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 As future mentors, what are the importance of Creating and Utilizing

Rubric/s in teaching and learning? Explain. (5 points)

As a future mentors rubrics is necessary thing to evaluate students
performance and see how will they perform task or project. Having a rubric
inside of the classroom is also having a fair grading or evaluation for them
because without rubrics you don’t have any basis to grade students equally.
The importance of rubrics for both teacher and student are teacher create
this to know how they will score or grades the students performance and for
the students they need to know it to have a creative mind and to meet the
expectation of the teacher.

 What are the Stages in ePortfolio Development as defined by Helen

Barrett? Explain. (5 points)
* Stage 1 Define context and goals
- this stage you need to know what is your content about or what
goals do you want to achieve in this ePortfolio. For example your content
is for your photo shoot or artwork.
* Stage 2 Collect artifacts and design
- after you know your content you will need to collect the things
you need to put on your portfolio and also design it according to the
theme or content of your ePortfolio.
* Stage 3 Select specific artifacts and reflect
- In this stage after you collect all your artifacts you need to select
specific from it. You will choose the best from your collection and you will
create a reflection of it. For example in your photo shoot or artwork you
will say that this is the memorable picture or work of me because it’s
shows the real me and my personality.
* Stage 4 Organize artifacts and finalize portfolio
- After you select from it. Now you need to organized and finalized
your eportfolio it is according to your want for example again you want to
arrange it from the good or bad photos to best photos or you will put label
for each for easily find it and easy to remember.
* Stage 5 Package portfolio and present to appropriate audience
- Lastly, you need to package your portfolio to be look presentable
for the audience it will have a plus point to audience if you present and do
it in a presentable way. It shows how you do and your personality.
 One of the characteristics in selecting appropriate assessment tools is, it should
be Cost effective in terms of effort, time and money. Why? Explain. (5
In assessment tools It should be cost effective in terms of effort, time
and money because you need to create a assessment in a creative way
where you exert more effort to it. You need to think over and over again in
making an assessment to your students because you need also to consider
the knowledge of the students. In making assessment it’s takes a time and
money it is not very easy to do it you will have a lot of revision of it and you
need to check it. Assessment will be not done in just one sit you need a
couple of days to make it and to create this in a best ways.

 How would you differentiate Analytic from holistic rubric? Give examples. Explain.
(5 points)
Analytic rubrics is a rubric where you will have a specific feedback or
expectation to your students. For example is Application of dance you will
indicate how the students execute the steps or how they master the routine,
how synchronize they are. While holistic rubric is a rubric where you provide
a single score based. In this rubric you will not have basis how will you grade
the students not like analytic because holistic rubric shows only the content
of the rubrics for example culmination activity they only have a criteria of
Mastery of dance 25% , creativity 10% originality 15%.
 What are the reasons why the teacher should give learning activities that are
intentional, meaningful and useful.? Explain. (5 points)
As a teacher we need to give learning activities that are intentional,
meaningful and useful to showcase their capability , creativity and ability in
doing activities. It is also important to see the relation and relevant of
activities to the feeling of the students if it is intentional you will see the
willingness of the student to learn. You need to have a meaningful activities
to inspire student and give them motivation in learning and also useful
activities to prepare them in the reality word and according to student use it
for their future.
 What are the 3 reasons why Do We Assess? Explain. (5 points)
The three reasons why do we assess is to Improve to Inform to Prove.
assess to improve student performance because when we assess we evaluate
their performance to see where the students weaknesses and strength and
also to monitor the learners learning all throughout. Assess to Inform
students how they work great and creative or inform where they need to
work a little bit of their weaknesses and enhance what they are capable to do.
Last to prove to them that they are continuing improving and growing and
prove that they are learning.
 What are the components 21st Century Assessment? (5 points)
These are the components of 21st century assessment, Utilizing
multiple measures of assessment, Increases the use of technology, Focus on
the growth and development of the learner, Differentiating the roles and
responsibilities of the teachers, administrators and other stakeholders.
Assessment nowadays is enhance by technology. Technology also can use to
easily monitor or assess students performance. It’s helps teacher to save
time if they using technology as a tool to assess students. Like now that we
are in online class technology always improving to support students
education right now they show variety of strategies on how will teacher helps
students or assess students using technology.
 Effective assessment requires that the procedures must be fair to everyone.
Explain the effect of this. (5 points)
Assessment must be fair to everyone we as a future educator we have
a lot of students to deal with but it’s not a excuse to not be fair. Being fair as
a teacher in doing an assessment gives you a good feedback because
students will see how they progress or not. We must fair to everyone because
students will not have a motivation to learn because of the unfairness of the
teacher. Also students will be aggressive and be competitive in case of being
helpful for other students and make a boundary for all the students. And last
it will effect students performance inside of the classroom it will lead to hate
they classmate or teacher.

From the lesson on Innovative Technologies for Assessment Tasks

in Teaching and Learning, I comprehended that…
Teachers need to be aware of what they are doing especially in
monitoring and assessing the students performance because the students
will depend on the teacher evaluation where students need to improve or
enhance. Teacher need to assess student not only to monitor their
performance but also to show how affective the teacher are inside of the
classroom because the students performance will reflect to the teacher.
In this lesson I also learn that in education system we need to be fair in
every situation because they also something to do with our personality if
we are not fair to everyone it shows that we have a favoritism. As a
teacher we need to avoid this kind of attitude because it’s not good in
student’s eye. If we are not fair we teach our student to be insecure and
to jealous to one another. We need to treat the fairly to shows that they
are different from one another. I also learn that rubrics is a good idea to
evaluate students and give students a fair judgement or grade.
 Basic steps in designing rubric (5 points)
 Identify a learning goal
 Choose outcomes that may be measured with a rubric
 Develop or adopt am existing rubric
 Share it with students
 Assess/Grade
 Analyze and report

 Types of ePortfolios: (5 points)
 Evaluation/Assessment ePortfolios
 Learning ePortfolios
 Ideal portfolio
 Documentation portfolio
 Showcase/professional ePortfolios

 Considerations in choosing appropriate assessment tools: (3 points)

 Goals of assessment
 Methods of assessment (direct or indirect)
 Interval in giving assessment
The teacher may either be utilizing direct or indirect methods of assessment.

 Important reasons for teachers to use technology in education according to

Samak (5 points)
 Motivation
 Distinctive instructional abilities
 Higher productivity of teachers
 Essential skills for information age
 Support for new teaching techniques

 Major advantages of Online Examination: (4 points)

 Time management
 Accessibility and flexibility
 Statistical analysis
 Save cost

 Types of assessment (4 points)

 Formative Assessment
 Summative Assessments
 Diagnostic Assessment
 Authentic Assessment

 Types of Rubrics (2 points)

 Holistic rubric
 Analytic rubric

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