozygous dominant genotype?
A. 0%
B. 49%
C. 42%
D. 9 %
E. 100%

33. A population of rabbits live in an island characterized by black rocks and white sands. If
the rabbits color is ranging from black to white with all intermediate colors, the rabbits’ color
after a long period of time will be:

A. Black only
B. White only
C. Intermediate color only
D. The same without change
E. White and black

34. The wings of the bird and wings of the bee are ________________ while the arm of the
monkey and the flipper of the whale are _____________.
A. Homologous structures, analogous structures
B. Analogous structures, vestigial structures
C. Analogous structures, homologous structures
D. Homologous structures, vestigial structures
E. Vestigial structures, homologous structures

35. Within less than 2 years of the introduction of a new antibiotic, bacteria appear that are
resistant to that antibiotic. This is an example of
I.Divergent evolution
II.Adaptive radiation
III.Directional selection
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III only
E. I, II, and III
36. As army ants move through a tropical forest, certain birds follow and prey on the insects
that fly or jump out of the way of the ants. This is an example of which of the following?
a. Competition
b. Commensalism
c. Parasitism
d. Mutualism
e. Succession

37. What is a community?

A. A group of producers and consumers living and interacting in an area
B. A group of species living and interacting in an area
C. A group of populations living and interacting in an area
D. A group of organisms living and interacting in an area
E. None of the above definitions

38. The scarlet cup fungus, Sarcoscypha coccinea, obtains its nutrition from decaying wood
by releasing digestive enzymes into the wood and absorbing the digested products. Which of
the following terms describe(s) the fungus?
A. autotroph
B. heterotroph
C. saprotroph
D. autotroph, heterotroph, and saprotroph
E. saprotroph and heterotroph

39- 40
A. Tundra
B. Taiga
C. Tropical rainforest
D. Deciduous forest
E. Desert
39. Coniferous forests, characterized by long, cold winters and short, wet summers
40. Biome characterized by great diversity of flora and fauna and high levels of precipitation

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