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a. Common Ion effect – The chemical phenomenon that occurs when a weak
acid solution and a strong electrolyte containing a common anion are placed
together in the same solution, where the weak acid ionizes less than it
would if it were alone in the solution.
b. Buffer solution – A highly concentrated solution of a weak acid base pairs
that resists drastic changes in pH when small amoun ts of strong acids or
strong bases are added to the solution.
c. Lewis acid – A substance that can accept an electron pair for bondin g.
d. Polar Bond – A bond that occurs between two atoms with different
electronegativities where the bonding electrons are pulled strongly towards
the atomic nucleus of the element with a stronger electronegativity. That
results in a slight positive charge fo r the atom with less electronegative pull
and a slight negative charge for atom with a greater electronegative pull.
e. An electrolyte is an aqueous solution that contains fully or partially
dissociated atomic ions .
f. A Bronsted-Lowry base is a substance that a ccepts protons.
g. Coordination number - The number of adjacent atoms in a crystal structure
to which an atom is directly bonded. In a complex, the coordination number
of the metal ion is the number of atoms bonded to the metal ion
h. A polyprotic acid is a subst ance that can ionize more than one hydrogen
ion/ proton.
i. The process in which like molecules react with each other to make ions. A
common example is the autoionization of water where water molecules
react with one another to form hydroxide anions and hydronium cations.
j. An Ionic compound is a chemical compound that is formed by the
combination of two oppositely charged ions
k. Hydrogen Bonding - Bonding that results from intermolecular attractions
between molecules containing hydrogen bonded to an electronegative
a. Salts that contain cations of strong bases and anions of weak acids produce
acidic solutions.
b. Many substances tha t function as acids or bases contain the H−O−X
grouping. Molecules in which the O−X bond is ionic, behave as bases.
c. Complex ions consist of a metal ion with attached ligands, which are Lewis
d. A mixture of ions can be separated by selective precipitation. T he ions are
first separated into groups by adding (H2S(aq), then HCl(aq ), then
NaOH(aq), and finally Na 2 CO3(aq).
e. The most efficie nt buffering occurs when the [ 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒]/[𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑑] ratio is close to
a. Mg(OH) 2 (s) ↔ Mg 2 + (aq) + 2OH - (aq)
b. Mg 2 + (aq) + 2NH 3 (aq) + 2H 2 O(l) ↔ Mg (OH) 2 (s) + 2NH 4 + (aq)
When ammonia is added to the solution, it curbs the dissociat ion of Magnesium
Hydroxide and favors the precipitation of Magnesium hydroxide. Equilibrium of
the initial reaction shifts to the left.
c. Mg(OH) 2 (s) + 2HCl(l) ↔ MgCl 2 (s) + 2H 2 O(l)
Equilibrium shifts to the right to form magnesium c hloride and water
pH pO H H+ OH- Ac id i c , b a si c ,
Ne utr a l
So lu t io n A 6. 88 7. 12 1. 32 × 10 - 7 M 7. 59 × 10 - 8 M Acidic
-11 -4
So lu t io n B 10 .9 2 3. 07 5 1. 20 × 10 M 8. 4 ×1 0 M Basic
So lu t io n C 10 .8 9 3. 11 1. 29 × 10 - 1 1 M 7. 76 × 10 - 4 M Basic
So lu t io n D 7 7 1. 0 ×1 0 - 7 M 1. 0 ×1 0 - 7 M Neutral

5. HCl → NH 4 Cl → KCN → KNO 3 → KOH

6. Percent ionization
H 2 SO 4 (aq) ↔ H + (aq) + HSO4 - (aq)

H 2 SO 4 H+ HSO 4 -
Initial concentration 1.0 0 0
Change in Concentration -x +x +x
Equilibrium concentration 1-x x x

(H+ )(HSO4 − )
Ka = (H2 SO4 )

= 1.0×10 3

X= 0.99 M

HSO 4 - H+ SO 4 2 -
Initial concentration 0.99 0.99 0
Change in Concentration -x x x
Equilibrium concentration 0.99-x 0.99+x x
1.20×10 - 2 = (0.99−X)

X = 0.010 M

(H+ )
Percentage Ionization = ×100
Original Concentration

Percentage Ionization = × 100

Percentage Ionization = 1%

HSO 4 - H+ SO 4 2 -
Initial concentration 0.99 0.99 0
Change in Concentration -X X 0
Equilibrium concentration 0.99-X 0.99+X X

7. NaF(s) ↔ Na + (aq) + F - (aq)

F - (aq) + H 2 O(l) ↔ HF +OH - (aq)
F- HF OH -
Initial concentration 0.30 0 0
Change in Concentration -X X X
Equilibrium concentration 0.30-X X X

K a = (HF)(OH − )/F -
Ka = 0.30−X

7.20×10 - 4 = x 2
X = 0.014 M
pH = -log(0.014)
pH = 1. 80

8. Solubility of silver sulphate

a. Ag 2 SO 4 ↔ 2Ag + +SO 4 2 -
K s p = (A g + ) 2 (SO 4 2 - )
1.20×10 - 5 = x 2 ∙x
∛x 3 = 3.46×10 - 3
Solubility (M) (Ag 2 SO 4 ) = 3.46×10 - 3 M

b. AgNO 3 ↔ Ag + +NO 3 -
Concentration ( Ag + ) = 0.10
Ag 2 SO 4 2Ag + SO 4 2
Initial concentration x 0.10 0
Change in Concentration -x x x
Equilibrium concentration 0 x + 0.10 x

K s p = (A g + ) 2 (SO 4 2 - )
1.20×10 - 5 = (x+0.1) 2 (x)
X ≈ 0 therefore; 1.20 ×10 - 5 = (0.1) 2 (x)
X = 1.20×10 - 3
Solubility (M) (Ag 2 SO 4 ) in 0.01 M of AgNO 3 = 1.20×10 - 3 M

c. K 2 SO 4 ↔ 2K + + SO 4 2 -
Concentration of ( SO 4 2 - ) = 0.20 M

Ag 2 SO 4 2Ag + SO 4 2
Initial concentration x 0 0.20
Change in Concentration -x x x
Equilibrium concentration 0 x x + 0.20

K s p = (A g + ) 2 (SO 4 2 - )
1.20×10 - 5 = (x) 2 (x+0.20)
X ≈ 0 therefore; 1.20×10 - 5 = (0.2) (x) 2
X 2 = 6.0×10 - 5 M
X = 7.75×10 - 3 M
Solubility (M) (Ag 2 SO 4 ) in 0.01 M of K 2 SO 4 = 7.75×10 - 3 M

9. pH calculations
a. pH of 0.100 M propanoic acid (Ka 1.3  10-5)

C 3 H 5 OOH H+ C 3 H 5 OO -
Initial 0.10 0 0
∆ Concentration -X X X
Equilibrium 0.10-X X X

K a = (H + ) (C 3 H 5 OO - )/(C 3 H 5 OOH)
1.3×10 - 5 = 0.1−𝑋

X = 1.14×10 - 3
pH = -log(H + )
pH = -log (1.14×10 - 3 )
pH = 2.94
b. C 3 H 5 OO - ↔ C 3 H 5 OOH + OH -

C 3 H 5 OO - C 3 H 5 OOH OH -
Initial 0.10 0 0
∆ Concentration -x x x
Equilibrium 0.1-x x x

K a ×K b =K W
𝑘𝑤 1.0×10−14
Kb = =
𝑘𝑎 1.3×10−5

K b = 7.70×10 - 1 0
(𝐶3 𝐻5 𝑂𝑂𝐻)(𝑂𝐻)−
Kb = 𝐶3 𝐻5 𝑂𝑂 −

7.70×10 - 1 0 = 0.1−𝑥

X = 8.77×10 - 6 M
pOH = -log(8.77×10 - 6 )
pOH = 5.05
pH = 14 – pOH
pH = 14 – 5.05
pH = 8.94

c. pH of Propanoic acid and Sodium Propanoate

C 3 H 5 OOH H+ C 3 H 5 OO -
Initial 0.10 0 0.10
∆ Concentration -x x x
Equilibrium 0.1-x x 0.10+x

(𝐶3 𝐻5 𝑂𝑂𝐻)(𝑂𝐻)−
Ka = 𝐶3 𝐻5 𝑂𝑂 −

1.3×10 - 5 = 0.1−𝑥

X ≈ 0 and therefor x = 1.3×10 - 5 M

pH = -log (1.3×10 - 5 )
pH = 4.88

d. H 2 O ↔ H + +OH -
Ka×Kb = Kw
(x)(x) = 1.0×10 - 1 4
𝑥 2 = 1.0×10 - 1 4
𝑥 = 1.0 × 10−14
H + = 1.0 × 10−14 M and OH - =1.0 × 10−14 M

pH = -log(1.0×10 - 7 )

pH = 7.00
10. CH 3 COONa + H 2 O ↔ CH 3 COOH + NaOH
The solution is basic because the products of it are a weak acid and a strong base

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