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的了解,编写了《新托福口语真经 2》和《新托福写作真经 2》。两本书自面市以来销

量不俗,深受考生喜爱。于是在这种激励下,我又编写了这本《新托福口语真经 3》,



具体来说,本书将从以下几个方面直击考试,帮助考生考出理想成绩 :

1. 收录 24 套 2010-2011 年口语真题,帮助考生应对重复考题,为考生提供必备考

前练习资料。一般来说,ETS 出题规律性很强,经常出现重复考题,且每年大部分考



2. 快速掌握口语解题技巧,提高解题能力。本书第一部分以 2011 年 1 月 8 日的




3. 提供简洁、实用的笔记内容。在解答“综合口语”任务时,考生最大的问题是



4. 提供高分答案。答案部分是作者以考生的角度,按照 ETS 考官的要求给出的



5. 汇总高频实用词汇。本书的附录部分收录了大量的常用口语词汇,帮助考生解





2011 年 8 月
目 录

第一章  托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解

关于托福 iBT·························································································································3
关于托福 iBT 口语 ················································································································6
口语考试界面 ···················································································································6
口语考试题型介绍 ············································································································9
例题讲解 ·····························································································································16

第二章  2011-2010 年最新托福 iBT 考试口语真题

2011 年 5 月 14 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ··········································································41

2011 年 4 月 9 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ············································································53
2011 年 3 月 26 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ··········································································65
2011 年 2 月 26 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ··········································································77
2010 年 12 月 12 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································89
2010 年 12 月 4 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································101
2010 年 11 月 21 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ······································································113
2010 年 11 月 14 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ······································································125
2010 年 10 月 23 日北美托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ·······························································137
2010 年 10 月 23 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ······································································149
2010 年 10 月 9 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································161
2010 年 9 月 26 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································173
2010 年 9 月 18 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································185
2010 年 9 月 12 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································197
2010 年 8 月 14 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································209
2010 年 7 月 10 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································221
2010 年 6 月 26 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································233
2010 年 5 月 22 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································245
2010 年 5 月 16 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································256
2010 年 4 月 24 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································268
2010 年 4 月 10 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································280
2010 年 2 月 27 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································292
2010 年 1 月 31 日托福 iBT 考试口语真题 ········································································304

附录一 笔记符号汇总··············································································································316
二、缩略词 ·······················································································································317
三、常用英语缩略词表 ····································································································317
四、箭头 ···························································································································318

附录二 口语最常用动词···········································································································319

附录三 口语最常用形容词·······································································································321

托福 iBT

  1 1
第 一 章 托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解
(关于托福 iBT)

关于托福 iBT

● TOEFL= The Test of English as a Foreign Language
● 由 ETS(美国教育考试服务中心)举办的英语能力考试。
● 全名为“检验英语为非母语者的英语能力考试”,中文音译为“托福”。

● 美国和加拿大共有 2300 多所院校要求外国留学生必须提供 T0EFL、GRE、GMAT 或 TSE
● 此外,欧洲(如英国)、大洋洲(如澳大利亚、新西兰)以及东南亚一些国家和地区也都已
承认 TOEFL 考试成绩。
● 国内的联合国驻华机构、外企及合资企业在招聘录用职员时,或国际基金组织在测试职员的
英语水平时,也都采用 TOEFL 考试成绩。

新托福(托福 iBT)
● 2005 年 9 月, 美 国 教 育 考 试 服 务 中 心(ETS) 在 全 球 推 出 新 托 福 考 试, 即 TOEFL iBT
(Internet Based Test)。
● TOEFL iBT 能够反映学生在一流大专院校的教学和校园生活中的语言应用能力。

Task Number of Questions Time Score
Reading 3-5 passages / 12-14 questions each 60-100 minutes 30
4-6 lecture / 6 questions each
Listening 60-90 minutes 30
2-3 conversation / 5 questions each
independent – 2 questions
Speaking 20 minutes 30
integrated – 4 questions
integrated – 1 question 20 minutes
Writing 30
independent – 1 question 30 minutes
Total Score 120

新托福口语真经 3

● 出现在听力或阅读部分,也有可能阅读、听力两部分同时被加试。
● 加试部分不算分,但考生事先并不知道哪一部分是加试。

● 机考——在网上进行。考前最好做 2 至 5 套机考化的模拟题。
● 听力能力要强。平时要多听一些校园场景对话以及各个学科的学术性讲座。putclub(www.这个网站不错,有很多相关听力内容。
● 词汇量要大。其实,大部分词汇服务于阅读。既然如此,考生只需要记住“难词”的模样就
可以了。但 4、6 级范围内的词汇要重点记忆,这部分词汇直击口语、写作。
● 打字要快要准确。平时多练习打字,拼写一定不能马虎。
真经 2》和本书都针对速记和笔记符号的实战应用提供了详细的讲解和相关练习。
● 练习抗干扰能力。由于考生的答题速度不一样,考场环境嘈杂,口语部分的回答尤其会受影
● 事先算好最后“期限”。根据自己的考试时间,预留 2-3 个月的复习时间,这样取得理想成

● 报名 :可在线报名
● 考试费用如下 :
托福网考考试费 人民币 1415 元
逾期报名附加费 人民币 200 元
转考费 人民币 600 元
退考费用 人民币 707.5 元
恢复已取消的成绩 人民币 160 元
成绩增送费(每份) 人民币 136 元
口语或写作单项复议 人民币 480 元
口语和写作双项复议 人民币 960 元
提示 :逾期报名日是指距考试日前第 7 天至考试日第 3 天(不含考试日)。
● 成绩有效期 :2 年。例如 :2003 年 1 月 18 日参加考试,这次考试成绩的有效期是从 2003
年 1 月 18 日到 2005 年 1 月 18 日。

第 一 章 托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解
(关于托福 iBT)

● 成绩确认 :自考试之日起 15 个工作日(不含周末、公休日)以后即可在线查询,邮寄成绩

需 8-12 周。
● 考试时间及次数 :每月 2-3 次(周六或周日)。

● 身份证件 :护照、身份证(含香港和澳门身份证)、驾照或中国军人证件。
● 到达考场时间 :7:30 以前(如果考试开始时间在上午 8:00)。
● 个人物品 :考场仅限身份证件。考生在考场领取笔记用纸和笔。
● 签订保密协议书。
● 进场前拍照、确认身份。
● 阅读和听力考试之后有 10 分钟休息时间。

新托福口语真经 3

关于托福 iBT 口语


1. Independent Tasks — Task 1 & 2

 hoose a place you often go to that is important to you and

explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds

Response Time: 45 Seconds

提示界面出现,提示音之后有 15 秒准备时间,然后是 45 秒的答题时间。

第 一 章 托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解
(关于托福 iBT 口语)

2. Integrated Tasks — Task 3 & 4

Bus Service Elimination Planned

The university has decided to discontinue its free bus service
for students. The reason given for this decision is that few
students take the buses and the buses are expensive to operate.
Currently, the buses run from the center of the campus and
pass by the university buildings and some of the neighborhoods
surrounding the campus. The money saved by eliminating the
bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student
parking lots.

画面出现之后,有 45 秒的时间阅读短文。


The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan to

eliminate the bus service. State his opinion and explain the
reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds

提问界面出现,提示音之后有 30 秒准备时间,答题时间为 60 秒。

新托福口语真经 3

3. Integrated Tasks — Task 5 & 6


Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two
definitions of money presented by the professor.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds

提问界面出现,提示音之后有 20 秒准备时间,答题时间为 60 秒。

新托福口语真经 3


Case Example
下面以 2011 年 1 月 8 日的新托福口语考试真题为例,详细讲解各题的答题方法。
1. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you
will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Among action, romantic and science movies, which do you dislike

most? Explain why.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds

Response Time: 45 Seconds

2. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you
will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Some believes that students should have work experience like doing a
part-time job while attending college. Do you agree or disagree?

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds

Response Time: 45 Seconds

第 一 章 托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解

3. You will now read a short passage about a campus situation and then listen to a talk on
the same topic. You will then answer a question using information from both the reading
passage and the talk. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare
your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Read the proposal about the expansion of class interval. You will have 45 seconds to read
the proposal. Begin reading now.

Reading Time: 45 Seconds

A Proposal for the Class Interval Expansion
The class interval at Selmo University has long been criticized for being
too short. A student writes a proposal to suggest the University extend the
break between classes from the current 10 minutes to 20 minutes. So most
students are able to get to their class building on time, because some classes
are far away from each other, and a 10-minute break is not enough to travel
from one class to another through the campus. The message also says that
longer break will give students the time they need to ask the professors some

Now listen to two students as they discuss the proposal.

The man expresses his opinion of the proposal for the class interval
expansion. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for
holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds

新托福口语真经 3

4. In this question, you will read a short passage on an academic subject and then listen to a
lecture on the same topic. You will then answer a question using information from both the
reading passage and the lecture. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to
prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Now read the passage about stimulus discrimination. You will have 45 seconds to read the
passage. Begin reading now.

Reading Time: 45 Seconds

Stimulus Discrimination
Stimulus discrimination refers to the ability of animals to differentiate between
similar stimuli. This trait was described by the scientist Ivan Pavlov, who
discovered that he could create links between behaviors and stimuli. By
ringing a bell to a dog before he gave it some food, he could make the dog
salivate just by ringing the bell. But he also discovered that animals didn’t
respond to stimuli if there were no rewards, even though the stimuli were
similar. The same dog would not respond to a bell that was louder or softer
than the original bell if there was no food provided.
Today we know that animals use their ability to discriminate between stimuli
all the time, sometimes to find their pack, other times to escape predators.
All animals transmit information through sound and know how to distinguish
friendly sounds from unfriendly ones, which can mean life or death in the wild.

Now listen to a lecture on this topic in a zoology class.

Using information from the reading and the lecture, explain stimulus
discrimination and how fur seals use it to avoid danger.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds

第 一 章 托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解

5. In this question, you will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked to talk about
the information in the conversation and to give your opinion about the ideas presented.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60
seconds to speak.
Now listen to a conversation between two students.

Briefly summarize the problem and the two possible solutions. Then
state which solution you recommend and explain why.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds

新托福口语真经 3

6. In this question, you will now listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked to
summarize important information from the lecture. After you hear the question, you will
have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Now listen to part of a talk in a business class.

Using examples and points in the lecture, describe the two drawbacks of
comparative advertising.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds

第 一 章 托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解


I. Independent Speaking Task

  ——— Task 1 – Personal Preference
Directions: In this question, you will be told when to begin to prepare your response and
when to begin speaking. After the question is read, a“Preparation Time”clock will appear
below the question and begin to count down from 15 seconds (00:00:15). At the end of 15
seconds you will hear a short beep. After the beep, the clock will change to read“Response
Time”and will begin to count down from 45 seconds (00:00:45). When the response time has
ended, recording will stop and a new screen will appear alerting you that the response time
has ended. ( 新托福考试官方指南第三版 )

Question 1

Among action, romantic and science movies, which do you dislike

most? Explain why.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds

Response Time: 45 Seconds


本题难点 :1)思路
本题考点 :1)答题逻辑清晰、有理有据
2)无明显语法错误,如 :She / He 混用,“第三人称单数”没有“s”,时态不

新托福口语真经 3


1  准确把握问题意图
Among action, romantic and science movies, which do 本题要求找出“你最不喜欢的电
you dislike most? Explain why. 影类型”,并给出理由。

2  准备15秒
15 秒钟内就能勾勒出思路,并做好笔记是不太容易的,因此这需要考前做充分准备。
建议考前在事先给的草稿纸上列好提纲框架,即 :
topic ( 论点 ):
reason 1 ( 论据 ):
details ( 细节 ):
reason 2 ( 论据 ):
details ( 细节 ):
conclusion ( 结论 ) :
笔记记录如下( note-taking):
topic romantic
reason 1 predictable & monotonous
see the end of the story
∴ × excitement
reason 2 × educational
teach sth, meaning > entertainment
× learn anything ← romantic

3  陈述45秒
As far as I’m concerned, romantic movies
topic are kind of movies I’ve disliked since I was 可以照搬问题中的句子,不用现
a kid. 组织语言,同时为下面内容的陈

reason 1 The main reason is that romantic movies

are predictable and monotonous. I can
almost foretell the end of the stories every
time I watch them. So there is no excitement
involved in watching a romantic movie.

第 一 章 托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解

reason 2 On a further note, watching romantic 里面的内容娓娓道来。
movies isn’t educational at all. I prefer to
watch movies that can teach me something
that have some meaning beyond simple
entertainment. I’ve never learnt anything 结论用一句话简单概括,如果时
profound from a romantic movie. 理由还剩下10几秒钟,将结论慢
conclusion There’s no doubt in my mind that romantic 记说“Thanks a lot! That’s all I
have to say.”
movies are my least favorite of the bunch.

4  常用答题模版
topic As far as I’m concerned, + 引入主题
reason 1 The main reason is that + 原因 1
reason 2 On a further note, + 原因 2
conclusion That’s why + 再次提及中心话题


In my opinion
说明主题 (topic) For me
I would say that

Of all the advantages
The first reason is that
First of all
Another reason
In addition

总结 (conclusion) Those reasons explain why

新托福口语真经 3

II. Independent Speaking Task

  ——— Task 2 – Personal Choice
Direction: In this question, you will be told when to begin to prepare your response and
when to begin speaking. As with question 1, a“Preparation Time”clock will appear below the
question and begin to count down from 15 seconds (00:00:15). At the end of 15 seconds you
will hear a short beep. After the beep, the clock will change to read“Response Time”and
will begin to count down from 45 seconds (00:00:45). When the response time has ended,
recording will stop and a new screen will appear alerting you that the response time has
ended. ( 新托福考试官方指南第三版 )

Question 2

Some believe that students should have work experience like doing a
part-time job while attending college. Do you agree or disagree?

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds

Response Time: 45 Seconds


1  准确把握问题意图
Some believe that students should have work 本题的特点是在两种答案中任选
experience like doing a part-time job while attending 一种。不过最好选择比较容易说
college. Do you agree or disagree?

2  准备15秒
topic √
reason 1 grow up
↑competition… ☆ (important)→future ↑= cultivate independence
& ↑= foster a sense of
reason 2 ↑$ competition,要试着用自己的
buy…, but × run out of budget
economic burdens ← parents

第 一 章 托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解

3  陈述45秒
topic Personally, I think students should have work 可直接套用问题中的句
experience while attending college.
reason 1 One reason is that taking part-time jobs can help
students grow up from children into adults, because
this experience will definitely help them cultivate
independence and foster a sense of competition, 展开细节内容。细节是
which is important for students in the future. 对理由的解释说明。

reason 2 Furthermore, work experience builds up students’

pockets. With the money earned, they can buy
whatever they want, and also learn not to run out
of their budgets. At the same time, they are able to
relieve the economic burdens of their parents.
conclusion For these reasons, I would definitely recommend 以省略。结论的语言很
that all students undertake work experience while “模版化”。建议考前
attending college.

4  常用答题模版
topic Personally, + 引入主题
reason 1 One reason is that + 原因 1
reason 2 Furthermore, + 原因 2
conclusion For these reasons, + 再次提及中心话题

更多典型句型如下 :

There’s no doubt that

I like A better
说明主题 (topic) I have to say that I definitely
As far as I am concerned, I prefer A
For one
The first reason is that
陈述理由 First of all
(reasons) Secondly
Another reason is that
Another point to consider is that
Those reasons explain why
总结 (conclusion)
This is why I think

新托福口语真经 3

III. Integrated Speaking Task

  ——— Task 3 – Campus Situation
Directions: Question 3 is the first of the four Integrated Tasks in the Speaking section. For
this question, you will read a short passage on your computer screen about a topic of campus-
related interest. You will then listen to two people (or in some cases, one person) discussing
that topic and expressing an opinion about the topic from the reading. Then you will be asked
a question based on what you have read and what you have heard. You will have 60 seconds
to speak your response. The general areas from which these topics are typically drawn
include university polices, rules or procedures, university plans, campus facilities, or quality of
life on campus.(新托福考试官方指南第三版)


1  阅读短文,把握文章大意
A Proposal for the Class Interval Expansion 先看标题,把握文章大意。

The class interval at Selmo University has long been 有时候标题无法反映文章大意,

criticized for being too short. A student writes a proposal to 章大意。
suggest the University extend the break between classes
from the current 10 minutes to 20 minutes. So most
students are able to get to their class building on time,
because some classes are far away from each other, and
a 10-minute break is not enough to travel from one class to 节内容。一般原因有两个。
another through the campus. The message also says that
longer break will give students the time they need to ask 读中重要信息的记录。切忌读完
the professors some questions. 再记录。最好以符号和核心词缩

2  听对话,理解对话中人的意见
M: A longer break? Come on! That’s not necessary. 中心对话人会开门见山地表达自
W: About the expansion of class interval? I think it’s good
to have longer break. So students won’t be late for their
M: Yeah? I wish the school wouldn’t adopt the proposal and
bring it into effect.
W: Why is that? I think it’s great.
M: Do you really think we need more time in order to
catch up for our next class? In fact, most required or
major related courses in our department are taught in
the places close to each other. A ten-minute break is 考生要边听边判断重要信息,并
enough for us to walk to the class building and get ready
for next class. There might be some classrooms taking

第 一 章 托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解

more minutes to reach, but our professors are usually

very considerate; they would finish class earlier and
allow us to be on time for the upcoming class. Although
sometimes we might come to class late, professors can
understand that we are not intentionally being late.
W: You might be right to some extent. But students still 中心说话人一般给出两个理由来
need more break time to ask questions. What’s your 支持自己的观点。
point toward this?
M: I think asking questions after class is unfair to most
students, because they won’t have equal chances to
be responded by their professors since most questions
are private or individual concerns. So I believe students
can ask questions or communicate with their professors
through emails or just coming to professors’ offices
during the regular office hours.

3  把握问题
The man expresses his opinion of the proposal for the
class interval expansion. State his opinion and explain 说明中心说话人的观点,并解释
the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

4  笔记
topic class break 10 → 20 min
∵ × enough time → next class & ask 短文部分的笔记:公告是什么,
questions 公告的原因。如果45秒内记录不
m: × 原因可以忽略不计。

reason 1 close →←
10 min enough →next
prof considerate … finish early … stu catch 将两个理由的核心词记录在草稿
up next 纸上。

reason 2 × ask question after class

emails office hour

5  准备30秒
充分利用 30 秒钟,尽可能地将笔记的大部分内容进行初步陈述,为随后的 60 秒答题找到感觉,

新托福口语真经 3

6  陈述60秒
topic A letter from a student is proposing to extend class 标题通常为中心句。
interval from the current 10 minutes to 20 minutes.
So most students are able to head to the next class 原因1

on time and have enough time to ask questions 原因2

after each class.
The man strongly opposes this policy for two 文自然过渡到对话部
reasons. 分。

The man disagrees with the proposal to expand the 如果短文中公告的两个

interval between classes. He has two main reasons. 原因没有记录下来,可
reason 1 First, he says that most classes they are taking
are arranged close to one another. Ten-minute
class intervals are good enough for students to
get to the upcoming class. And professors of each
class are considerate and sometimes finish classes
earlier in order to give students the time they need 不要提及其他说话人或
to get to the next class. 考生自己的想法。

reason 2 Also, he mentions that students should not keep

asking questions after class. They can actually
communicate with their professors through emails
or coming to professors’ offices during the regular
office hours.

7  常用模版
topic A letter from a student is proposing to + 短文内容
reason 1 First, he says that + 第一点原因
reason 2 Also, he mentions that + 第二点原因

有些情况下,考生也可以考虑用下面的模版 :

The university has decided to

The man agrees with
说明主题 (topic)
The man strongly supports / opposes
The man disagrees / agrees with the proposal

For one thing, he points out that

陈述理由 His first reason is that
(reasons) Also, he suggests that
Additionally, he thinks that

2011-2010 年最新
托福 iBT 考试口语真题

新托福口语真经 3

The Speaking section of the TOEFL iBT test will last approximately 20 minutes.
During the test, you will answer 6 speaking questions. Two of the questions ask
about familiar topics. Four questions ask you about short conversations, lectures,
and reading passages. You may take notes as you listen to the conversations
and lectures. You should answer all of the questions as completely as possible
in the time allowed. The preparation time begins immediately after you hear the
question. On the actual exam, you will be told when to begin to prepare and
when to begin speaking.
The questions and the reading passages are printed in this test book. The time
you will have to prepare your response and to speak is printed below each
question. At the end of each test, you’ll find scripts for the audio tracks and
sample spoken responses for each question. To have a better practice, you may
need a recording device that you can play back to listen to your response.

第 二 章 2011-2010 年最新托福 iBT 考试口语真题
(2011 年 5 月 14 日)


1. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you
will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Is it good or bad to work a year before studying at university? Please

include specific details in your explanation.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds

Response Time: 45 Seconds

2. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you
will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Do you prefer to write a long essay or give a speech in front of class for
an assignment? Include reasons and details in your explanation.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds

Response Time: 45 Seconds

新托福口语真经 3

3. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will
then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30
seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Reading Time: 45 Seconds

Ride-Sharing Program
After receiving several suggestions from students about the transportation
to school, we have decided to organize a school ride-sharing program, in
order to provide students living in the same area or community with a ride to
school as a means of shared transportation. Moreover, we believe carpooling
will be good for students to save money from the rising cost of gas and bus
fares. Please note that this program is also an excellent means to protect
the environment by reducing a great deal of pollution released from car

Now hear a conversation about the same topic.

The woman expresses her opinion of the school policy to offer ride-
sharing program. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives
for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds

第 二 章 2011-2010 年最新托福 iBT 考试口语真题
(2011 年 5 月 14 日)

4. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will
then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30
seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Reading Time: 45 Seconds

In economics, signaling is an approach. That is, companies use third
parties to credibly convey some positive information about their products to
consumers who may not be sensitive to the difference between good and bad
product quality. More precisely, producers or sellers of good-quality products
can distinguish themselves from that of bad-quality ones by offering high-
price goods or services. However, consumers are not capable of telling the
difference and not likely to purchase something expensive either. Therefore,
having a third party to make objective judgments such as conducting
experiments is essential to guide consumers to make purchasing decisions for
high-quality products.

Now hear a talk on the same subject.

The professor talks about an example in the lecture. Explain how the
example demonstrates the concept of signaling in the reading.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds

新托福口语真经 3

5. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it. After you
hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to

The two people in the conversation are discussing two possible

solutions to the man’s problem. Describe the problem and the two
solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds

第 二 章 2011-2010 年最新托福 iBT 考试口语真题
(2011 年 5 月 14 日)

6. You will now listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked a question about it. After you
hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to

Using points and examples from the lecture, explain the two features
species use to survive in mountain environment.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds

Response Time: 60 Seconds

新托福口语真经 3


Question 1
Is it good or bad to work a year before studying at university? Please include specific
details in your explanation.

Note ( 笔记 )

topic work b4 university

reason 1 grow up
↑ independence
↑ competition… ☆ (important) → future
reason 2 ↑$
buy…, but × run out of budget
economic burdens ← parents


topic Personally, I think students should have work experience before

attending college.
reason 1 One reason is that taking part-time jobs can help students grow up from
children into adults, because this work experience can definitely allow
them to cultivate independence among young people and help prepare
them for the competiveness of the work place, which is important for
students in the future.
reason 2 Furthermore, working helps build up students’ pockets. With the money
earned, they can buy whatever they want, and also learn how to budget
their money correctly. Meanwhile, they are able to relieve the economic
burdens on their parents.
conclusion For these reasons, I would definitely recommend that all students
undertake work experience before college.

第 二 章 2011-2010 年最新托福 iBT 考试口语真题
(2011 年 5 月 14 日)

Question 2
Do you prefer to write a long essay or give a speech in front of class for an assignment?
Include reasons and details in your explanation.

Note ( 笔记 )

topic long essay √

reason 1 stu → strong writing skills
∴ need practice
essay → exam
reason 2 essay → understanding, ∵↑ time… research, think, better explain their


topic Well, in my opinion, I would definitely prefer to write long essays.

reason 1 One thing is that students need to develop the strong writing skills. They
go to school mainly to learn reading and writing, so they need a lot of
practice. Besides, examinations require a lot of writing, so writing papers
is a kind of good preparation.
reason 2 Another reason is that, I think writing long essays is a better way
to show students’understanding of the materials or assigned topics,
because writing assignments gives students more time to do research, to
think deeply and thus better explain their ideas.
conclusion Therefore, I believe writing papers is good for students for the two
reasons listed above.

Question 3


M: Hello, dear, have you heard of the new policy about ride-sharing? We have to organize
car-pools for transportation.
W: Well, I support this new policy. Maybe it can be very helpful to some extent.
M: Can you explain it a little bit? I don’t get it.
W: Have you noticed that ride-sharing is one of the most common and cost effective
alternatives for students’ transport? I mean, the cost of sharing a ride is cheaper than a
taxi or other means of transportation, because the cost will be divided among members.

新托福口语真经 3

The program also helps lower the costs of gasoline or car operation since car-pooling
needs few vehicles to transport students back and forth everyday. Isn’t it great?
M: Hmm, I can see your point. But other than costs, what else is it good for?
W: Well, it helps protect our environment because fewer cars on the road also means less air
pollution, including carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.
M: I haven’t thought of that! Your words make a lot of sense to me.

Note ( 笔记 )

reading uni → car share

∵ help ↓ $ & protect environment
opinion w√
reason 1 cheaper ∵ cost be divided among members
save money
reason 2 helps protect environment
needs ↓ vehicles to transport, so ↓ CO2 → climate change


reading The university has planed to make students living close to each
other ride to school by sharing their cars. The school believes the ride-
sharing program can help students save money as well as protect the
environment by reducing pollution from car emissions.
opinion The woman likes this policy for two reasons.
reason 1 Her first reason is that ride-sharing is cheaper than any other means
of transportation, because the cost of gasoline and car operation will be
distributed among members of car-pooling. Since the cost is much less
than traveling by taxi, bus, or private vehciles, students are able to save
their money.
reason 2 In the second place, she strongly supports this policy because it helps
protect the environment. She says that the program needs fewer vehicles
to transport students back and forth everyday, thus emitting less carbon
dioxide which contributes to climate change.

第 二 章 2011-2010 年最新托福 iBT 考试口语真题
(2011 年 5 月 14 日)

Question 4


W: Morning everybody, according to your text, signaling, more precisely in economics, is the
idea that one party by using a third party credibly conveys some information about itself to
another party. Let me give you an example about my friend who owns a jewelry store. A
big problem he had recently was that people would come into his store, look around, and
then run off without making a purchase. This is because jewelry is a big investment, and
customers really have no idea if the jewelry is indeed real.
Then my friend found a jewelry expert who placed some expensive jewels in fire to prove
that they were real. My friend used this jewelry expert as a signaler, that is, he introduced
a third party to judge the quality of his jewelry through the experiments.
The end result was that my friend’s jewels were indeed real. He hung the results as an
advertisement in his front window. Afterwards something spectacular happened soon after:
the same customers who came in and just looked around now had the confidence in the
jewels and made the purchases.

Note ( 笔记 )

topic (reading) signaling: companies → consumers → products ← third parties

example his friends → jewelry store, expensive
∴ consumers look, × buy
coz (=because) consumers × dif btw real & fake
expert → prove real
∴ consumers → purchase → products


topic (reading) The lecture is about signaling which refers to an approach

companies use to guide the consumers to purchase their products by
introducing third parties. The professor explains this concept by
giving an example in his lecture.
example  he professor said that her friends owned a jewelry store, in which
the gold and diamonds were real but very expensive. Therefore,
many consumers merely looked at the products rather than making
actual purchases. The high price might be one reason, but more
importantly, many consumers couldn’t tell the difference between
real and fake products. Then her friend asked an expert to prove the
quality of jewels by putting them on fire. Later, the jewelry was verified
to be real, and consumers were confident enough to purchase the
expensive products.

新托福口语真经 3

Question 5


W: Hey, Mark. You look worried, I can tell by the look on your face. What’s wrong?
M: Well, this is tough. I’ve just been informed that my audition time for the play Hamlet has
been changed from next week to tomorrow. The worst thing is that I’ve promised my
roommate I would help tutor him for his physics test tonight, leaving me no time to prepare
for the audition.
W: Ouch!! Sounds like you have almost no time. What’s your plan?
M: I don’t know. I really need to prepare for my audition tonight.
W: Hmm…maybe you could ask someone else to help your roommate out. I am sure your
roommate will understand.
M: No, I can’t just renege on my promise by not showing up. I have promised him to help him
prepare for his test. I worry he won’t be happy.
W: Ah, I see. Well, then I guess you could just help him first, and then prepare your audition.
How’s that?
M: R
 ight, but then I might not have enough time to do all the preparation for the audition next
W: Hmmm…well, my friend, I don’t know what to tell you.

Note ( 笔记 )

problem m: audition → the Hamlet → tomorrow

but tutor → physics test tonight, tm (=time) conflict
solutions w: 1. sb. else → tutor
2. tutor 1st, then prepare audition
best solution 1st √
reasons tutoring = ↑ tm → audition
too exh (=exhausted) to do well
∴ sb. else √


problem The man is faced with a problem: his audition for the stage play Hamlet
has been rescheduled to tomorrow. But he has to tutor his roommate
for a physics test tonight, which leaves him no time to prepare for the
audition the next day.

第 二 章 2011-2010 年最新托福 iBT 考试口语真题
(2011 年 5 月 14 日)

solutions The woman offers him two solutions: he could ask someone else to
help tutor his roommate or he could prepare for his audition right after he
finishes tutoring his roommate.
best solution I think the man should take the first option,
reasons because tutoring his roommate will consume a lot of time which he could
be spending preparing for his audition tomorrow. Although he can help
his roommate for the physics test first and then practice for his audition,
he wouldn’t have enough hours to get proper sleep, making him too
exhausted to perform well during the audition. Therefore, I think asking
somebody else to tutor his roommate is the best way to cope with his

Question 6


W: Mountains are as beautiful as they are deadly. The innumerous dangers, if not taken
seriously can either kill us or cause us to be badly injured. These dangers include steep
inclines, ice, snow, and bone chilling winds. However, some species of animals can live on
mountain ranges because they have developed and formed two features, allowing them to
survive in the harsh mountain environment over thousands of years.
A strong muscle structure is one significant feature of species like Mountain goats. They
have developed to adapt to the mountain environment over time. A strong muscular
system enables them to climb at seemingly impossible angles and jump nimbly from ledge
to ledge when they are searching or foraging food in mountain areas.
As we all know, mountain roads or rocks are extremely steep and slippery with snow,
making animals easy to fail. Therefore, special feet are another important feature that
species dwelling in the area acquire. The Bighorn sheep have become well adapted to
living on slippery and rocky cliffs. Their hoofs or feet have special pads with hard sharp
edges surrounding a soft inner area which provide the animals with extra traction thus
preventing them from skidding on the rocks. Therefore, the Bighorn sheep can get a better
grip while climbing.

Note ( 笔记 )

topic 2 features :animals survive in Mt. (=mountain )

(Mt.… dangerous, steep, rocky, snowy)
example 1 1st: strong muscle → e.g. Mt. goats climb × jump × fail → food in Mt.
snow …rocky cliffs
example 2 2nd: special feet → e.g. Bighorn sheep → hoofs with special pads &
sharp edges → stand firmly & × skid

新托福口语真经 3


topic In the lecture, the professor talks about two features that animals
living in mountain area need to have.
当然同学们也可以考虑这样开头 :
According to the lecture, mountain areas are dangerous for living creatures,
because they are steep, rocky, and snowy. Therefore, mountain animals have
formed two features to adapt to the harsh environment.
example 1 The first feature is a strong muscle structure. For example, mountain
goats have a unique and strong muscle structure which helps them climb
and jump without falling down when they search for food in mountain
areas where a lot of snow covered rocky cliffs.
example 2 Then professor mentions another feature, the special feet. For
example, Bighorn sheep have developed hoofs with special pads and
sharp edges in order to keep them standing firmly and form skidding on
the rocks when they are moving on slippery cliffs.


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