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The “Trust Talk” Technique

By Derek Rake (

magine you’re seated at the bar, and a woman takes the stool next to you.
Instead of going about her business, she finds no shame in invading your space and
staring dead at you. You’ve never met her before, and you don’t know a single thing
about her, yet for some reason, the first words out of her mouth to you are “Nice shoes.
Wanna have sex?”

I know what you’re thinking – “I’d LOVE it if that happened!” Unfortunately, it probably
never will. Instead, I want you to take a minute and put yourself in a woman’s shoes, because
this type of thing happens to her all the time. Pick-up lines, “sex eyes,” and other pathetic
attempts men use to grab a girl’s attention do more harm than good. Not only are they
ridiculous tactics, but they place men in the position of the pursuer (not to mention the

Be Different.

Sonic Seduction aims to provide you with a quick transformation from dating dud to sexy
seducer. In order for this to work, you’re going to have to abandon everything you thought
you knew about picking up hot chicks. You must become a clean slate, ready and willing to
learn, and most importantly, change.

The first step towards accomplishing this is to be different from all the others guys on the
scene. Old pick-up tactics are overused and overrated, and if you stop using them now, you’ll
already set yourself apart from 95 percent of your male competition. Add a nice dose of
confidence into the mix, and you’ll be getting laid in no time.
A Secret about Women

Ever since they were little girls, women have been taught by society and their foremothers to
be respectable ladies. They’ve grown to learn the importance of a solid reputation, not to
mention the damage that being labelled a slut will do to them. Because of this, they feel a
great amount of pressure and discomfort when being so blatantly approached by men.

In short, they don’t trust very easily.

But the truth of the matter is this: Women love sex. Yes, you heard me right. They love sex,
and are practically dying to find a man who will give them the opportunity to do it. I say
“opportunity” because the majority of men who hit on women repel them, rather than excite
them. They act as a threat to women’s sexual sanctity. As a result, these men are immediately
disqualified, and the women remain unsatisfied.

It’s All about Safety and Trust.

If you want a woman to sleep with you, she has to feel safe and trusting of you. Just because
I told you that she enjoys sex does not mean you can cut to the chase with her. Never forget
the great effort she puts into keeping her secret, and know that the only way she’ll ever open
up to you is if she feels comfortable around you.

To establish feelings of safety and trust, it’s important that you set yourself apart from every
other guy who’s approached her that night. Of course, you want to have sex with her, but
keep that bit of information to yourself for the time being. As long as you don’t appear to be a
threat, you stand a great chance of getting on her good side. Once a girl decides she feels safe
with you, trust naturally follows.

Trust Talk

By now, you’re probably wondering how you can pick up women simply by laying back and
going with the flow. After all, it would stand to reason that if you want anything in life, you
have to go for it, right? In most situations, I would say this is true, but dealing with the
opposite sex is slightly different. This is where Trust Talk comes in.

In short, Trust Talk is a technique of Sonic Seduction that involves using pick-up lines which
are practically impossible for women detect. It’s a scientific approach to talking to women,
and is based off of a practice used by psychologists worldwide to get into the minds of

Think of this as hypnosis for the dating world that (if done correctly) can easily gain a
woman’s trust in a matter of minutes.

Here’s how it works: Pick out three true statements about your environment when
addressing the woman, and wrap things up with your desired outcome. By
speaking the truth (however obvious), you are indirectly influencing her mind into believing
everything you say, which only enhances her trust in you. Your aim is to tap into her
subconscious and establish a feeling of comfort within her.

For example, let’s say you spot a woman sitting alone at the bar. You’ve never met her before,
so you decide to walk up and speak to her. A good approach utilizing Trust Talk would be
“Excuse me, but I was just walking over here, and I couldn’t help but notice you’re sitting
alone having a drink. You seem pretty cool, and I was wondering if I could join you.”

Notice the three true statements used in this example:

1. “I was just walking over here…”

2. “I couldn’t help but notice you’re sitting alone…”
3. “You’re having a drink.”

Obviously, all three of these observations are true, and the woman will know that too. With
that said, she will subconsciously believe and trust you when you comment on how “cool” she
seems. Naturally, she will warm up to you almost immediately, and will not mind if you sit
down to chat.

By posing your opening statements in truths, you’re giving off the impression of sincerity.
And if you’re good enough at this technique, you’ll get a couple of dates out of the deal, by
which time she’ll believe practically anything that comes out of your mouth. Obviously, this
approach works wonders over the tacky pick-up lines still in rotation today.

Women love sex, but unfortunately, they’ve got slim pickings to choose from when it comes
to eligible partners. And with the ridiculous lines spouted from the mouths of men
everywhere, would you blame them? Don’t be like other guys. Instead, develop a sense of
internal confidence that’s contagious, and work to win a woman’s trust. By using Trust Talk
to break into a conversation with her, you’re not only getting what you want in the short
term, but in the long term as well.

The Trust Talk technique is a component of the Sonic Seduction system by Derek Rake. For
more information on the most complete seduction blueprint ever developed, visit

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