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Journal Week 11

Elizabeth Kiger

KINS 4306: Public Health Internship

Georgia College & State University

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On Monday, 7/19/21, I worked from 8 am- 4 pm (8 hours). I began my day by doing my

A3 presentation which was the project I have been working on this whole summer for the

diagnostic radiology and MRI teams. This presentation went well and the audience was very

interactive which I enjoyed. My supervisor, the imaging director, and I were all able to answer

the questions and collaborate on each other’s answers. I then watched my fellow intern, Isabel,

also present her A3 which was very interesting to watch. After the presentations I worked with

Isabel to identify people using the directory that can edit certain pages on the hospital’s guide

since it has not been updated for a few years. After determining which person was most fitting to

edit the certain pages Isabel then emailed them asking them to update the pages. The guide also

had a TV guide not up to date in it, so Isabel and I had to go to a TV and make sure the channels

were listed correctly.

On Tuesday, 7/20/21, I worked from 8 am- 4 pm (8 hours). I spent my day doing

discharge calls. My supervisor first had to go through the lists because she said there were a few

patients that were discharged that she did not want me speaking to. These patients were ones

who had some issues during their admission that my supervisor had already spoken with. Once

the list was examined and cleaned it up, she sent it over to me. I was not able to complete them

all within this day because there were so many.

On Wednesday 7/21/21, I worked from 8 am- 4 pm (8 hours). Again, on this day I

worked on discharge calls. These calls took me all day to complete because there were many

issues patients faced. Most of the issues involved some discharge questions and there were a

minimal number of patients who had bad experiences with the staff and facility. I enjoyed

working on the calls today because I enjoy helping people with their questions because I know I

am making an impact. When a patient shares a horrible experience, they had there is not
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much I can do to resolve the issue except take note of their experience and pass it along to the

staff of that floor where the patient had their issue.

On Thursday, 7/22/21, I worked from 8 am - 4 pm (8 hours). I spent my day today

working on discharge calls. The calls went relatively smooth today and I did not face many

issues. I also got my supervisor to review my resume before I start sending it out for job

applications. I was extremely grateful for her help with this because she is a great writer.

On Friday,7/23/21, I worked from 8 am - 4 pm (8 hours). I spent my day on this day

again working on discharge calls. I enjoyed doing the discharge calls this week as there were not

too many difficult issues address. As my time is beginning to come to an end at my internship, I

am sad to go. I have really enjoyed the work I have done here and the people I have worked with.

I believe I have made an impact on both the hospital and the patient’s experience during their

time in our facility as well when they leave.

Monday (7/19/21): 8:00 am – 4 pm; 8 hours

Tuesday (7/20/2021): 8: 00 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours
Wednesday (7/21/2021): 8: 00 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours
Thursday (7/22/2021): 8:00 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours
Friday (7/23/2021): 8:00 am -4:00pm; 8 hours
Weekly Hours: 40
Total Hours to date: 425

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