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1)Talking about parents who discuss children’s custody is a

very serious matter and if any kind of silly decision is
taken it can ruin the child’s whole future. First of all we
need to understand that a child needs both father and
mother’s love and support to grow in life as both plays
different role and teach different things to child like
father motivates the child to face fear, how to interact
with others etcetera, whereas mother takes care of child
as no one else can. She is the one who gives love and
teaches how to be a good person in life. Therefore,
 Better is trying to resolve the conflict of father and
mother that becomes the reason of the deciding
custody of child.
 If they cannot resolve, then consent of the child
should be taken if he is more then 12-14 years old.
 Prioritizing the future of the child, parents should
come with that type of agreement that will be the
best and which can save children from suffering
mental illness.
 It is really sensitive measure as emotions of both
father and mother are attached to the child.
Therefore, if one takes the custody, another should
also be involved in taking care of child. For example
father will be responsible for dropping the child at
home and mother having the custody. In this way, no
one misses anyone either child to parent or parent to
child and all will remain attached.
2)It is a sad reality of today that many children today forget
to respect their parents and take care of them. This kind of
children or siblings finds their parents to be a burden on
them and always want to find a way to get rid of them. If
mother or father gets sick, every son or daughter wants
that other should take care and always do conflicts.
Parents get so sad and get totally broken from inside and
keeps crying but child can’t see that.
 In this case the most parents save their WILL and put
conditions for kids that the kid who will take care of
them the will be give property to him after death
which according to us is not more than a business
deal. To our mind this should not be done by parents.
 Kids should take care of their parents instead of
seeking their property.
 In such cases parents should try making them
understand if they don’t understand they may face the
same situation in their old ages. It is not a easy ask to
convince them, but trying is the only possible way.
 There should be equal responsibility of all kids, not
one particular.
3)This is the most common scenario in the modern epoch
that Sometimes kids do bad behavior and when parents
scold they argue with them saying you don’t know
anything everyone does that so parents ignore or they have
to as such situation may lead serious misunderstandings.
 Parents should take care of their child’s behavior as
child gets influenced easily by things they see. It is
parent’s responsibility to monitor every activity of
child and teach them what is wrong and what’s right in
the early age.
 Talking very calmly and politely can be very helpful in
every case and in this case too.
 Parents need to show relevant practical examples to
children what is wrong or right.
 Behavior is natural formal and tends to change
according to the environment, so maintaining a good
environment at home is crying need.
4)It is now a common scenario of people arguing with
neighbors because of the noise they produced either by
some music system or yelling .Sometimes it can be seen that
these types of arguments leads to serious conflicts, but some
preventive measures can be applied to resolve them.
 The victim means that has the problem with the noise
neighbor makes can directly go to that person for telling
his problem that how the sound disturbs him and how
he/she feels at that time rather than yelling at that
person. Generally this measure provides solution as
people tend to understand the feelings when the
problem is discussed with them openly in a polite way.
 Another thing they can do is to set the schedule when
neighbor or anyone can play sound. The victim can
provide timing when he/she leaves the home usually.
Both parties should agree with that and will be happy.
 If the second person is not even ready to listen your
problem, then complaining is the final solution but it
should be avoided until it becomes necessary.
5) Today, parking space problem is also a concern. It is
because the increment of population and hence vehicles. It is
often a problem that people tend to argue about parking
slot. Actually, most of the times, they do not know who
arrives first, but just argue. Second thing is that it should not
be the phenomenon that the person arrives first can part at
that spot.
 Firstly, both the individuals should remain calm and think
to find the solution. One solution might be giving priority
to the person who has urgent work and cannot wait and
the other one can wait until he finds the parking space or
find another parking lot.
 The above measure can be applied only in some cases as
most of us now remain busy and have urgent works. If no
one agrees, there can be toss of the coin .Both the parties
should try to turn the situation funny which definitely end
up with solution.

6) Landlord or landlady is the owner of the house, so if

she does not like dogs in his house, she can deny totally
and it is justifiable. But, often tenant who is living in that
house can argue with the landlady to give permission.
Some solutions might be
 One measure is to offer extra rent for allowing having
 Also, tenant can talk to landlord very politely and for
knowing why she does not like to have pets, and can
change his ideology by giving some examples of
honesty and goodness of dog.
 If the tenant is obsessed to have a dog in the rented

house, it’s better to find another house, if possible,

and whose landlord allows having pets.

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