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‫فاطمه جاسم محمد‬

1-Which of the following is not the likely cause of fatty liver?

a) Obesity

b) Starvation

c) Pregnancy

d) Diabetes mellitus

2- in alcoholic patient Which of the following is the nonfunctional plasma enzymes

increased ?

a) Alkaline phosphatase

b) Acid Phosphatase

c) Lactate dehydrogenase

d) Gamma-glutamyltransferase

3- Criggler Najjar syndrome is a genetic disorder associated with unconjugated

hyperbilirubinemia because deficient enzyme ?

a) Heme oxygenase

b) Biliverdin reductase

c) Bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyl synthase

d) Bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyl transferase

4- All of the following statement is true concerning urobilinogen except:

a) Produced by oxidative action of intestinal bacteria.

b) Undergoes significant enterohepatic circulation.

c) Urinary levels increased in biliary obstruction.

d) Fecal levels decreased in biliary obstruction.

5- Which of the following enzyme is deficient caused Galactosemia?

a) Galactokinase

b) Galactose 1- phosphate uridyl transferase

c) UDP-4- Epimerase

d) Galactose dehydrogenase

6- The biochemical investigation of the blood specimen showed Bilirubin- 4.9 mg/dl,
ALT- 155 IU/L, AST- 206 IU/L, Albumin- 26 mg/dL. What is the likely biochemical

a) Hemolytic Jaundice

b) Acute hepatic disease

c) Chronic hepatic disease

d) Obstructive liver disease

7-the most common cause(s) of chronic liver disease

a) Alcohol abuse



8-Which of the following marker is used for the differential diagnosis of obstructive

a) Lactate dehydrogenase

b) Creatine Kinase

c) Carbonic anhydrase

d) 5’- Nucleotidase

9-Criggler’s Najjar Syndrome II occurs due to

a) Excessive production of bilirubin

b) The absence of the conjugating enzyme

c) Partial deficiency of a conjugating enzyme

d) Overexpression of conjugating enzymes

10-Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver because of the presence of

a) Phosphofructokinase

b) Pyruvate carboxylase

c) Glucose 6 phosphatase

d) Glucokinase

11-conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia results from

a. Gilbert’s

b. Physiological jaundice

c. Excess production of bilirubin

d. Decreased hepatic uptake

e. Cholestasis

12-In hepatitis B

a. Acute infection causes sub-clinical disease in 65% cases

b. The majority of cases of persistent infection result in cirrhosis

c. HBsAg appears soon after overt disease

d. Infection does not play a role in the development of HCC

e. Anti HBs appears soon after HBsAg

13-With regard to jaundice

a. Conjugated bilirubin causes kernicterus in adults

b. Unconjugated bilirubin does not colour the sclera

c. Unconjugated bilirubin is tightly bound to albumin

d. Unconjugated bilirubin produces bilirubin in urine

e. Conjugated bilirubin is tightly bound to albumin

14-Which of the following enzyme is a sensitive marker of alcoholic liver disease?

a) Alanine transaminase

b) Aspartate transaminase

c) Alkaline phosphatase

d) Gamma-Glutamyltransferase

15-Which of the following marker is used for the differential diagnosis of obstructive

a) Lactate dehydrogenase

b) Creatine Kinase

c) Carbonic anhydrase

d) 5’- Nucleotidase

16-Crigler's Najjar Syndrome II occurs due to

a) Excessive production of bilirubin

b) Complete Absence of a conjugating enzyme

c) Partial deficiency of the conjugating enzyme

d) Overexpression of conjugating enzymes

17-In viral hepatitis

a. The majority of cases of acute hepatitis B infection result in a carrier state, without
clinical evidence of disease

b. Anti HBs appears in the first week of infection

c. Anti HCV IgG does not confer immunity to Hep C

d. The major cause of death from Hep B is hepatocellular carcinoma

e. Hep A has an outer surface envelope of protein, lipid and carbohydrate

18- Glycogen storage disease known as von Gerck's disease. Due to the enzyme
missing from the followinga) glucokinase

b) glucose-6- phosphatase

c) phosphoglucomutase

d) phosphoglucoisomerase

19- What deficiency causes Korsakoff –Wernicke disease

a) high-calorie intake from carbohydrate

b) high intake of energy from alcohol

c) high intake of fat for energy

d) high intake of protein for energy

20- Identify the pentose phosphate pathway intermediate that oxidizes and generates
co-enzyme NADPH

a) fructose 6 phosphate

b) ribose-5-phosphate

c) glucose -6 phosphate

d) glucose -1 phosphate


1- b, 2-d, 3-d, 4-b, 5-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8- d, 9-c, 10- c

11- e, 12-a, 13-c, 14-b, 15-d, 16-c, 17-c, 18-b, 19-c, 20-c

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