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2 Airport Planning
1. Planning consideration
2. Forecasting for planning
3. Airport site selection
4. Airside and land side development
5. Environment and aviation activities
6. Land-use planning

September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 1

Planning consideration

• Airport system

September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 2

Incheon International Airport / S. Korea
• Preparation of a response to some possible future events
• Types of planning
- Top-down : directive activity from top authorities(typically government officials)
- Bottom-up : visionary activity from local authorities(without consulting other airports)

Master Plan
• Planner's conception of the ultimate development of a specific airport [ICAO]
• Master plan focuses on an architectural/engineering development at a single airport.
- Ultimate vision, current view of the possible long-term future (e.g. 20 years ahead)
- Development of physical facilities (e.g. passenger building, runways, etc.)
- Specific airports, not a regional or national aviation system

Airport Systems
• Geographically :
- Regional networks, linking smaller airports with a regional or national center
- Metropolitan multi-airport systems, serving a single metropolitan area
- National networks, linking the major cities of a country
- International/Intercontinental networks, connecting countries with each other
• Functionally :
- Integrated cargo networks, constituted by major cargo integrators which give traffic to
- Low-cost networks, served by airlines which serve secondary airports
• An airport is part of several systems of airports simultaneously.

Airport Master Plan
 In the past airport master plan is prepared on the basis of
local aviation needs.
 Now it is prepared considering the airport system plan of
region, state or country.
MP studies related to:
Facility planning, financial planning, traffic and markets,
economics, and the environment and performed at one of
three levels:
1. An airport system plan is a representation of the
aviation facilities required to meet the immediate and
future needs of a metropolitan area, region, state, or
2. An airport master plan is a concept of the ultimate
development of a specific airport.
3. A project plan focuses on a specific element of the airport master
plan which is to be implemented in the short term.
• Airport System plan
1. presents the recommendations for the general location and
characteristics of new airports and heliports and the nature of
expansion for existing ones to meet forecasts of aggregate demand.
2. It identifies the aviation role of existing and recommended new
airports and facilities.
3. It includes the timing and estimated costs of development and
relates airport system planning to the policy and objectives of the
relevant jurisdiction.
4. Its overall purpose is to determine the extent, type, nature,
location, and timing of airport development needed to establish a
viable, balanced, and integrated system of airports.

September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 7

Airport Master Planning
General considerations
A. An airport master plan is a guide for:
• Development of physical facilities at the airport.
• Development of land uses for areas surrounding the airport
• Determination of environmental effects of Aerodrome
construction and operation.
• Establishment of airport access requirements.
B. Among other things, an aerodrome master plan is used
• Provide short- and long-range policy/decision guidance
• Identify potential problems as well as opportunities assist in
securing financial aid.
• Manage aerodrome authority/concessionaire interests.
Airport Project Plan
• focuses on a specific element of the airport
master plan
– may include such items as the addition of a new
runway, the modification of existing of runways,
– the provision of taxiways or taxiway exits, the
addition of gates,
– the addition to or the renovation of terminal
building facilities, or the modification of ground
access facilities

September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 9

Information required for Planning
1. facility planning,
2. financial planning,
3. traffic and markets,
4. economics, and
5. the environment studies.

September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 10

Site selection for airports
• The quantity and type of traffic to be handled
now and future
• The type of aircraft which will use the airport and
their characteristics.
• The type of airport, its size and shape, and
general requirements of terminal and other
facilities (such as number and length of runways,
number of gates, size of aprons and overall land
area required)
• The type of operational controls used.
Airport Engineering |satya ram duwal 11
Steps in site selection
• Requirement of land area
• Evaluation of factors affecting airport location
• Preliminary office study of possible site
• Site inspection
• Environmental study
• Review of potential sites.
• Preparation of outline plans and estimate costs
and revenues.
• Final evaluation and selection
• Report and recommendation
Airport Engineering |satya ram duwal 12
Factors affecting airport site selection
• Consistency with Regional plan
• Operational capability
• Airport use
• Proximity to other airport: minimum spacing between two
• Ground accessibility: should not exceed 30 minute drive from city.
• Topography: hill top is most suitable
• Visibility: free from fog, smoke haze etc.
• Wind
• Noise
• Grading, drainage and soil characteristics
• Future development
• economic considerations
Airport Engineering |satya ram duwal 13
Financing in Planning
• Sources of capital for airport development include:
• governmental or international organization loans and
• commercial loans from financial institutions,
commercial loans from financial institutions,
• equity or debt (typically, bond equity or debt
(typically, bonds) from commercial capital market,
including s, including private investors, banks the
extension of credit from contractors and suppliers.

September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 14 Forcasting

September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 15

Inventory and forecasting
• The airline industry, Two parameters that are often
forecast in the marketplace are aircraft movements
and passenger volumes.
1. Forecasted aircraft movement statistics are used to
assess the need for runway, taxiway, and apron space
as well as the need for air traffic control systems and
2. Similarly, forecasts of passenger volume are
translated into level of service requirements for an
airline and capacity issues associated with aircraft
and terminal buildings.
September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 16
Level of Forecasting
1. Microforecast examines the expected demand at
local airports and identifies the necessary
development of the airside, landside, and
terminal facilities to provide adequate levels of
2. Microforecasts deal with the activity at
individual airports or on individual routes.
3. In microforecasting, there are quite a few
variables of significance (number of originations, passenger
origin-destination traffic, number of enplaned passengers, and number of aircraft
operations by air carrier and general aviation aircraft )

September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 17

• forecasts of the total aviation activity in a large
region such as a country, state, or metropolitan
• Typical macroforecasts are made for such
variables as the total revenue passenger miles,
total enplaned passengers, and number of
aircraft operations, aircraft in the fleet, and
licensed pilots in the country.
• the entire system of airports is examined relative to
the geographic, economic, industrial, and growth
characteristics of a region to determine the location
and20 nature of airport
September needs
ICAO Annex in Course
14 Training a region. 18
Factor affecting Traffic Growth
• The volume and peaking characteristics
of passengers, aircraft, vehicles, and cargo
• The number and types of aircraft needed
to serve the above traffic
• The number of based general aviation
aircraft and the number of movements
• The performance and operating
characteristics of ground access systems
September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 19
Predicting air travel demand
• It is necessary for the planning of future air
traffic requirements. Based on the estimate
various component parts of the airport are
planned. Following items of air traffic are
needed to estimate:
– Annual passenger volume
– Annual volume of air traffic
– Peak day or peak hour volume of passenger or air
– Air cargo
– Air Mail Airport Engineering |satya ram duwal 20
• भवु न िवमान थलको सेवा सध ु ारमा यस वष भइरहेका मु य काम
– काठमाड बाट मख ु आ त रक िवमान थलमा जाने साना जहाजको उडान िन सािहत गद जाने र उप यका बािहरका
िवमान थलबाट दगु म े मा हने उडानलाई ो साहन गन नीित िलइएको छ । यस नीित अनसु ार, रामेछाप िवमान थलबाट
लु लामा उडान भइरहेको छ ।
– या ु ओसार–पसारका लािग नेपाल एयरलाइ सले २ वटा भीआईपी फ ट लास कोच स चालनमा याएको छ । ४
वटा यासे जर बस नेपाल आउने ममा छन् ।
– अिहले ४ सय वटा सीसी यामराबाट िवमान थलको िनगरानी ह छ । थप १ सय सीसी यामरा जडानका ममा रहेका
छन् ।
– सबै ट्या सी तथा पयटक य सवारी साधनमा जीपीएस णाली रा ने यव था काया वयनका ममा छ ।
– िवमान थलमा रहेको मनी ए सचे ज अगािड २४ सै घ टा सटही दर देिखने गरी िव तु ीय सचू ना बोड रािखएको छ ।
– िवमान थलिभ का पसलमा बे ने सामानको मू य िनधारण गन ि या जारी छ ।
– ड्यटु ी पसलका लािग कायिविध बनाएर काया वयनको ि या अगािड बढेको छ ।
– बिु टक एयरपोटको अवधारणा अनसु ार पवू ाधार िनमाण भइरहेको छ ।
– परु ानो पािकङ थलमा आकषक बगचा िनमाणको काम जारी छ ।
– पािकङ थलमा माट पािकङ लागू ग रँ दै छ ।
– िवमान थलमा रहेका भ ा िव ापन हटाउने, थप िव ापन रा न अनमु ित निदने र नयाँ िव ापनमा ५० ितशत राि य
स पदा रा नपु न नीित काया वयनमा याइएको छ ।
– िवमान थलको आगमनबाट पािकङस म वचािलत यालेटर िनमाण र स चालन योजना छ ।
– ाि जट या क ु ा लािग सिु वधा स प न लाउ जको यव थाका लािग िनमाण जारी छ ।
– िवमान थलमा शव याउने छु ै माग र मतृ कका आफ तका लािग फरक ती ालयको िनमाण गन काम भइरहेको छ ।
September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 21
End of Chapter 1.

September 20 ICAO Annex 14 Training Course 22

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