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Reflection paper 2 (Final Part)

Topic: Rizal as a Writer/Novelist. (Cite your sources)

Name: Aaron Raphael M Ramos , Kenric Tan

A. Table Completion: Fill up the following with the information called for. The analysis is based on Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

Two (Socio-political issues tackled/shown by the novel) Relevance today: Does the issue still persists? If yes explain how and
Novel Explain how it was shown. Cite character/s and their give one (1) example. If no, justify by comparing the society then and
symbolisms/representation. (3 points each issue) now. (3 points each answer)
Issue 1: Priests or friars are very greedy and very abusive with their power and This issues does not prevail anymore. The priests in the past and in the
ability to control people. iThe same report cites that the members of the church present is very different . Because priests in the present time does not
have the ability to control the society or the government. Not like
were very abusive in terms of power . Padre Damaso is the representation of this
during the time were the Spanish Government took control over our
Noli Me Tangere Since resembles the character of a priest who is very abusive with his powers government. Also priests in our current time shows a better religious
(RAMOS) since he is a friar. Which during those days gives you power. figure than the Spanish priests.

Social climbing still exist in the present day. This issue exist since I
Issue 2: Social climbing Filipino Spaniards. The same cite reports that there personally have experienced social climbing . I experienced it during
senior high school when me and my old friends added a new member
are filipinos as well as Spaniards who are very active in social gathering to to our group of friends. After we accepted him to the group I observed
develop their social status. The resembles the character of Doña Victorina and that he always goes with the people who are popular or praised in
class so that he well be popular too. That’s the reason why I can tell
his husband Don Tiburcio.Which always associate themselves to well-known that social climbing still exist .
people to develop their own social status.

El Filibusterismo Issue 1

Issue 2
B. Sharing:
Choose only one among the three: Share a book, novel or a movie that made a big impact to you. Explain clearly with examples how did it contributed to you and how can it
be connected with Rizal’s novels. (6 points)
Mañebog, Jensen DG. “The El Filibusterismo.” OurHappySchool, 27 July 2013,

Mañebog, Jensen DG. “The El Filibusterismo.” OurHappySchool, 27 July 2013,

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